Developers about each other game – BOTW and Odyssey

Developers about each other game – BOTW and Odyssey

The Nintendo Switch already has a pretty good arsenal of titles to it’s name in it’s first year. Two titles are obviously above the rest: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey

The two games also managed to achieve the first and second place in both the NintendoReporters Staff GOTY 2017 and the Nintendo Reporters Public GOTY 2017 .

IGN recently shared an article where Super Mario Odyssey producer Yoshiaki Koizumi was asked about his favorite part of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. IGN also asked both the director Hidemaro Fujibashi as producer Eiji Aonuma of The Legend Zelda: Breath of the Wild what was best about Super Mario Odyssey.

Developers about the other game

Fujibashi turned out to like the 2D sections in Super Mario Odyssey very much;

I think for me, the parts where you can switch from 3D to 2D, and can go in the wall that gets an old school feel. I like especially when it seems like you can’t go anywhere, but turning the walls. Super unique. It actually did make me think a bit of Zelda. That’s the kind of thing we could not do in a game like Breath of the Wild. It’s something that only works in the stranger, less realistic Mario world.

Aonuma jokingly addes:

Mario can implement so many ideas. I’m a bit jealous!

Koizumi appeared happy to be of climbing mountains in Breath of the Wild:

I think my favorite part of the game was when I finally climbed the highest mountain in the country. As I worked on Zelda games myself, I’ve always wanted to make climbable environments, but I had to promise not to do. But really, standing on the top of that mountain, that was just all very impressive. I’m attracted to mountains.

It is nice to see how certain details fall into the eye when you work on something completely different, when you get to enjoy a completely different experience.