Breaking Ground Update for Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Breaking Ground Update for Expeditions: A MudRunner Game


The “Breaking Ground” update for Expeditions: A MudRunner Game brings exciting new content and gameplay enhancements. Players can now explore the Kanab Creek map, featuring intricate cave systems. The update introduces two new trucks, Siro 72 T8-HAF and AFIM Hornet 622T, adding variety to vehicle choices. Marcus Kingsley joins as a new mechanic specialist, enhancing repair capabilities. A new activity, amethyst collecting, offers unique rewards. Significant gameplay changes, user interface improvements, and mod support enhancements round out the update, providing a richer and more immersive gaming experience.

Mudrunner – Breaking Ground Update

The latest update for Expeditions: A MudRunner Game, titled “Breaking Ground,” introduces a wealth of new content and improvements designed to enhance the player experience. This update includes a new map, Kanab Creek, featuring an intricate cave system that promises to challenge and excite players.

Additionally, two new trucks, the Siro 72 T8-HAF and the AFIM Hornet 622T, have been added to the game, offering new options for exploration and transportation. A new specialist, Marcus Kingsley, joins the roster, bringing his expertise as a mechanic to assist players in their journeys. A new activity, amethyst collecting, provides a fresh challenge with unique rewards. The update also includes numerous gameplay changes, user interface improvements, and mod support enhancements, all aimed at making the game more engaging and enjoyable.


New Map: Kanab Creek

Kanab Creek is the latest addition to the world of Expeditions: A MudRunner Game. This new map is set in a rugged, canyon-filled environment that offers a mix of challenging terrains and breathtaking scenery. The map is designed to test the skills of even the most seasoned players, with its narrow pathways, steep inclines, and hidden dangers. Players will need to navigate through treacherous landscapes, using their vehicles’ capabilities to their fullest to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead.

Exploring the Caves

The highlight of Kanab Creek is undoubtedly its cave system. These caves are not only visually stunning but also present a series of challenges that require careful planning and precise execution to navigate. Players will find themselves maneuvering through dark, winding tunnels, avoiding pitfalls, and solving puzzles to progress. The caves are filled with valuable resources and hidden secrets, making exploration both rewarding and perilous. The addition of the Kanab Creek caves adds a new dimension to the game, encouraging players to take on new adventures and discover what lies beneath the surface.

New Trucks in MudRunner

The Siro 72 T8-HAF is one of the two new trucks introduced in the Breaking Ground update. This heavy-duty vehicle is designed to handle the toughest terrains with ease. It features a powerful engine, robust suspension, and advanced traction control, making it ideal for navigating through mud, water, and rocky paths. The Siro 72 T8-HAF also comes equipped with a variety of customization options, allowing players to tailor the truck to their specific needs and preferences. Whether hauling heavy loads or tackling challenging off-road conditions, this truck is built to perform.

AFIM Hornet 622T Specifications

The AFIM Hornet 622T is the second new truck added in the update. Known for its agility and versatility, the Hornet 622T is perfect for players who prefer a more nimble vehicle. It boasts a lightweight design, exceptional maneuverability, and impressive speed, making it a great choice for quick expeditions and tight, difficult-to-reach areas. The Hornet 622T is also highly customizable, with options to upgrade its performance and appearance to match the player’s style. Together, these two new trucks expand the range of choices available to players, enhancing their ability to tackle any challenge the game throws their way.

Introducing Marcus Kingsley, the Mechanic

Marcus Kingsley is a new specialist added to Expeditions: A MudRunner Game in the Breaking Ground update. As a mechanic, Marcus brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to the player’s team. His expertise in vehicle maintenance and repair ensures that players can keep their trucks in top condition, even in the most demanding environments. Marcus’s backstory is rich and intriguing, adding depth to his character and making him a valuable asset in the game. His presence not only aids in vehicle upkeep but also adds an element of strategy, as players must decide how best to utilize his skills in their expeditions.

How Marcus Enhances Gameplay

Marcus Kingsley’s role as a mechanic significantly enhances gameplay by providing essential support in maintaining and repairing vehicles. His abilities reduce downtime caused by breakdowns and increase the efficiency of expeditions. Players can rely on Marcus to perform quick fixes, handle complex repairs, and optimize vehicle performance. This allows for longer, uninterrupted exploration and reduces the risk of getting stranded in remote areas. Marcus’s contributions make him an invaluable part of the team, ensuring that players can focus on their objectives without worrying about mechanical issues.

