Celebrating Gaming Icons: World Video Game Hall of Fame 2023 Finalists Revealed

Celebrating Gaming Icons: World Video Game Hall of Fame 2023 Finalists Revealed

The World Video Game Hall of Fame has announced the finalists for 2023, showcasing legendary video games that have shaped the industry.

Let us explore the importance of the Hall of Fame, the selection process, and the impact these iconic games have had on the gaming world. Additionally, we’ll take a closer look at the 2023 finalists and discuss their achievements, as well as previous inductees and their influence on future generations.

Brief history of the World Video Game Hall of Fame

The World Video Game Hall of Fame was established in 2015 to honor and celebrate the most influential video games of all time. Located within The Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York, the Hall of Fame recognizes games that have had a significant impact on the gaming industry, popular culture, and society as a whole.

By preserving and showcasing the most iconic video games, the Hall of Fame contributes to the appreciation and understanding of the gaming industry’s history, evolution, and achievements. It also serves as a source of inspiration for game developers and players alike, encouraging innovation and creativity in the ever-evolving world of gaming.

The Selection Process and Criteria

Each year, the public is invited to nominate games for the Hall of Fame. An internal advisory committee of experts reviews the nominations and narrows the list down to a group of finalists. The final inductees are then chosen by a panel of international journalists, scholars, and other gaming experts.

Games considered for the Hall of Fame must meet specific criteria: icon-status, longevity, geographical reach, and influence. Icon-status refers to the game’s recognition and popularity, while longevity ensures that the game has remained relevant over time. Geographical reach evaluates the game’s availability and popularity across different regions, and influence examines the game’s impact on the gaming industry and beyond.

The 2023 Finalists

The 2023 World Video Game Hall of Fame finalists represent a diverse array of genres, platforms, and eras. Each game has made a lasting impact on the gaming world, pushing the boundaries of innovation, storytelling, and gameplay. From groundbreaking graphics and memorable characters to captivating narratives and engaging gameplay mechanics, these finalists have left their mark on the gaming community and inspired countless developers and players.

Their impact on the gaming world

The finalists’ contributions to the gaming world are evident in various ways, such as shaping industry trends, creating new genres, and influencing the design and development of subsequent games. Through their achievements, these games have demonstrated the power of video games as a form of entertainment, art, and cultural expression.

Previous Inductees and Their Achievements

Since its inception, the World Video Game Hall of Fame has inducted numerous iconic games that have defined and redefined the gaming landscape. Previous inductees include “Pong,” “Super Mario Bros.,” “The Legend of Zelda,” “Doom,” “The Sims,” “World of Warcraft,” and “Minecraft,” among others. These games are not only revered for their entertainment value but also for their groundbreaking innovations and lasting influence on the gaming world.

The games inducted into the Hall of Fame have left an indelible mark on the gaming industry, shaping its evolution and setting new standards for future generations of games. Their enduring legacy can be seen in the countless titles that have followed in their footsteps, drawing inspiration from their creativity, innovation, and cultural impact.

Influence of Inducted Games on Future Generations

The games honored by the World Video Game Hall of Fame have played a crucial role in shaping the gaming industry as we know it today.

By breaking barriers, introducing new concepts, and pushing the limits of technology, these games have inspired generations of developers to think outside the box and create increasingly immersive and engaging experiences for players. The ripple effect of these games is felt across the industry, with many elements becoming standard features in subsequent titles.

Inducted games serve as a testament to the potential of video games as a medium for storytelling, art, and entertainment. They inspire game developers to strive for excellence and innovate, while players gain a deeper appreciation for the creativity, passion, and craftsmanship behind these gaming masterpieces.


The World Video Game Hall of Fame plays a vital role in honoring and preserving the history of the gaming industry, providing a platform to celebrate and recognize the achievements of iconic video games that have left an indelible mark on the world. As we look forward to the announcement of the 2023 inductees, we can take a moment to appreciate the creativity, innovation, and passion that have shaped the gaming landscape, and eagerly anticipate the future of this dynamic and ever-evolving medium.

  • Q: How can I nominate a game for the World Video Game Hall of Fame?
    • A: The public can submit nominations through the Hall of Fame’s website during the nomination period, usually at the beginning of each year.
  • Q: Are there any restrictions on the types of games that can be nominated?
    • A: All video games, regardless of their platform, genre, or age, can be nominated as long as they meet the Hall of Fame’s selection criteria.
  • Q: How many games are inducted into the Hall of Fame each year?
    • A: The number of inductees varies from year to year, typically ranging from three to six games.
  • Q: Can I visit the World Video Game Hall of Fame?
    • A: Yes, the Hall of Fame is located within The Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York, and is open to the public.
  • Q: Are there other video game museums or similar institutions around the world?
    • A: Yes, there are several other museums and institutions dedicated to video games and their history, such as the National Videogame Museum in the United States, the Computerspielemuseum in Germany, and the Game On exhibition, which has toured various international locations.