At NintendoReporters, we believe that feedback from our visitors and users is extremely important. After all, we make a medium with you in mind.

In addition, we try to ensure that everything is well thought out from within ourselves. But every person is different. Everyone has his or her own preferences about how things should work.

That naturally brings a certain challenge, a challenge that we are very happy to take on!

Together with other Nintendo fans, we want to create a medium that is pleasant, useful and practical.

Give us feedback, we love it!

For that reason we give everyone, the opportunity everywhere to provide us with feedback. Whether it is an idea, a question, a problem or a thank you; it doesn’t matter. We would love to hear from you!

Because of your feedback, we can see what we could do better about on our medium. And that is oh so valuable.

Do we take action on all feedback?

Well let’s be honest, no, we need a medium that works great for the largest possible group of people.

Sometimes suggestions come up that not everyone would like.

In such cases we will always see if we cannot make it a specific option for users, so that you can choose how or what.

How do I give feedback?

Very simple, every page has a Feedback option on the right. If you click this, you will receive a form with which you can provide us with your feedback.

Good to know; You can close the form by clicking outside it, pressing ESC or of course using the cross in the upper right corner of the form itself.

We have chosen to give you the freedom to do this whenever you want without us using tracking tools that will bother you out of the blue, since we ourselves are not fans of that.

Really simple; Always feedback, wherever you are, simply because it’s possible!

Will you help us become an even better medium?