The Untold Story of Crash Bandicoot 5: Canceled Projects and Missed Opportunities

The Untold Story of Crash Bandicoot 5: Canceled Projects and Missed Opportunities


This content delves into the recently revealed canceled projects from the Crash Bandicoot series, as covered by Did You Know Gaming. We explore the scrapped Crash Bandicoot 5, an ambitious title that would have featured a crossover with Spyro the Dragon, and examine the reasons behind its cancellation by Activision.

The content provides a detailed look at the proposed gameplay elements, the inclusion of the Academy Of Evil from Crash Twinsanity, and the planned interactions between Crash and Spyro. Additionally, we discuss the canceled Nintendo Switch version of Crash Team Rumble, providing insights into why these projects were shelved. The content also reflects on the implications for the Crash Bandicoot franchise, the reactions of fans and developers, and what these cancellations mean for the future of the series.

Canceled Crash Bandicoot Projects

The Crash Bandicoot franchise, a beloved series that has captivated gamers for decades, has seen its fair share of ups and downs. Recently, a new revelation about canceled projects within this iconic series has stirred the gaming community. Did You Know Gaming, a popular YouTube channel known for uncovering hidden gaming history, released a video that shed light on two significant but ultimately scrapped projects from the Crash Bandicoot series. These projects were in the works at developer Toys For Bob before their split from Activision Blizzard in 2024. This content will explore the details of these canceled projects, with a particular focus on the ambitious and highly anticipated Crash Bandicoot 5, a game that would have featured a crossover with another iconic character, Spyro the Dragon. We will delve into the reasons behind the cancellations, the potential these projects held, and the implications for the future of the Crash Bandicoot franchise.

Background on Crash Bandicoot and Toys For Bob

Crash Bandicoot has been a cornerstone of platform gaming since its debut in 1996. Over the years, the series has evolved, introducing new characters, worlds, and gameplay mechanics that have kept fans engaged and eager for more. The franchise saw a resurgence with the release of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, a remastered collection of the original games that brought the classic experience to a new generation of gamers. Following this success, Toys For Bob, a developer known for their work on the Skylanders series, took the reins of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. Their efforts culminated in the release of Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, a direct sequel to the original trilogy that was both critically acclaimed and beloved by fans.

However, despite the success of Crash Bandicoot 4, the partnership between Toys For Bob and Activision Blizzard began to show signs of strain. As Activision focused more on its major franchises, the resources and support for smaller projects like Crash Bandicoot started to dwindle. This shift in focus eventually led to the cancellation of several projects, including the much-anticipated Crash Bandicoot 5. The cancellation of these projects marked a significant turning point for the franchise and left fans wondering about the future of their favorite marsupial hero.

The Vision for Crash Bandicoot 5

Crash Bandicoot 5 was envisioned as a bold continuation of the story that began in Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time. This new installment aimed to expand on the time-bending mechanics introduced in its predecessor, offering players even more complex and challenging levels. The game was set to feature a mix of traditional platforming elements with new innovations that would have pushed the boundaries of what a Crash Bandicoot game could be. Early concept art and development documents hinted at a rich and vibrant world filled with new enemies, unique gameplay mechanics, and an engaging storyline that would have kept players on the edge of their seats.

One of the most exciting aspects of Crash Bandicoot 5 was its proposed crossover with Spyro the Dragon, another iconic character from the PlayStation era. This crossover was not just a cameo but a fully integrated part of the game, with Spyro playing a significant role in the story and gameplay. Players would have had the opportunity to control both Crash and Spyro, using their unique abilities to navigate through levels, solve puzzles, and defeat enemies. The interplay between these two characters was designed to create a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience that would have appealed to fans of both franchises.

The Academy Of Evil and Its Role in the Game

The Academy Of Evil, a location first introduced in Crash Twinsanity, was set to make a return in Crash Bandicoot 5. This twisted and dark institution, known for its role in creating some of the series’ most notorious villains, would have been a central location in the game. The developers at Toys For Bob had grand plans for the Academy, intending to expand its lore and give players a deeper understanding of its origins and purpose.

In Crash Bandicoot 5, the Academy Of Evil was not just a backdrop but an active part of the gameplay. Players would have explored its sinister halls, uncovering secrets and facing off against new and familiar foes. The Academy was designed to be a multi-layered environment, with each section offering unique challenges and puzzles that required the combined skills of both Crash and Spyro to overcome. The inclusion of the Academy Of Evil was a nod to long-time fans of the series, providing a sense of continuity and connection to the franchise’s earlier entries.

Spyro the Dragon Crossover: A Missed Opportunity

The crossover between Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon was one of the most anticipated features of Crash Bandicoot 5. The idea of bringing these two iconic characters together in a single game had been a dream for many fans, and Toys For Bob was on the verge of making it a reality. The crossover was more than just a marketing gimmick; it was an integral part of the game’s story and gameplay. Spyro’s inclusion would have added a new dimension to the gameplay, with his unique abilities complementing Crash’s skill set.

In the game, players would have been able to switch between Crash and Spyro, using their distinct abilities to solve puzzles and defeat enemies. Spyro’s fire-breathing and flight capabilities would have opened up new possibilities for exploration and combat, while Crash’s agility and strength would have been crucial for navigating the game’s more challenging platforming sections. The dynamic between the two characters was designed to create a rich and varied gameplay experience, with each character bringing something unique to the table.