Amethyst Collecting: A New Activity

Amethyst collecting is a new activity introduced in the Breaking Ground update. To start amethyst collecting, players must first locate amethyst deposits scattered throughout the game world. These deposits are often found in remote and challenging locations, requiring players to navigate difficult terrains to reach them. Once at the site, players use specialized tools to extract the amethysts, which can then be transported back to their base. The process requires careful planning and execution, as the valuable gems are often guarded by natural hazards and environmental challenges.

Rewards and Challenges

The rewards for amethyst collecting are substantial, offering players valuable resources and in-game currency. Successfully collecting amethysts can lead to significant upgrades for vehicles and equipment, enhancing the player’s ability to tackle future challenges. However, the activity is not without its risks. The remote locations of amethyst deposits mean that players must be prepared for long journeys and potential obstacles. Additionally, the extraction process itself can be hazardous, with the possibility of environmental dangers such as landslides or wild animals. The combination of high rewards and significant challenges makes amethyst collecting a thrilling and rewarding addition to the game.

Gameplay Changes in the Breaking Ground Update

One of the notable gameplay changes in the Breaking Ground update is the new reward system for scannings. Players who complete scannings without skipping any steps are now eligible for special rewards. This system encourages thorough exploration and attention to detail, as skipping steps will result in forfeiting these rewards. The new system adds an extra layer of strategy to the game, as players must decide whether to take the time to complete scannings meticulously or to proceed quickly and miss out on potential rewards. This change enhances the depth and replayability of the game, giving players more reasons to explore every nook and cranny.

Re-balanced Selling Prices of Treasure Items

The update also includes a re-balancing of the selling prices for treasure items when a manager is recruited. This adjustment aims to provide a more equitable and rewarding experience for players. Previously, the selling prices of treasure items may have been too low, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction among players. The re-balancing ensures that players are adequately compensated for their efforts in finding and collecting treasure items. This change not only improves the economic aspects of the game but also enhances the overall sense of progression and achievement.

Winch Mode Adjustments

The winch mode has been updated to disappear after turning off the engine or in case the truck flips over. This adjustment addresses issues where the winch mode could become stuck or unresponsive in certain situations. By ensuring that the winch mode resets appropriately, the gameplay becomes smoother and more intuitive. Players can now rely on the winch mode to function correctly, reducing frustration and enhancing the overall gameplay experience. This change is part of a broader effort to refine the mechanics of the game and ensure that all features work seamlessly together.

Fuel Consumption Updates

The update includes several changes to fuel consumption mechanics. Notably, fuel consumption does not change when adjusting the level of wheel pumping while the car is stationary. Additionally, the increased fuel consumption is displayed while using a manual winch. These changes provide a more accurate and realistic representation of fuel usage, adding to the game’s immersion and challenge. Players must now consider their fuel levels more carefully, especially when using advanced features such as the manual winch. This update adds an extra layer of strategy, as managing fuel efficiently becomes crucial to successful expeditions.

User Interface Improvements

The introduction of a pop-up informing players about the possibility of starting free roam expeditions after completing all expeditions in a region is a significant user interface improvement. This pop-up ensures that players are aware of all available gameplay options, enhancing their experience and encouraging further exploration. The clear and concise information provided by the pop-up helps players make informed decisions about their next steps in the game. This improvement is part of the broader effort to make the game more accessible and enjoyable for all players.

Green Highlight for New Expeditions

New expeditions are now highlighted in green in the expedition selection list. This visual cue makes it easier for players to identify new content and prioritize their activities. The green highlight draws attention to the latest additions, ensuring that players do not miss out on new and exciting challenges. This small but effective change improves the overall usability of the user interface, making the game more intuitive and user-friendly. It also helps maintain player engagement by clearly indicating new opportunities for adventure.

Save Completion Percentage Fixes

The update addresses an issue where the save completion percentage would change after creating new saves. This fix ensures that players have an accurate representation of their progress, preventing confusion and frustration. By maintaining the correct save completion percentage, the game provides a more reliable and satisfying experience for players. This change is part of a broader effort to improve the game’s stability and accuracy, ensuring that all aspects of the player experience are as polished and reliable as possible.

Truck and Localization Updates

The AFIM S1960 truck now features an updated interior that changes color along with the body color. This visual enhancement adds a new level of customization and personalization for players. The ability to match the interior and exterior colors allows for a more cohesive and aesthetically pleasing vehicle design. This update is part of a broader effort to provide players with more options for customizing their vehicles, enhancing the overall visual appeal and player satisfaction. The AFIM S1960’s updated interior is just one example of the attention to detail that makes the game visually engaging and enjoyable.

