All Nintendo items of June 2, 2022

Gravitar: Recharged

Gravitar: Recharged

A lone pilot, far from home, must navigate an abstract universe of uncharted planets and space stations guarded by mysterious, hostile aliens in Gravitar: Recharged. You must complete missions in each solar system, navigating a...
Thu 02-06-2022 00:00 | Nintendo Switch Releases
Lamplight City

Lamplight City

The Gateway to Vespuccia, the City of Air and Light, Lamplight City – the thriving port city of New Bretagne is a beacon of progress and industrial advancement in the New World. Yet beneath the...
Thu 02-06-2022 00:00 | Nintendo Switch Releases
Cool Animals

Cool Animals

A challenging game full of traps, but that can be overcome using the skills of our friends
Thu 02-06-2022 00:00 | Nintendo Switch Releases