Astroneer Update 1.27.301.0: Breakdown and Analysis

Astroneer Update 1.27.301.0: Breakdown and Analysis

Astroneer has released a new update, version 1.27.301.0, for the Nintendo Switch. This update brings various bug fixes, server and multiplayer improvements, Rail Missions and Sun Room updates, and localization changes. Our comprehensive analysis will help you understand the impact of these changes on gameplay and overall experience.

Astroneer Update 1.27.301.0

Welcome to our breakdown and analysis of the latest Astroneer update, version 1.27.301.0, for the Switch platform. This update brings a multitude of bug fixes, server and multiplayer improvements, Rail Missions and Sun Room updates, and localization changes. Staying informed about these updates is crucial for an optimal gaming experience, so let’s dive right in!

Bug Fixes and Gameplay Adjustments

The developers have addressed several bugs and made some key adjustments to enhance gameplay. Among the fixes and changes are the resolution of a game crash related to the LTE item and printer, improved item handling with the gamepad, and modifications to the ‘Align’ minigame to reduce player confusion. Additionally, the Trade Platform now automatically pulls or pushes scrap, Astronium, or Fault Finders, and the active Fault Finder minigame can be canceled.

Server and Multiplayer Improvements

This update offers several enhancements for dedicated servers and multiplayer gameplay. Host performance is no longer severely degraded when a client joins during certain Rail Missions. Furthermore, players can now crack the data log and mission log in the Sun Room, and mission reward items can be claimed in the Sun Room when previously not possible.

Rail Missions and Sun Room Updates

Rail Missions have undergone a few changes as well. Rail cars now have slot rules turned off when leaving a Rail Station in the same direction as the car’s arrival, and the Research Chamber automatically pulls Researchable Items acquired from Rails Missions. Additionally, the Sun Room has seen improvements, such as a working button on the Sun Room Data Log after loading a save and the ability to reclaim key mission items.

Localization Changes

Localization updates have been implemented to enhance the game’s accessibility for players worldwide. The “Depots and You” description text now has a Portuguese translation, the “My Crew” description displays the correct translation in French, and several Rails-related logs and descriptions are no longer missing translations.

Additional Tips and Tricks for Astroneer Players

To help you make the most out of the latest update, here are some additional tips and tricks for navigating the world of Astroneer:

Remember to frequently save your game, especially before engaging in high-risk activities or exploring unfamiliar terrain. This will help you avoid losing progress due to unforeseen issues or accidents.

Take advantage of the Research Chamber to unlock new technologies and upgrades. With the update’s new auto-pull feature for Researchable Items, you can streamline your research process and focus on other aspects of the game.

Utilize the Trade Platform to exchange resources and obtain valuable items. The new update allows for the automatic pulling or pushing of scrap, Astronium, or Fault Finders, making trading even more convenient.

Engage with the Astroneer community through forums, social media, or other platforms to share experiences, tips, and strategies. Connecting with fellow players can enhance your gaming experience and help you uncover new ways to enjoy the game.

Experiment with different strategies and playstyles to discover what works best for you. With the update’s various improvements, you may find new tactics or approaches that were previously not possible or optimal.


The Astroneer Update 1.27.301.0 brings a range of enhancements that improve the gaming experience on the Switch platform. From bug fixes to server and multiplayer improvements, Rail Missions and Sun Room updates, and localization changes, this comprehensive breakdown has covered the most important aspects of the update. Make sure to try out the updated game and enjoy the improvements!

To fully enjoy these changes, be sure to explore every aspect of the game, engage with fellow players, and stay up to date on future updates. Happy exploring, Astroneers!

  • What platforms is the Astroneer update available on?
    • The update is available for the Nintendo Switch platform.
  • Are there any new features added to the game in this update?
    • While there are no major new features, the update focuses on bug fixes, server and multiplayer improvements, Rail Missions and Sun Room updates, and localization changes.
  • How do the server and multiplayer improvements affect the gameplay?
    • The improvements enhance the overall stability and performance of dedicated servers and multiplayer sessions, providing a smoother gaming experience.
  • What changes have been made to Rail Missions in the update?
    • The update brings adjustments to Rails Missions, including auto-pulling Researchable Items and changes to slot rules for rail cars.
  • What languages have received localization updates in this version?
    • Portuguese and French translations have been updated, along with several Rails-related logs and descriptions in various languages.