Jack-Screw Description Changes

The description of the impossibility of using the Jack-Screw has been changed in the latest update. This change aims to provide clearer and more accurate information to players, reducing confusion and enhancing gameplay. The updated description ensures that players understand the limitations and proper usage of the Jack-Screw, allowing them to make better-informed decisions during their expeditions. This update is part of a broader effort to improve the clarity and accuracy of in-game information, ensuring that players have all the knowledge they need to succeed in their adventures.

Mod Support Enhancements

The horizontal scrollbar has been removed from the Select Asset window in the mod support section. This change improves the usability and visual appeal of the mod support interface, making it easier for players to navigate and select assets. The removal of the unnecessary scrollbar streamlines the user experience, ensuring that players can focus on customizing and enhancing their game without unnecessary distractions. This update is part of a broader effort to refine and improve the mod support features, providing players with a more polished and enjoyable modding experience.

Select Asset Window Updates

The Select Asset window has been updated to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. These updates include improvements to the layout, navigation, and functionality of the window, making it easier for players to find and select the assets they need. The enhanced Select Asset window supports the game’s overall goal of providing a seamless and enjoyable experience for players, whether they are customizing their vehicles, managing their expeditions, or exploring new content. This update is part of the ongoing effort to refine and enhance all aspects of the game, ensuring that players have the best possible experience.


The Breaking Ground update for Expeditions: A MudRunner Game brings a wealth of new content and improvements that significantly enhance the player experience. From the new Kanab Creek map and its intricate cave system to the addition of new trucks and a specialist mechanic, the update offers fresh challenges and opportunities for exploration. The new activity of amethyst collecting adds a rewarding layer of gameplay, while various updates to gameplay mechanics, the user interface, and mod support ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience. Overall, the Breaking Ground update represents a significant step forward for the game, providing players with more content, better mechanics, and an enhanced adventure.

  • What new content is included in the Breaking Ground update?

    The Breaking Ground update for Expeditions: A MudRunner Game includes a new map called Kanab Creek, which features intricate cave systems for players to explore. Additionally, two new trucks have been added: the Siro 72 T8-HAF and the AFIM Hornet 622T. The update also introduces a new specialist mechanic, Marcus Kingsley, and a new activity, amethyst collecting. Along with these, various gameplay changes, user interface improvements, and mod support enhancements are part of the update.

  • How do I start collecting amethysts in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game?

    To start amethyst collecting, players need to locate amethyst deposits scattered throughout the game world. These deposits are typically found in remote and challenging locations. Players must navigate difficult terrains to reach these sites and use specialized tools to extract the amethysts. The extracted amethysts can then be transported back to the base for rewards. This activity requires careful planning and execution due to the environmental hazards and challenges involved.

  • What are the features of the new trucks in the update?

    The Breaking Ground update introduces two new trucks: the Siro 72 T8-HAF and the AFIM Hornet 622T. The Siro 72 T8-HAF is a heavy-duty vehicle designed for tough terrains, featuring a powerful engine, robust suspension, and advanced traction control. It offers various customization options for players to tailor its performance. The AFIM Hornet 622T is known for its agility and versatility, boasting a lightweight design, exceptional maneuverability, and impressive speed. It is ideal for quick expeditions and navigating tight areas, with customization options available for enhancing its performance.

  • Who is Marcus Kingsley, and how does he enhance gameplay?

    Marcus Kingsley is a new specialist mechanic introduced in the Breaking Ground update. As a mechanic, Marcus provides essential support in maintaining and repairing vehicles, ensuring they remain in top condition even in the most demanding environments. His expertise reduces downtime caused by breakdowns and increases the efficiency of expeditions. Marcus’s abilities allow for quick fixes, complex repairs, and vehicle optimization, making him an invaluable asset for players looking to keep their vehicles running smoothly during their adventures.

  • What are the key gameplay changes in the Breaking Ground update?

    The Breaking Ground update includes several key gameplay changes. A new reward system for scannings encourages thorough exploration by offering special rewards for completing scannings without skipping steps. The selling prices of treasure items have been re-balanced to provide more equitable compensation when a manager is recruited. Adjustments to the winch mode ensure it resets appropriately after turning off the engine or if the truck flips over. Additionally, changes to fuel consumption mechanics provide a more realistic representation of fuel usage, enhancing the game’s immersion and challenge.