Baten Kaitos: Remastered Journeys of Revenge, Redemption, and Secrets Unveiled

Baten Kaitos: Remastered Journeys of Revenge, Redemption, and Secrets Unveiled


Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster brings a wave of excitement to RPG enthusiasts as Bandai Namco announces the release date for this highly anticipated collection. Set to launch on September 14th, 2023, exclusively for the Switch, this remastered edition revitalizes the beloved classics, Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, and Baten Kaitos Origins, with stunning updated graphics and a host of special features. Dive into a world where emotional journeys and card-based RPG systems collide, promising hours of captivating gameplay.

Baten Kaitos: Remastered Journeys of Revenge

The Baten Kaitos series holds a special place in the hearts of RPG fans, and the announcement of Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster has created a buzz of anticipation. This remastered edition is a testament to the enduring appeal of these classic games, as well as a chance for new players to experience the magic for the first time. With the release date set for September 14th, 2023, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch, fans are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to immerse themselves in these enchanting worlds once again.


Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster is a collection that includes two highly acclaimed RPGs: Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, and Baten Kaitos Origins. The remastered edition goes beyond a mere visual upgrade, breathing new life into the games with enhanced graphics and a range of special features. Whether you’re a fan of the originals or a newcomer to the series, this collection offers an exciting journey into a world filled with intrigue, adventure, and unforgettable characters.

Enhanced Visuals and Special Features

The first thing that captures the attention of players diving into Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster is the stunning visual upgrade. The remastered edition takes advantage of modern hardware to present the vibrant and detailed environments in a whole new light. From lush forests to sprawling cities, every location is brought to life with enhanced textures, lighting effects, and character models.

But it’s not just about the visuals. Bandai Namco has also included a range of special features to enrich the gameplay experience. These features may include additional side quests, new costumes or items, improved user interface, and even behind-the-scenes content that provides insight into the development of the games. These enhancements add depth and replay value to the already compelling narratives of the Baten Kaitos series.

Card-Based RPG Systems and Guardian Spirits

At the heart of the Baten Kaitos experience are the unique card-based RPG systems that set these games apart from others in the genre. During battles, players strategically select cards representing various actions, spells, and abilities. The selection and timing of these cards are crucial in determining the outcome of each encounter. It’s a delicate balance of offense, defense, and resource management that keeps players engaged and constantly adapting to the ever-changing situations.

The presence of Guardian Spirits further enhances the gameplay. As a Guardian Spirit, players assume the role of a guiding force for the game’s protagonists and their companions. These ethereal beings offer wisdom, support, and unique abilities that aid the characters in their quests. The bond between the protagonists and their Guardian Spirits grows throughout the games, creating a sense of camaraderie and a deeper connection to the world of Baten Kaitos.

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean

In Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, players join the young protagonist, Kalas, on his quest for vengeance. Kalas’s journey begins when tragedy strikes, as his brother and grandfather are brutally killed. Fueled by a deep desire for revenge, he sets out on a path filled with danger, discovery, and unexpected alliances. Along the way, Kalas crosses paths with Xelha, a mysterious young woman with her own motivations. Together, they form an unlikely partnership as they navigate a world plagued by political turmoil and the oppressive rule of the Alfard Empire.

As players delve into the captivating narrative of Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, they will encounter a diverse cast of characters, each with their own compelling storylines and reasons for joining Kalas on his journey. From the enigmatic Gibari, a powerful warrior with a heart of gold, to the compassionate Savyna, a former soldier seeking redemption, the companions that accompany Kalas add depth and richness to the unfolding tale.

Throughout their emotional journey, Kalas and his companions are faced with challenging decisions that will shape their destiny. The card-based RPG system shines in battles, as players strategically choose from a variety of cards to unleash devastating attacks, unleash potent spells, or provide crucial support. Timing is everything, and mastering the art of card selection becomes a vital skill as players navigate intense encounters with formidable foes.

Baten Kaitos Origins

Baten Kaitos Origins takes players back in time, serving as a prequel to the events of the first game. Set 20 years before the story of Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, players assume the role of Sagi, a spiriter with a unique connection to Guardian Spirits. The game begins with Sagi being framed for a crime he did not commit, thrusting him into a perilous journey to clear his name and uncover the secrets that lie within the Alfard Empire.

As players delve into the complex narrative of Baten Kaitos Origins, they will witness the intricate web of political intrigue and deceit that permeates the empire. Sagi’s quest for redemption becomes intertwined with the enigmatic and powerful Dark Service, an elite unit of the Alfard Empire. Along the way, he encounters a cast of captivating characters, each with their own motivations and agendas.

The card-based RPG system returns in Baten Kaitos Origins, allowing players to utilize strategic card combinations to overcome challenging battles. As Sagi harnesses the power of Guardian Spirits, he gains access to unique abilities and skills that aid him in his quest. The gameplay mechanics are refined, providing a seamless experience that keeps players engaged and immersed in the rich tapestry of the Baten Kaitos universe.


Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster brings these two beloved games together, offering players the opportunity to relive the emotional journeys of Kalas and Sagi in a remastered form. With enhanced visuals and special features, the collection breathes new life into these classic RPGs, making them more accessible and appealing to both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

In conclusion, Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster is a celebration of two beloved RPGs that have left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape. With its updated visuals, enhanced features, and unforgettable storytelling, this collection promises to transport players to a world where magic and destiny intertwine. Whether you’re a returning fan or a newcomer, prepare to embark on a journey filled with excitement, emotion, and the power to shape the course of fate.

  • 1. Can I play Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster on platforms other than the Nintendo Switch?
    • As of now, Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster is exclusively available for the Nintendo Switch. There haven’t been any official announcements regarding releases on other platforms.
  • 2. Can I play Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster even if I haven’t played the original games?
    • Absolutely! Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster is a perfect opportunity to jump into the series, whether you’re a newcomer or a long-time fan. The remastered edition provides an enhanced experience, making it accessible and enjoyable for players who are new to the world of Baten Kaitos.
  • 3. Are there any new story elements or additional content in the remastered edition?
    • While the remastered edition of Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster primarily focuses on enhanced graphics and special features, there may be some additional content and improvements to gameplay elements. However, the core narrative and overall structure of the games remain faithful to the originals.
  • 4. How long does it take to complete Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster?
    • The length of gameplay can vary depending on individual playstyles and the extent to which players choose to explore side quests and optional content. On average, players can expect a playtime of around 40-60 hours to complete both games in the collection.
  • 5. Can I expect any surprises or easter eggs for returning fans in Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster?
    • Without giving away too much, returning fans can certainly look forward to delightful nods and references to the original games throughout Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster. From subtle Easter eggs that harken back to memorable moments to familiar faces making cameo appearances, the remastered edition pays homage to the beloved elements that fans cherished in the originals. These surprises serve as nostalgic reminders of the journey players embarked upon in the past, while also offering delightful moments of recognition and appreciation.