All Nintendo items of February 2003

Blood Omen 2

Blood Omen 2

Your average game character is good-looking, good-natured and, generally, nice. And then there’s Blood Omen 2’s Kain. Ugly, evil and, er, dead, the vampire Kain was one of the first video game anti-heroes when he...
Mon 24-02-2003 12:00 | Nintendo Gamecube Releases
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc

Rayman – famous for his helicopter hair, lack of limbs and wacky adventures. And for being one of the most popular platform game stars in recent history. Now he’s back in his biggest, most impressive...
Fri 21-02-2003 12:00 | Nintendo Gamecube Releases
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…there was a Star Wars character by the name of Boba Fett. He hardly spoke a word and quickly became a Sarlacc creature’s lunch, but his...
Fri 07-02-2003 12:00 | Nintendo Gamecube Releases