A Street Cat’s Tale 2: Journey of Courage

A Street Cat’s Tale 2: Journey of Courage


In a world where danger lurks at every corner, follow the extraordinary journey of Cinnamon in A Street Cat’s Tale 2. Developed by the renowned Korean indie game company Ppiyo Studio, this adventure game sequel takes you on a heartwarming quest filled with Sokoban-style puzzles, unexpected challenges, and a longing for home. Set in vibrant and visually captivating environments, immerse yourself in Cinnamon’s story as he navigates the streets, encountering animal hoarders, force-feeding terrorists, and mysterious characters abducting kittens from their villages. Will Cinnamon find the courage to face the perils of the outside world and make it back safely?

About A Street Cat’s Tale 2

A Street Cat’s Tale 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved adventure game, invites players to embark on a captivating journey with Cinnamon, a once cozy house cat now facing the trials and tribulations of life on the streets. Developed by Ppiyo Studio, known for their exceptional storytelling and immersive gameplay experiences, this sequel promises an engaging narrative coupled with challenging Sokoban-style puzzles.

Cinnamon’s Journey Begins

Join Cinnamon as he takes his first steps beyond the familiar confines of his home. One peaceful day, a fluttering yellow butterfly catches his eye, beckoning him towards an unknown adventure. Intrigued and filled with curiosity, Cinnamon decides to follow the butterfly’s mesmerizing flight, unaware of the trials that await him.

The Harsh Reality of the Streets

As Cinnamon ventures further into the outside world, he quickly realizes that life beyond the comfort of his home is vastly different. The once warm and welcoming environment is replaced by cold glares and unforeseen events. Animal hoarders lurk in the shadows, capturing unsuspecting feline victims. Force-feeding terrorists impose their will upon innocent creatures, causing fear and distress.

Every step Cinnamon takes is met with uncertainty, as the dangers of the streets manifest seemingly at random. It is a world where survival becomes paramount, and Cinnamon finds himself facing numerous challenges that test his courage and resilience.

The Search for Safety and Homecoming

Undeterred by the perils he encounters, Cinnamon’s unwavering determination propels him forward on his quest to find his way back home. Through bustling cityscapes, narrow alleys, and hidden corners, he navigates the treacherous streets, driven by a deep longing for the warmth and security of his cozy abode.

Along his journey, Cinnamon must confront the unknown characters who abduct kittens from their villages, adding a sense of urgency to his mission. Every encounter brings him closer to unraveling the mysteries that surround him and finding solace in the arms of his owner, Hazel.

Sokoban-Style Puzzles and Gameplay

A Street Cat’s Tale 2 sets itself apart with its captivating gameplay mechanics. Players must guide Cinnamon through a series of Sokoban-style puzzles, requiring strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. As Cinnamon pushes objects to clear paths and unlock new areas, the puzzles become increasingly challenging, providing an immersive and rewarding experience for players.

Each puzzle serves as a metaphorical representation of the obstacles Cinnamon faces in his journey. Just as he maneuvers through intricate mazes, players will navigate through the complexities of life on the streets, overcoming obstacles and finding creative solutions to progress.

Ppiyo Studio: Crafting a Heartfelt Sequel

A Street Cat’s Tale 2 is the brainchild of Ppiyo Studio, a distinguished Korean indie game company known for their dedication to creating emotionally resonant narratives. With meticulous attention to detail, Ppiyo Studio weaves a compelling tale that captures the essence of Cinnamon’s journey, evoking a range of emotions from players.

The studio’s commitment to storytelling shines through in the sequel, ensuring that every moment spent playing the game is filled with depth, meaning, and a genuine connection to the characters and their struggles.

A Vibrant and Engaging World

Prepare to be enthralled by the visually stunning world of A Street Cat’s Tale 2. The game’s art style combines vibrant colors, intricate details, and captivating animations to bring the streets and alleys to life. Each environment is meticulously crafted, immersing players in a world that feels both magical and dangerous.

The sound design further enhances the immersive experience, with a carefully curated soundtrack that complements the gameplay and evokes the emotions of each moment. The combination of captivating visuals and enchanting audio creates a truly engaging and unforgettable adventure.

The Power of Friendship and Hope

At the heart of Cinnamon’s journey lies a testament to the power of friendship and hope. Along his perilous path, Cinnamon encounters fellow feline companions and unlikely allies who offer support and encouragement. These heartwarming encounters serve as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the bonds we form can provide solace and strength.

The friendships Cinnamon forges along the way illuminate the themes of resilience and unity. Together, they navigate the challenges, share their stories, and lend a helping paw when needed. It is through these connections that Cinnamon finds the courage to persevere and continue his search for a place to call home.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the streets, hope becomes a guiding light for Cinnamon. It fuels his determination and ignites a spark of optimism within him. He learns that no matter how dire the circumstances may seem, there is always a glimmer of hope waiting to be discovered.


A Street Cat’s Tale 2 is a heartfelt and captivating adventure game that takes players on a remarkable journey with Cinnamon, a house cat turned street explorer. Developed by Ppiyo Studio, this sequel immerses players in a world filled with challenges, dangers, and unexpected encounters.

As Cinnamon navigates the treacherous streets, players will witness the power of resilience, courage, and the enduring bonds of friendship. The Sokoban-style puzzles add a layer of brain-teasing gameplay, requiring strategic thinking and problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles.

With its visually stunning environments, enchanting sound design, and emotionally resonant narrative, A Street Cat’s Tale 2 delivers an immersive experience that will tug at your heartstrings. Ppiyo Studio’s attention to detail and commitment to storytelling shine through, making this game a must-play for adventure enthusiasts.

Join Cinnamon as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, danger, and hope. Experience the triumphs and tribulations of a stray cat’s life on the streets, all while unraveling the mysteries that await. Are you ready to help Cinnamon find his way back home and embrace the courage within? Step into the captivating world of A Street Cat’s Tale 2 and embark on an unforgettable adventure.

  • Q1: Is A Street Cat’s Tale 2 suitable for all ages?
    • A1: Yes, A Street Cat’s Tale 2 is designed to be enjoyed by players of all ages. However, younger players may require assistance with some of the challenging puzzles.
  • Q2: Can I play A Street Cat’s Tale 2 on platforms other than the Switch?
    • A2: Currently, A Street Cat’s Tale 2 is announced for the Nintendo Switch platform. It’s best to stay tuned for any updates regarding potential releases on other platforms.
  • Q3: How long is the gameplay experience in A Street Cat’s Tale 2?
    • A3: The length of gameplay in A Street Cat’s Tale 2 can vary depending on individual playstyles and puzzle-solving abilities. On average, players can expect several hours of engaging gameplay to complete the main story.
  • Q4: Are there any additional features or modes in A Street Cat’s Tale 2?
    • A4: While the focus of A Street Cat’s Tale 2 is the captivating adventure and Sokoban-style puzzles, additional features or modes may be included to enhance the overall gameplay experience. Keep an eye out for announcements or updates from the developer.
  • Q5: Can I play A Street Cat’s Tale 2 without playing the first game?
    • A5: A Street Cat’s Tale 2 is a spin-off sequel, which means it offers a new story and protagonist compared to the previous entry. While playing the first game may provide additional context, it is not necessary to enjoy and understand the events of the sequel.