All Nintendo items of 1993

Dragon Knife

Dragon Knife

The warrior has to travel the continent to protect his people.
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Nintendo Entertainment System Releases
Fighting Hero III

Fighting Hero III

Fighting Hero III is a fighting game, created by NTDEC and released in 1993. While ostensibly a sequel to Fighting Hero, the two games share little in common besides their genre.
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Nintendo Entertainment System Releases
Agro Soar

Agro Soar

Action game with dinosaurs, originally released in Australia. It is essentially the same game as Baby T-Rex, We’re Back: A Dinosaur’s Story and Bamse.
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Nintendo Game Boy Releases
Alien 3

Alien 3

Alien³ is video game based on the movie sequel of the same name. The plot of the movie picks up directly after the end of Aliens. Ellen Ripley, the main character of the Alien series,...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Super Nintendo Releases
Alien 3

Alien 3

The Game Boy version of Alien³ differs significantly from the console games based on the third Alien film. Unlike the more shooter-oriented action on the consoles, this title is played from a top-down perspective, with...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Nintendo Game Boy Releases


The year is 50 BC. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Well, almost entirely… One small Gaulish village continues to defy the occupying forces, the villagers protected by a magic potion which makes them...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Super Nintendo Releases


You are a teenage ant-like robot, who is going out for a date… However, you take your dad’s car and he warns you; if you make a scratch on the car, you will never drive...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Super Nintendo Releases
Best of the Best: Championship Karate

Best of the Best: Championship Karate

Best of the Best Championship Karate is a realistic fighting game. After you choose your fighter for his parameters (strength, stamina and resistance), you can choose from 55 different moves. You can now train your...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Super Nintendo Releases


BioMetal is a side-scrolling shooter game. Their are two pairs, one for lasers and the other for missiles, of three upgrades for your weapons. The war that divided the galaxy and used all it’s resources...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Super Nintendo Releases
Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind

Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind

A race of fabric-stealing aliens called “Woolies”, who have stolen the world’s yarn ball supply (especially Bubsy’s, who owns the world’s largest collection). Naturally, Bubsy does not take too kindly to the theft and sets...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Super Nintendo Releases
California Games II

California Games II

Push your courage and cool to their limits in several innovative action sports from California. Showcase your skills speeding around the skateboard track, body boarding on foaming breakers, hang gliding over the ocean and snowboarding...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Super Nintendo Releases
Alfred Chicken

Alfred Chicken

Super-Hero with a Bionic Beak! Whoa… Alfred needs your help! The Evil Meka-Chickens have raided the hen house and stolen Alfred’s chick, Floella, and all the little egg-a-roonies! Now, these turkeys say they’ll scramble the...
Fri 01-01-1993 12:00 | Nintendo Entertainment System Releases