The latest "hinting" tags

LEGO – Mysterious Teaser hinting at a new Mario-Themed set

LEGO – Mysterious Teaser hinting at a new Mario-Themed set

LEGO might be collaborating With Nintendo as they shared a mysterious teaser that possibly shows off a new LEGO set in the works.  It is shrouded in darkness and observant Nintendo fans will probably know...
Fri 10-09-2021 10:14 | General News
[FACT] New backpack design of Banjo hinting at a possible revival?

[FACT] New backpack design of Banjo hinting at a possible revival?

A merchandising company by the name of Exquisite Gaming has decided to share a sneak peak of their upcoming Banjo Kazooie licensed figure. Heading into E3 season — #BringBackBanjo (@BringBackBanjoK) May 30, 2019 However...
Thu 06-06-2019 20:11 | Nintendo Switch Rumors