Dragalia Lost’s Story co-written by Nintendo?

Dragalia Lost’s Story co-written by Nintendo?

Dragalia Lost is currently available on mobile if you live in North America, those of us in Europe will have to wait a bit more to play it.

The director of Dragalia Lost was recently interviewed and he gave some background information about the game’s development. Including the fact that the story was co-written with Nintendo.

Bullet points Dragalia Lost interview

  • Originally there were orchestral tracks in the OST, but they were removed
  • There will be more characters coming from Granblue Fantasy and Rage of Bahamut
  • Skyfarers (Granblue Fantasy players/enthusiasts) at Nintendo provided a lot of feedback to the team (aka “Do this like Granblue” and “Dont do this like Granblue”).
  • For example, getting rid of the MVP red chest in multiplayer was one of their suggestions.
  • The story is co-written with Nintendo
  • Would love to get an anime adaptation with ufotable sometime soon
  • The execs at Cygames are giving pressure to the Dragalia Lost team as they want Dragalia Lost to be the new face of Cygames.

Well I must admit I have not even looked into Dragalia Lost but if Nintendo helped out with the Story … then I am at least intrigued.