Super Mario Bros. Movie Surpasses Frozen as Second Highest-Grossing Animated Film

Super Mario Bros. Movie Surpasses Frozen as Second Highest-Grossing Animated Film


The Super Mario Bros. Movie has achieved a remarkable milestone, surpassing the original Frozen to become the second highest-grossing animated film of all time. With global earnings crossing $1.288 billion, this monumental achievement comes after Frozen held the record for over a decade with $1.276 billion. Although it is unlikely to surpass its sequel, Frozen 2, which earned $1.45 billion, the success of the Super Mario Bros. Movie is undeniable. In this comprehensive overview, we delve into the incredible journey of this animated blockbuster, exploring its impact on popular culture and the reasons behind its massive success.

Second Highest-Grossing Animated Film

The Super Mario Bros. Movie has taken the world by storm, captivating audiences with its remarkable storyline, stunning animation, and beloved characters. Breaking records and earning over $1.288 billion worldwide, it has cemented its place as one of the highest-grossing animated films of all time. In this article, we explore the incredible journey of the Super Mario Bros. Movie, examining its impact on popular culture and shedding light on the factors that contributed to its overwhelming success.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie: A Cultural Phenomenon

The Super Mario Bros. franchise holds a special place in the hearts of millions around the world. The animated movie capitalizes on the nostalgia associated with these beloved characters, bringing Mario, Luigi, and their friends to life on the big screen. Through captivating storytelling and a stellar voice cast, the movie creates an immersive experience that appeals to both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

Breaking Records: Surpassing Frozen

Frozen’s Reign

For over a decade, Disney’s Frozen held the title of the highest-grossing animated film with its earnings of $1.276 billion. The enchanting tale of Elsa and Anna captured the imaginations of audiences worldwide, becoming a cultural phenomenon and spawning a successful franchise.

Super Mario Bros. Movie’s Milestone

The Super Mario Bros. Movie shattered records by surpassing Frozen’s earnings, crossing the $1.288 billion mark. This accomplishment is a testament to the enduring popularity of the Mario Bros. and the film’s ability to resonate with audiences across the globe. The movie’s success not only highlights the power of the Super Mario Bros. brand but also signifies the immense potential of animated films beyond the realm of traditional Disney productions.

Implications for the Animated Film Industry

The Super Mario Bros. Movie’s achievement has significant implications for the animated film industry as a whole. It showcases that non-Disney animated films can compete on a global scale and achieve remarkable success. This breakthrough opens doors for other franchises and studios to explore creative storytelling and expand the boundaries of animated cinema.

The Magic of Super Mario Bros.

Mario and Luigi: Enduring Icons

Since their debut in the gaming world, Mario and Luigi have become cultural icons. The Super Mario Bros. Movie brings these beloved characters to life, allowing fans to see their favorite plumbers embark on a thrilling adventure on the big screen. The enduring appeal of Mario and Luigi contributes to the movie’s immense popularity and draws audiences of all ages.

World-Building and Animation

The Super Mario Bros. Movie immerses viewers in a vibrant and imaginative world. The meticulously crafted animation breathes life into iconic locations such as the Mushroom Kingdom, giving audiences a visually stunning experience. The attention to detail and the seamless integration of CGI and traditional animation techniques contribute to the movie’s awe-inspiring visuals.

Memorable Musical Score

A captivating musical score can elevate a film to new heights, and the Super Mario Bros. Movie delivers in this aspect as well. The iconic melodies and catchy tunes from the Super Mario video games find their way into the movie, adding an extra layer of nostalgia and charm. The music becomes a character of its own, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments and resonating with fans on a deep level.

Behind the Scenes: The Making of a Blockbuster

Collaboration and Vision

Creating an animated blockbuster of this magnitude requires the collaboration of talented individuals across various disciplines. The Super Mario Bros. Movie brings together visionary directors, skilled animators, talented voice actors, and a dedicated production team. Their collective vision and commitment to excellence have resulted in a film that surpasses expectations.

Animation Techniques and Technology

The Super Mario Bros. Movie utilizes cutting-edge animation techniques and technology to bring its fantastical world to life. The integration of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and traditional animation allows for seamless transitions between the real and the surreal. The meticulous attention to detail, fluid character movements, and breathtaking action sequences showcase the advancements in animation technology.

Marketing and Promotion

A successful film relies not only on its quality but also on effective marketing and promotion. The Super Mario Bros. Movie’s marketing campaign strategically targeted both dedicated fans and a broader audience. Engaging trailers, social media campaigns, and interactive experiences created buzz and anticipation, generating excitement leading up to the film’s release.

Fan Reactions and Community Engagement

Social Media Buzz

Social media platforms have become a breeding ground for fan reactions and discussions. The Super Mario Bros. Movie sparked conversations and generated a significant buzz among fans who eagerly shared their excitement and anticipation. Memes, fan art, and fan theories flooded social media feeds, creating a sense of community and further amplifying the movie’s reach.

Fan Theories and Easter Eggs

The Super Mario Bros. franchise is known for its hidden surprises and Easter eggs, and the movie is no exception. Fans diligently scoured the film for references to the games, secret nods to other Mario titles, and subtle details that deepen the lore. This level of engagement showcases the dedicated and passionate fan base that has embraced the film with open arms.

