The latest "Rates" tags

ESRB rates Apex Legends

ESRB rates Apex Legends

The ESRB rated the Battle Royale game from Respawn Entertainment and EA, Apex Legends, for the Nintendo Switch. The game was given a Teen rating from the ESRB which suggests it is due to be...
Fri 16-10-2020 17:04 | Nintendo Switch News
Mario Kart Tour – unlockable characters & kart appearance rates

Mario Kart Tour – unlockable characters & kart appearance rates

Mario Kart Tour released an Nintendo revealed all the appearance rates for all the unlockable characters and karts from the gacha-like pipe system. Appearance Rates Normal- 5% Appearance Rate Koopa Troopa Dry Bones Baby Daisy...
Fri 27-09-2019 20:05 | General News