Super Smash Bros Ultimate – Splatoon 2 Spirit Event announced

Super Smash Bros Ultimate – Splatoon 2 Spirit Event announced

Nintendo has announced a new spirit board event for Super Smash Bros Ultimate starting July 12.

Splatoon 2 Spirit Event

This special spirit even features spirits from the Splatoon series, and is being held in celebration of Splatoon 2‘s final splatfest. During this event, defeating the featured spirits will net players more SP than usual. Like the previous Spirit Events, this one will last for three days .

At the time of writing the featured spirits are not known yet.

About Spirit Events

The Spirit Board in Smash Bros. Ultimate periodically features special themed Spirits Events, making specific Spirits easier to encounter. Targets on the board will have an EVENT label on them.

Defeating these Spirits can earn you extra rewards such as, XP, Gold, and more. Sometimes during these events, exclusive Spirits appear that are unobtainable anywhere else in the game. Featured Legendary Ranked Spirits will remain on the Board for 1 hour instead of the usual 15-minute timeline, and appear at scheduled times.