Brotato: Survive and Thrive in a Hostile Alien World

Brotato: Survive and Thrive in a Hostile Alien World


Join Brotato, the last surviving potato from the Potato World spaceship crash, in an adrenaline-pumping adventure on an alien planet. Brotato is not your ordinary potato; armed with up to 6 weapons simultaneously, it must fend off hordes of aliens to stay alive until help arrives. This top-down arena shooter roguelite offers fast-paced runs that last under 30 minutes, ensuring action-packed gameplay for players of all kinds.

Survive and Thrive in a Hostile Alien World

The stars aligned in the cosmos, and Brotato has emerged with a bang! Let us delve into the captivating world of Brotato, where potato meets alien in a fierce battle for survival. The launch trailer has set our expectations soaring high, and now it’s time to explore every nook and cranny of this thrilling roguelite.


Story and Gameplay Overview:

Picture this: a spaceship from Potato World crashes onto an unknown alien planet. Among the wreckage lies Brotato, the last of its kind, armed with an extraordinary ability to wield up to 6 weapons simultaneously. The quest for survival begins, and Brotato must endure the hostile environment until its mates arrive for rescue.

Brotato’s Unique Abilities:

What sets Brotato apart is its exceptional skill in handling various weapons. Players get to choose from a wide range of characters, each with unique traits like one-handed, crazy, lucky, mage, and more. These traits allow for customizable runs, ensuring no two experiences are alike.

Fast-Paced and Customizable Runs:

The heart-pounding action doesn’t stop there. Brotato offers fast runs that typically last under 30 minutes, making it a perfect choice for quick gaming sessions. Players can experiment with hundreds of items and weapons, from flamethrowers and SMGs to rocket launchers and sticks and stones.

Weapon Variety and Combat:

Combat in Brotato is a breeze with auto-firing weapons. However, for those seeking an extra challenge, manual aiming is also available. This dual approach caters to both casual and seasoned players, ensuring an enjoyable experience for all.

Customizing Character Builds:

Diversity is the spice of life in Brotato. Players can tailor their character builds to suit their playstyle. Want to go all-in with one-handed weapons, or maybe unleash chaos with a crazy build? The choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless.

Alien Waves and Survival Strategies:

Alien waves sweep across the alien planet, and Brotato must muster all its strength to endure. Each wave lasts 20 to 90 seconds, pushing players to their limits. Skillful maneuvers, precise shooting, and strategic use of items will determine whether Brotato survives or succumbs to the extraterrestrial onslaught.

Collecting Materials and Gaining Experience:

In the midst of the chaos, Brotato has an opportunity to collect materials to gain experience. The shop opens between waves, providing a chance to acquire essential items to aid in the struggle against the alien menace.

Accessibility Options for All Players:

Brotato ensures that players of all skill levels can enjoy the game to the fullest. Accessibility options allow tweaking the health, damage, and speed of enemies, striking the right balance for a personalized and enjoyable experience.

Positive Reception and Developer Insights:

Brotato has been embraced by the gaming community with open arms. Critics praise its engaging gameplay, dynamic combat, and addictive nature. Developers reveal their inspirations and future plans, promising even more thrilling content on the horizon.


In conclusion, Brotato delivers an exhilarating gaming experience that transcends the ordinary. As the last surviving potato in an alien world, players embark on a journey filled with action, customization, and survival. The game’s unique mechanics, such as wielding multiple weapons and customizing character builds, add depth to the gameplay, ensuring each run is a fresh adventure.

The accessibility options cater to players of all skill levels, making Brotato an inclusive and enjoyable game for everyone. Whether you prefer auto-firing weapons or the challenge of manual aiming, Brotato has something for you.

The positive reception from both players and critics speaks volumes about the game’s quality and appeal. As the developers continue to share their insights and future plans, we can expect more thrilling updates and content in the coming days.

So, are you ready to face the alien hordes and prove your mettle as the mighty Brotato? Dive into this fast-paced top-down roguelite now and experience the thrill of survival in an alien world like never before!

  • Q1: What platforms is Brotato available on?
    • A1: Brotato is currently available on the Nintendo Switch eShop.
  • Q2: Can I customize my character’s traits in Brotato?
    • A2: Yes, you can choose from a variety of traits for your character, such as one-handed, crazy, lucky, and mage, to create unique and personalized runs.
  • Q3: How long do the runs typically last in Brotato?
    • A3: The runs in Brotato are designed to be fast-paced and usually last under 30 minutes, making it perfect for quick gaming sessions.
  • Q4: Are there accessibility options in Brotato?
    • A4: Yes, Brotato offers accessibility options that allow you to tweak the difficulty of enemies, health, damage, and speed, ensuring a comfortable gaming experience for all players.
  • Q5: Can I collect materials and gain experience in the game?
    • A5: Yes, during the waves, you can collect materials that contribute to gaining experience. You can use this experience to obtain items from the shop and enhance your chances of survival.
  • Q6: Is there a variety of weapons in Brotato?
    • A6: Absolutely! Brotato boasts hundreds of items and weapons, ranging from flamethrowers and SMGs to rocket launchers and sticks and stones, allowing you to find your perfect arsenal.