AlphaDream worked on Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 before bankruptcy

AlphaDream worked on Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 before bankruptcy

Nintendo announced that the developers behind the Mario & Luigi series of RPGs, AlphaDream, filed for bankruptcy due to various issues.

Those issues later came to light as sluggish revenues, strict management, heavy development costs and growing debt in recent years.

Last project was very recent

But now, news has surfaced that AlphaDream helped with the acutal development on Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 for Switch before they filed for bankruptcy .This would likely be the last game that AlphaDream took part in before their bankruptcy.

Strange thing is for a team working so close with Nintendo and even on such a recent title, how could Nintendo not have helped them out? Surely Alphadream had a staff that made memorable games?  Sadly to say we will probably never get a definitive answer on that. I for one do hope we do get a new Mario & Luigi title on Nintendo Switch.