The latest "Bun" tags

Shiren the Wanderer’s Peach Bun Mechanic and Monster Encounters

Shiren the Wanderer’s Peach Bun Mechanic and Monster Encounters

Embark on an exhilarating journey with Shiren the Wanderer as we unveil the mysteries of Serpentcoil Island. Discover the transformative power of Peach Buns and delve into the intricacies of monster encounters. Encounter formidable ninja...
Wed 21-02-2024 10:10 | Nintendo Switch News
BS Excitebike Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium

BS Excitebike Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium

Excitebike: Mario Battle Stadium is a remake/adaptation of the NES title, Excitebike. In this game, all human motorcyclists were replaced with Mario characters. As a Satellaview title, Nintendo developed the video game and released four...
Wed 05-11-1997 12:00 | Super Nintendo Releases