Pokemon Company apologizes for showing Pokemon which didn’t appear in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Company apologizes for showing Pokemon which didn’t appear in Pokemon Sword and Shield

The Pokemon Company released an official apology to fans for showing Pokemon that didn’t appear in Pokemon Sword and Shield in the fourth episode of Pokemon: Twilight Wings.

The company apologized for the misunderstanding, as some fans thought the Pokemon’s appearance in the episode is a sign that it would be making a return in the Galar region.

【お詫び】WEBアニメ「薄明の翼」において、『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド』に登場していない一部のポケモンが登場しておりました。誤解を招く表現をしてしまい申し訳ございませんでした。— ポケモン公式ツイッター (@Pokemon_cojp) April 24, 2020

So more Pokemon exist…

That must mean that more Pokemon have already been created then will be featured in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Which raises the question how much of them there are. And if there are (which has been proven by Twilight Wings) does this mean Game Freak / The Pokemon Company are already working on the next generation while still having to roll out the upcoming DLC for Pokemon Sword and Shield.