A Ghibli-Inspired Ocarina of Time: Zelda’s Cinematic Dreams

A Ghibli-Inspired Ocarina of Time: Zelda’s Cinematic Dreams


The fan-made trailer by RwanLink has ignited the imaginations of Zelda enthusiasts worldwide. This remarkable creation, realized in Unreal Engine 5, beautifully blends the iconic Ocarina of Time with the enchanting animation style of Studio Ghibli. It has fans eagerly envisioning a future where Link’s adventures grace the big screen.

The possibilities are tantalizing. With the success of the Super Mario Bros. movie by Illumination, the prospect of a Zelda cinematic adaptation is more exciting than ever. While Nintendo has yet to make any official announcements, the fan-made Ocarina of Time trailer showcases the rich narrative potential that the Zelda series holds.

The animation style, reminiscent of Studio Ghibli’s classics, adds an undeniable charm to familiar characters. This collaboration between Nintendo and the renowned animation studio is a dream shared by many. Although Ghibli’s presence in the gaming industry is limited, Ni No Kuni: The Wrath of the White Witch stands as a testament to their artistic prowess.

For those eager to relive Ocarina of Time’s magic, the Nintendo Switch offers the game as part of the NSO + Expansion Pack subscription. Additionally, though potentially challenging to find nowadays, a 3DS remake is still available. Join us on this journey as we delve into the enchanting world of a Ghibli-inspired Ocarina of Time and explore the potential for a Zelda cinematic masterpiece.

Ghibli-Inspired Ocarina of Time

The world of Zelda and Studio Ghibli collide in a delightful fan-made trailer, leaving enthusiasts clamoring for a possible cinematic adaptation. Created by RwanLink and brought to life using Unreal Engine 5, this short video brilliantly captures the essence of Nintendo’s beloved N64 classic, Ocarina of Time, with a distinct Ghibli-inspired touch. In this article, we explore the excitement and possibilities swirling around this unique blend of gaming and animation.

RwanLink’s fan-made trailer has taken the gaming community by storm. Despite being in 3D, it skillfully emulates Studio Ghibli’s iconic character designs. Zelda fans are now immersed in a world where Link’s adventures are reimagined with the same charm that defines Ghibli’s animated classics.


Studio Ghibli’s Influence

Studio Ghibli, renowned for its enchanting storytelling and mesmerizing animation, holds a special place in the hearts of fans worldwide. The thought of Ghibli’s magic enhancing the world of Zelda is a dream come true for many. 

Ocarina of Time’s Narrative Potential

Ocarina of Time is often regarded as a quintessential Zelda game, known for its compelling narrative. The game features battles, time travel, and the epic clash against the formidable Ganondorf. We discuss how this rich plot serves as a foundation for cinematic exploration, making it an ideal candidate for a Zelda movie.

The Prospects of a Zelda Movie

While Nintendo has not made any official announcements regarding its next animated film project, the success of the Super Mario Bros. movie has sparked anticipation. 

Captivating Ghibli-Style Animation

The animation style reminiscent of Studio Ghibli adds an enchanting quality to familiar Zelda characters. Fans yearn for a collaboration between Nintendo and Ghibli, despite the latter’s limited presence in the gaming industry. We draw parallels to Ghibli’s RPG venture, Ni No Kuni: The Wrath of the White Witch, as a testament to their artistic prowess.

For those eager to revisit Ocarina of Time, options are available. The Nintendo Switch offers the game as part of the NSO + Expansion Pack subscription, allowing players to immerse themselves in Link’s adventures once more. Additionally, although it may be challenging to find nowadays, a 3DS remake is still accessible to fans.

Exploring Link’s Adventures

Link’s adventures in Ocarina of Time are nothing short of legendary. We delve into the game’s iconic moments, memorable characters, and the challenges that await players as they step into the hero’s boots.

Battles and Challenges

The world of Hyrule is filled with battles and challenges, each more epic than the last. From facing off against the vile creatures of the land to confronting Ganondorf in a climactic showdown, Ocarina of Time offers an unforgettable gaming experience.

Ganondorf, the formidable antagonist of Ocarina of Time, is a force to be reckoned with. We discuss the epic confrontation between Link and Ganondorf, a pivotal moment in the game’s narrative.

While Studio Ghibli’s presence in the gaming industry is limited, their influence is undeniable. We take a closer look at their RPG venture, Ni No Kuni: The Wrath of the White Witch, and how it showcases Ghibli’s artistic prowess in the gaming world.


In conclusion, the fan-made trailer that merges Zelda’s Ocarina of Time with Studio Ghibli’s magic has sparked immense excitement. While the prospect of an official Zelda movie remains uncertain, the potential for such a cinematic masterpiece is undeniable. Whether you’re a dedicated Zelda fan or simply someone enchanted by the idea of Ghibli’s touch in gaming, this convergence of two beloved worlds is a captivating concept.

  • 1. Is the fan-made trailer an official project?
    • No, the fan-made trailer created by RwanLink is not an official project by Nintendo or Studio Ghibli. It’s a passionate fan creation.
  • 2. Has Nintendo announced a Zelda movie?
    • Nintendo has not made any official announcements about a Zelda movie. The idea of a Zelda cinematic adaptation is a topic of fan speculation.
  • 3. Where can I watch the fan-made trailer?
    • You can watch RwanLink’s fan-made trailer on platforms like YouTube, where it has garnered significant attention from the Zelda community.
  • 4. Is the 3DS remake of Ocarina of Time still available?
    • While it may be challenging to find physical copies, the 3DS remake of Ocarina of Time is still available digitally on the Nintendo eShop for those who want to experience it.
  • 5. Does Studio Ghibli have a history in gaming?
    • While Studio Ghibli is primarily known for its animation, they were involved in the creation of the RPG game Ni No Kuni: The Wrath of the White Witch, showcasing their artistic talent in the gaming world.