NIS America Showcase 2022 – September 7

NIS America Showcase 2022 – September 7

NIS America said that on September 7, 2022, at 8:00 a.m. PT and 11:00 a.m. ET, it will hold its own “NISA Showcase 2022.” In particular, there will be four “brand-new announcements” and a livestream after the showcase, among other things.


NIS America Showcase 2022

Join MC Jason Marnocha as he leads you through the NIS America showcase, where 4 new games, a few updates, and a livestream after the showcase are announced.

After the showcase is over, the livestream will start right away, so make sure to stay! The publishing team will talk about what goes on behind the scenes, and then the stream will switch to deep dives of games that are coming out soon. There will also be a lot of giveaways, including an exclusive, one-of-a-kind acrylic print with artwork from one of our newly announced games, so don’t miss it, dood!