The latest "satoruiwata" tags

Tatsumi Kimishima is stopping as president of Nintendo

Tatsumi Kimishima is stopping as president of Nintendo

After the death of Satoru Iwata in 2016, Tatsumi Kimishima became the new president of Nintendo. Kimishima will soon ignore this important role within the company. In the financial results, Nintendo announced that Kimishima will...
Sun 29-04-2018 10:37 | General News
Satoru Iwata amiibo

Satoru Iwata amiibo

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo’s former president, creator of Kirby and the savior of HAL Laboratory, after his tragic death in 2015, in our opinion,  is getting his deserved amiibo. GandaKris an artist, known for her would...
Sat 09-12-2017 21:00 | General News