Bomb Rush Cyberfunk’s Latest Enhancements – Exploring “Patch 1” Update

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk’s Latest Enhancements – Exploring “Patch 1” Update


Dive into the vibrant world of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk as it receives a fresh update in “Patch 1.” This dynamic update introduces exciting features that promise to elevate your gaming experience. From the playful addition of the Micro Boy minigame to improved movement controls and bug fixes, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk’s “Patch 1” is a game-changer. Discover the new cypher spot in the Hideout, and get to know the talented minds behind the game with additions to the credits. Join us as we delve into the enhancements that make Bomb Rush Cyberfunk’s virtual streets even more engaging and exhilarating.

Patch 1 Update

In the bustling realm of gaming, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk continues to captivate players with its vibrant urban landscapes and electrifying gameplay. With the arrival of “Patch 1,” an exhilarating update, the game takes a giant leap forward. Let’s dive into the immersive world of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk and explore the exciting enhancements that await in this latest update.

Micro Boy Minigame: A Playful Addition

One of the standout features of “Patch 1” is the introduction of the Micro Boy minigame. Nestled within the virtual world of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, this playful addition offers players a delightful escape from the fast-paced city streets. Take out your Flip Phone and immerse yourself in the whimsical world of Micro Boy, where challenges and rewards await. This minigame injects a fresh layer of entertainment, ensuring that your gaming experience remains engaging both on and off the urban terrain.

Cypher Spot: Unveiling the Hideout’s New Feature

As you navigate through the neon-lit metropolis, you’ll stumble upon a new surprise in the Hideout environment. “Patch 1” brings forth the addition of a cypher spot, a space that encourages creativity and self-expression. Whether you’re a seasoned graffiti artist or a newcomer to the world of street art, the cypher spot offers a virtual canvas where you can leave your mark. Immerse yourself in the world of urban creativity and let your imagination flow freely as you engage with this exciting new feature.

Credits Roll: Welcoming Paul Koster and Localization Teams

Behind every captivating virtual world, there’s a team of talented individuals who pour their creativity and expertise into crafting the experience. “Patch 1” pays tribute to the dedicated minds behind Bomb Rush Cyberfunk by adding Paul Koster to the list of Environment Artists in the credits. Additionally, the Localization teams, instrumental in making the game accessible to a global audience, rightfully find their place in the credits. This addition not only celebrates the contributions of these individuals but also deepens our appreciation for the immersive world they’ve brought to life.

Benni’s Voice: A Welcoming Addition

In the vibrant cityscape of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, every character’s voice adds depth to the narrative. With “Patch 1,” the experience becomes even more immersive as Benni, the taxi driver, gains a missing voice in taxi menu-related cutscenes. This addition adds a layer of authenticity to interactions within the game, making the city feel more alive and dynamic. As you embark on your virtual adventures, Benni’s voice serves as a reminder of the intricate details that contribute to the game’s rich tapestry.

Enhanced Controls: Empowering Your Movement

Fluid and responsive movement is essential in a game like Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, where agility and speed are paramount. “Patch 1” acknowledges this need by introducing support for changing both movement controls and phone movement controls. This enhancement grants players the freedom to customize their control scheme, empowering them to navigate the sprawling urban environment with precision and ease. Whether you prefer a classic approach or seek a unique control configuration, the update offers a tailored experience that aligns with your playstyle.

Boost Gate Door: A Clearer Path in Chapter 3

In the heart of chapter 3’s dream sequence, a boost gate door now stands prominently, guiding players toward their next thrilling encounter. This enhancement provides a clearer path, ensuring that players embark on their journey without confusion. As you delve deeper into the narrative, the boost gate door serves as a visual cue that propels you forward, seamlessly connecting gameplay elements and story progression. With “Patch 1,” the game’s pacing remains uninterrupted, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the captivating storyline.

Bug Fixes and Improvements: Polishing the Experience

“Patch 1” doesn’t just introduce new features; it also addresses various bugs and issues to create a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience. Transition glitches from Versum Hill to Millennium Square are now a thing of the past, eliminating the frustration of soft locks. Combo multipliers reset seamlessly when entering a Robo-post mid combo, enhancing the fluidity of your moves. Safe respawn points on building edges in Mataan have been fine-tuned, ensuring that your urban exploration remains engaging and consistent. Moreover, the police heat sensitivity in chapter 6 is now balanced, providing a more immersive challenge.

Graffiti Spot Fixes: A Cleaner Urban Canvas

The bustling urban canvas of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is now more refined than ever, thanks to meticulous graffiti spot fixes in “Patch 1.” An array of faulty grind lines that once disrupted combos has been corrected, allowing for smoother and more satisfying tricks. Missing colliders in the environment have been addressed, ensuring that your interactions with the cityscape are seamless. From the grandeur of high billboards to the smallest graffiti pieces, every inch of the virtual world has been fine-tuned to provide an engaging and glitch-free experience.

Performance Boost: Faster Cutscene Skipping and Recovery

Acknowledging the importance of a seamless gaming experience, “Patch 1” introduces performance enhancements that boost your overall immersion. Cutscene skipping has been accelerated, allowing you to swiftly transition from story moments to gameplay. Additionally, crash recovery mechanisms have been refined, ensuring that you don’t miss out on cutscenes, character progression, or movestyle and phone app unlocks due to unforeseen technical glitches. With these improvements, the virtual cityscape of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk becomes more accessible and captivating than ever before.

When to Expect the Update

Eager to dive into the exhilarating world of “Patch 1”? Keep an eye on the horizon, as the update will soon go live on the Nintendo Switch platform. Prepare to explore the new Micro Boy minigame, revel in the improved movement controls, and immerse yourself in the captivating urban landscape of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Get ready to experience the game’s vibrant streets and electrifying gameplay in a whole new light.


In the ever-evolving realm of gaming, “Patch 1” for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk emerges as a beacon of excitement and innovation. This comprehensive update breathes new life into the game, introducing captivating features and refining existing elements to create a polished and immersive experience. As you step into the shoes of a daring street artist, navigate the city’s neon-lit streets, and embark on thrilling adventures, “Patch 1” elevates every aspect of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, ensuring that players of all levels are engaged, enthralled, and entertained.

  • Q1: When will “Patch 1” be available for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk?
    • A: “Patch 1” will soon go live on the Nintendo Switch platform. Keep an eye out for announcements regarding its release date.
  • Q2: What is the Micro Boy minigame?
    • A: The Micro Boy minigame is a playful addition to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, accessible through the Flip Phone. It offers challenges and rewards within a whimsical virtual world.
  • Q3: How have movement controls been enhanced in the update?
    • A: “Patch 1” introduces support for changing movement controls and phone movement controls, allowing players to customize their control scheme for a tailored experience.
  • Q4: What bug fixes are included in the update?
    • A: “Patch 1” addresses transition glitches, combo multiplier resets, police heat sensitivity, faulty grind lines, missing colliders, and more, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience.
  • Q5: How does the Boost Gate Door enhancement impact gameplay?
    • A: The Boost Gate Door provides a clearer path in the chapter 3 dream sequence, guiding players seamlessly through the narrative and gameplay elements.