Unfortunately, this ambitious crossover was not meant to be. The cancellation of Crash Bandicoot 5 meant that the long-awaited team-up between Crash and Spyro would remain a dream. The loss of this crossover was a significant blow to fans of both franchises, who had been eagerly anticipating the chance to see these two beloved characters share the screen.

The Cancellation of Crash Bandicoot 5

The cancellation of Crash Bandicoot 5 was a decision that shocked and disappointed fans around the world. According to reports, the decision to cancel the game was made by Activision Blizzard, the parent company of Toys For Bob. The reasons behind the cancellation were multifaceted, but one of the main factors was the underwhelming sales performance of Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time. Despite being critically acclaimed and well-received by fans, the game failed to meet the high sales targets set by Activision. This, combined with a lack of confidence in the franchise’s ability to sustain long-term profitability, led to the decision to pull the plug on Crash Bandicoot 5.

Another factor that contributed to the cancellation was the internal restructuring within Activision Blizzard. The company was undergoing significant changes, with a renewed focus on its core franchises like Call of Duty and Overwatch. This shift in focus meant that smaller franchises like Crash Bandicoot were no longer a priority, leading to the cancellation of several projects, including Crash Bandicoot 5. Former employees of Toys For Bob have also cited a lack of support from Activision as a key reason for the game’s cancellation, with some even describing the decision as a critical mistake.

The Scrapped Crash Team Rumble for Nintendo Switch

In addition to Crash Bandicoot 5, another project that met an untimely end was the Nintendo Switch version of Crash Team Rumble. Crash Team Rumble, a multiplayer-focused game that featured various characters from the Crash Bandicoot universe, had already been released on other platforms. However, plans to bring the game to the Nintendo Switch were abruptly canceled, much to the dismay of fans.

The decision to scrap the Switch version of Crash Team Rumble was reportedly due to the poor reception of the game on other platforms. While the game had its share of dedicated fans, it failed to achieve the level of success that Activision had hoped for. As a result, the company decided to cut its losses and cancel the Switch version, despite the potential for the game to find a new audience on Nintendo’s popular handheld console. This cancellation further highlighted the declining support for the Crash Bandicoot franchise within Activision, raising concerns about the future of the series.

Impact on the Crash Bandicoot Franchise

The news of the canceled Crash Bandicoot projects was met with widespread disappointment and frustration from the gaming community. Fans took to social media, forums, and comment sections to express their dismay at the loss of these promising projects. Many lamented the missed opportunity for a new Crash Bandicoot game that could have continued the series’ legacy, while others were particularly saddened by the cancellation of the Spyro crossover, which had been eagerly anticipated for years.

The cancellation of Crash Bandicoot 5 also reignited discussions about the future of the franchise. Some fans questioned whether the series would ever return to its former glory, while others speculated about what could have been if the game had been allowed to continue development. The reaction from the fanbase was a testament to the enduring popularity of the Crash Bandicoot series, as well as the deep connection that many gamers have with these characters and their world.

What These Cancellations Mean for the Future of the Series

The cancellation of Crash Bandicoot 5 and the Switch version of Crash Team Rumble raises important questions about the future of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. With these projects scrapped and Toys For Bob no longer at the helm, the fate of Crash Bandicoot is uncertain. Will Activision continue to invest in the franchise, or will it be left to languish as the company focuses on its more lucrative properties?

Despite the cancellations, there is still hope among fans that Crash Bandicoot will make a comeback. The success of the N. Sane Trilogy and Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time demonstrated that there is still a strong demand for Crash Bandicoot games, and it is possible that Activision may revisit the franchise in the future. However, the direction that the series will take remains to be seen, and fans will have to wait and see if their favorite marsupial hero will return for another adventure.


The untold story of the canceled Crash Bandicoot projects, particularly Crash Bandicoot 5, is a poignant reminder of the challenges that video game developers face. Despite the passion and creativity of the teams behind these games, external factors such as sales performance, corporate restructuring, and shifting priorities can have a profound impact on the fate of even the most beloved franchises. The cancellation of Crash Bandicoot 5, with its ambitious Spyro crossover and rich gameplay concepts, represents a significant loss for both the developers and fans. As we reflect on what could have been, we can only hope that the Crash Bandicoot series will one day receive the support and attention it deserves, allowing it to continue to inspire and entertain gamers around the world.

  • Why was Crash Bandicoot 5 canceled?
    • The cancellation was primarily due to the underperformance of Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time in terms of sales, combined with internal restructuring at Activision Blizzard, which led to a shift in focus away from smaller franchises like Crash Bandicoot.
  • What was the planned crossover between Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon?
    • Crash Bandicoot 5 was set to feature a crossover with Spyro the Dragon, where players could control both characters, using their unique abilities to navigate levels, solve puzzles, and defeat enemies.
  • What was the role of the Academy Of Evil in Crash Bandicoot 5?
    • The Academy Of Evil, a location from Crash Twinsanity, was to be a central part of Crash Bandicoot 5’s gameplay, offering new challenges, puzzles, and enemies for players to overcome.
  • Why was the Nintendo Switch version of Crash Team Rumble canceled?
    • The Switch version of Crash Team Rumble was canceled due to the game’s poor reception on other platforms, leading Activision to cut its losses and abandon the project.
  • What does the cancellation of Crash Bandicoot 5 mean for the future of the franchise?
    • The cancellation raises concerns about the future of the Crash Bandicoot series, but there is still hope among fans that the franchise will continue, given its enduring popularity and previous successes.