A New Update for TemTem: Version 1.4.2

A New Update for TemTem: Version 1.4.2


Crema has released TemTem update 1.4.2 on the Nintendo Switch. The update features a unique presentation of patch notes, focusing on individual TemTem changes. It brings balance adjustments, bug fixes, and improvements to the game. Highlights include changes to Mimit’s DNA Extraction and Striking Transmog, Cycrox’s hold turns and Neurotoxins, and adjustments to Vulffy’s Sludge Gift and Team Elusive. Various TemTem gain new moves, and techniques, traits, and gears are refined for better gameplay. The update also addresses desynchronization and translation errors. Crema’s commitment to balanced gameplay and evolving strategies is evident in this comprehensive update.

TemTem: Version 1.4.2

TemTem players, gather ’round! There’s exciting news in the world of the Airborne Archipelago as Crema, the esteemed publisher of TemTem, has rolled out an eagerly anticipated update, catapulting the game to the heights of version 1.4.2 on the Nintendo Switch. This time around, the patch notes have taken an intriguing turn, setting out to put the spotlight on the individual changes to the TemTem themselves, allowing players to easily zone in on the tweaks and improvements that matter most to them. This fresh approach to presentation is accompanied by a bouquet of bug fixes and game-wide adjustments, ensuring a smoother and more thrilling experience for all aspiring tamers. In this article, we’re diving deep into the details of this new update, unearthing the balance changes, highlighted adjustments, and what they mean for the ever-evolving TemTem meta. Let’s explore!

Balancing the TemTem Universe

Highlighted Changes

Mimit’s DNA Extraction Gets a Trim

Mimit, the temtem sensation of this meta, has undergone some surgical precision adjustments. The SPD Stage modification has been reined in from 2 to 1, while its damage output has been scaled down from 25 to 20. The transformative Striking Transmog is getting a less substantial damage reduction—50% down to 30%. This shift aims to strike a sweet spot between popularity and potential. Crema recognizes that Mimit’s charm lies in its strategic interpretations, and these changes seek to introduce more counter-play opportunities, letting opponents strategize and respond with gusto.

Cycrox Takes a Breath

Cycrox steps into the limelight with hold turns expanding from 1 to 2, while its STA Cost shrinks from 29 to 23. Neurotoxins, the bane of many a TemTem’s existence, now extends its Doom turns from 3 to 4. This alteration comes in response to Cycrox’s dominance, particularly in dishing out Doom conditions. Crema aims to temper the potency of Cycrox’s strategies and breathe fresh tactics into battles, all while enabling opponents to counterplay more effectively.

Shuine’s Crystal Deluge Meets its End

Shuine, the versatile TemTem, witnesses the removal of Crystal Deluge from its move pool, making way for the inclusion of Relax. Crystal Deluge’s ubiquity had become quite the concern, and Crema opted for a more balanced approach by trimming its control tools. By examining Shuine’s performance in the coming season, Crema is poised to make more targeted adjustments if needed, ensuring that balance remains at the heart of TemTem’s evolution.

Turoc Feels the Pinch

Turoc’s HP experiences a slight reduction from 105 to 101, yet its Rockfall damage enjoys an increment from 75 to 83. However, Tactical Strike takes a hit, scaling its damage increase down from 16% to 12%. These changes respond to Turoc’s enduring potency and emphasize Crema’s commitment to nurturing balance while avoiding unnecessary constraints.

Vulffy’s Elusiveness Adjusted

Vulffy’s Sludge Gift STA Cost rises from 9 to 13, and Team Elusive’s activation is now exclusive to damaging moves. Vulffy’s prominence demanded cautious tweaking, and Crema endeavors to retain its impact while introducing nuances that maintain its relevance while reigning in its overwhelming popularity.

TemTem Updates Unveiled

Platypet to Mawmense: A Roster Revolution

From Platypet’s newfound Tsunami to Mawmense’s acquired Plasma Beam, a plethora of TemTem are gearing up for a fresh wave of battles. The expansion of move pools, the strategic positioning of techniques, and the introduction of new traits are all aimed at enriching the dynamics of tamer battles. Crema’s ongoing commitment to evolving TemTem shines through as they tune and tweak each pocket monster, crafting an intricate dance of synergy and strategy that promises exhilarating showdowns on the shores of the Archipelago.