Cosplay and Fan Events

Cosplay has always been a beloved aspect of fandom, allowing enthusiasts to dress up as their favorite characters and bring them to life. The Super Mario Bros. Movie’s release sparked a surge in Mario and Luigi cosplays, with fans showcasing their creativity and paying homage to the iconic characters. Fan events, such as conventions and screenings, provided opportunities for fans to come together, celebrate their shared love for the franchise, and create lasting memories.

Impact on the Gaming Industry

Cross-Media Synergy

The success of the Super Mario Bros. Movie extends beyond the realm of cinema. The film’s popularity has a positive impact on the gaming industry, reinforcing the synergy between movies and video games. The exposure gained from the movie draws new audiences to the Super Mario video games, leading to increased sales and engagement.

Boosting Nintendo’s Brand

Nintendo, the creative force behind the Super Mario franchise, benefits greatly from the movie’s success. The film serves as a powerful marketing tool, enhancing the visibility and recognition of the Nintendo brand. It solidifies the position of Mario and Luigi as iconic mascots and generates renewed interest in Nintendo’s vast library of games.

New Opportunities for Video Game Adaptations

The triumph of the Super Mario Bros. Movie paves the way for future video game adaptations to make their mark in the film industry. Studios and filmmakers may be inspired to explore other beloved gaming franchises and translate them into captivating cinematic experiences. The success of the Super Mario Bros. Movie demonstrates the appetite for well-crafted adaptations and the potential for synergy between gaming and movies.


The Super Mario Bros. Movie’s ascent to become the second highest-grossing animated film of all time is a testament to its quality, the enduring appeal of the Super Mario franchise, and the passionate fan base. Surpassing the records set by Frozen, the movie showcases the power of beloved characters, captivating storytelling, and the ability to transcend traditional boundaries. Its impact on popular culture, the gaming industry, and future adaptations is significant, opening doors for new creative possibilities. The Super Mario Bros. Movie will be remembered as a cultural milestone and a shining example of the potential of animated films.

  • Q1: Will there be a sequel to the Super Mario Bros. Movie?
    • A1: While no official announcements have been made regarding a sequel, the success of the movie leaves the door open for potential future installments. Fans eagerly await any news of a continuation of the Super Mario Bros. Movie’s story.
  • Q2: Who voices Mario and Luigi in the Super Mario Bros. Movie?
    • A2: The voices of Mario and Luigi in the movie are portrayed by talented voice actors who have lent their voices to the characters in various Mario games. Charles Martinet voices Mario, while Charles Martinet portrays Luigi.
  • Q3: How long did it take to create the Super Mario Bros. Movie?
    • A3: The production of the Super Mario Bros. Movie involved several years of development, including pre-production, animation, post-production, and marketing. The exact duration may vary, but it typically takes several years to bring an animated feature film of this scale to fruition.
  • Q4: Did the Super Mario Bros. Movie receive critical acclaim?
    • A4: The movie received a generally positive response from both audiences and critics. While opinions may vary, many praised the film for its animation, nostalgic appeal, and faithful adaptation of the Super Mario Bros. universe.
  • Q5: How does the Super Mario Bros. Movie contribute to the franchise’s legacy?
    • A5: The Super Mario Bros. Movie further solidifies the franchise’s legacy by expanding its reach beyond video games. It introduces the beloved characters to new audiences and strengthens the fanbase’s connection to Mario and Luigi. The movie’s success ensures that the Super Mario franchise will continue to be celebrated and cherished for years to come.
  • Q6: Are there plans for other Nintendo game adaptations in the future?
    • A6: While specific plans have not been announced, the success of the Super Mario Bros. Movie opens the door for potential adaptations of other Nintendo game franchises. The positive reception and commercial success of the film may encourage studios and filmmakers to explore the rich catalog of Nintendo games for future cinematic ventures.
  • Q7: How did the Super Mario Bros. Movie impact the box office?
    • A7: The Super Mario Bros. Movie achieved extraordinary success at the box office, surpassing $1.288 billion in earnings worldwide. This remarkable feat solidified its position as the second highest-grossing animated film of all time, highlighting the immense popularity and appeal of the Super Mario Bros. franchise.
  • Q8: Does the Super Mario Bros. Movie cater to both children and adults?
    • A8: Absolutely. The Super Mario Bros. Movie strikes a balance between entertaining children and engaging adults. It combines elements of humor, adventure, and nostalgia, making it an enjoyable experience for viewers of all ages. Both lifelong fans of the Super Mario franchise and newcomers to the world of Mario and Luigi can find something to appreciate in the movie.
  • Q9: How did the Super Mario Bros. Movie impact the wider animation industry?
    • A9: The success of the Super Mario Bros. Movie showcased the potential of animated films beyond the traditional Disney and Pixar realm. It demonstrated that non-Disney animated films could captivate audiences worldwide and achieve remarkable commercial success. This achievement encourages diversity and innovation within the animation industry, inspiring filmmakers to explore new creative avenues.
  • Q10: What is the legacy of the Super Mario Bros. Movie?
    • A10: The Super Mario Bros. Movie leaves a lasting legacy as a groundbreaking animated film. Its record-breaking success, cultural impact, and enduring popularity contribute to the ongoing legacy of the Super Mario franchise. The movie’s achievements serve as a testament to the power of beloved characters, engaging storytelling, and the ability to transcend mediums.