Damon Baker; I Think You’re Going To Like 2018

Damon Baker; I Think You’re Going To Like 2018

Teasers and hints from Nintendo at the start of a new year aren’t that extraordinary, and the rumors of a January Nintendo Direct have not helped matters to be honest.

Nintendo’s Damon Baker, recently tweeted to a fan that is still shocked at the indie and third-party lineup that the Nintendo Switch has gotten in 2017.

Damon’s exact words; “I think you’re going to like 2018 as well”. Considering that Baker focuses mostly on indie titles, he may be referring to that.

But are it Indies at all?

However, it is definitely not out of the question that Baker is referring to third-party support for the Nintendo Switch as well. It’s even possible that he may be referring to both. 

Even if it are (N)indies, what are you looking for in that department to spice up the Nintendo Switch?