All Nintendo items of February 23, 2017

Vaccine – Wii U

Vaccine – Wii U

Find a vaccine for your infected friend before the time runs out, but be aware – your friend will relapse sooner or later and you will have to find a new vaccine in a new,...
Thu 23-02-2017 12:00 | Nintendo Wii U Releases
forma.8 – Wii U

forma.8 – Wii U

Fight for survival on a surreal alien world in forma.8 for Nintendo eShop on Wii U. Meet forma.8, the eponymous little exploration probe who finds itself stranded alone on the surface of a remote planet....
Thu 23-02-2017 12:00 | Nintendo Wii U Releases


Fight for survival on a surreal alien world in forma.8 for Nintendo eShop on Wii U. Meet forma.8, the eponymous little exploration probe who finds itself stranded alone on the surface of a remote planet. With no powers,...
Thu 23-02-2017 12:00 | Nintendo Wii U Releases