Gear Up for Change: Techniques, Traits, and Gears

Crema’s fervor for refinement doesn’t halt at the TemTem themselves—techniques, traits, and gears are all undergoing a metamorphosis in the quest for a finely balanced battlefield.

Techniques Reimagined

– Leech’s damage receives a hearty boost from 95 to 104, and the synergy variant soars to 115. This amplification seeks to harness the power of Taifu, encouraging more exploration and experimentation with this versatile temtem.

– Rockfall’s might grows with its damage ascending from 75 to 83. This reverberates through the meta, enriching the strategies of Earth TemTem, all while preserving Turoc’s formidable capabilities.

Traits Transformed

– Scavenger’s HP restoration percentage surges from 17% to 20%, rejuvenating its potential as a life-giving force in battles.

– Puppet Master’s threshold for activation increases from 40% to 45%, allowing for a more calculated utilization of its prowess.

– Strategic changes to Team Elusive, Striking Transmog, and Neurotoxins are poised to rebalance the battlefield dynamics, engendering more strategic choices and counter-play.

Gearing for Balance

Morale-Boosting Whip witnesses its STA reduction taper from 25% to 20%, while the Invigorated turns swell from 2 to 3. The Building Blocks gear receives a more measured pace, demanding 4 turns for activation. Crema’s keen eye for detail comes to the forefront as they recalibrate gears to harmonize with the new strategies and tactics that emerge from this update.

A World of Fixes and Improvements

Crema leaves no stone unturned as they address an array of issues across platforms. From desynchronization snags to subtle translation hiccups, these fine-tuning efforts underscore Crema’s commitment to providing an immersive and seamless TemTem experience for players on all fronts.


In the ever-evolving landscape of TemTem, version 1.4.2 shines as a testament to Crema’s dedication to crafting a balanced and exhilarating gameplay experience. As players dive into this latest update, the nuanced adjustments to TemTem, techniques, traits, and gears promise to elevate battles to new heights. With an eye on the competitive meta and an ear to the player community, Crema is ushering in an exciting era of strategy, counter-play, and thrilling showdowns. The Archipelago awaits—tame on, brave tamers!

Frequently Asked Questions
  • 1. How do the adjustments to Mimit and Cycrox affect their roles in the meta?
    • The tweaks to Mimit and Cycrox aim to bring balance to their dominance and introduce more strategic depth to battles. Mimit’s DNA Extraction sees changes to its speed and damage, allowing opponents more room for counter-play. Cycrox’s altered Neurotoxins and hold turns make it less of a one-size-fits-all solution, encouraging a more thoughtful approach from both players.
  • 2. What prompted the removal of Crystal Deluge from Shuine’s move pool?
    • Crystal Deluge’s effectiveness as a control tool led to Shuine’s overwhelming dominance. By removing Crystal Deluge and introducing Relax, Crema seeks to strike a more balanced role for Shuine in the meta, while keeping a close eye on its performance for future adjustments.
  • 3. How will the changes to Vulffy’s Sludge Gift and Team Elusive impact its popularity?
    • By increasing the STA Cost of Sludge Gift and making Team Elusive exclusive to damaging moves, Crema aims to retain Vulffy’s relevance while curbing its overwhelming popularity. These adjustments introduce nuances to Vulffy’s strategy, fostering a more engaging and balanced gameplay experience.
  • 4. How will the updates to techniques, traits, and gears influence battles?
    • The changes to techniques like Leech and Rockfall, traits such as Scavenger and Puppet Master, and the recalibration of gears like Morale-Boosting Whip and Building Blocks are poised to enrich battles with more strategic choices and counter-play opportunities. The evolving dynamics promise to create thrilling and dynamic showdowns.
  • 5. What does the future hold for TemTem?
    • With Crema’s steadfast commitment to balance, strategy, and player feedback, the future of TemTem brims with exciting possibilities. As the meta continues to evolve, players can anticipate further updates, adjustments, and refinements that will keep battles engaging and the Archipelago pulsating with life.