The latest "Tcheco" tags

Skatemasta Tcheco

Skatemasta Tcheco

Tcheco is back for another herculean journey on his shiny new skateboard. Survive bigger and crazier auto-scrolling stages as you smash and flip over everything that tries to stop Tcheco in his tracks! From beaches...
Thu 08-10-2020 00:00 | Nintendo Switch Releases
Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio

Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio

Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio is an 8-bit, 2D platformer. It’s a challenging, non stop action experience that incentivizes quick thinking, platforming precision and memorization. Like older 8-bit games, it’s a game that’s meant...
Thu 18-06-2020 00:00 | Nintendo Switch Releases