The latest "place" tags

A Place for the Unwilling

A Place for the Unwilling

A branching narrative adventure set in the final 21 days of a dying city. Every decision you make will shape your surroundings, and the city’s fate. However, the clock is ticking – and the city...
Tue 22-03-2022 00:00 | Nintendo Switch Releases
Number Place 10000

Number Place 10000

Mind Training logic puzzle “Number Place” The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with numbers without repeatedly in all row, column and 3×3 squares. 10000 questions in 4 levels of difficulty from Easy to...
Thu 03-01-2019 00:00 | Nintendo Switch Releases
Sonic Movie takes place in Green Hills

Sonic Movie takes place in Green Hills

The Sonic the Hedgehog movie is primed to be screened at various cinemas in November next year and filming is currently taking place at Pitt Lake, Vancouver. Whereabouts of Sonic Movie It appears as though the...
Tue 14-08-2018 12:39 | General News