Clem: A Puzzlevania Adventure by Mango Protocol and Iceberg Interactive

Clem: A Puzzlevania Adventure by Mango Protocol and Iceberg Interactive


Embark on an extraordinary journey with Clem, a puzzlevania adventure developed by Mango Protocol and Iceberg Interactive. In this dark narrative experience, players navigate through intricate puzzles and mysterious environments, unraveling the secrets of a shadowy story.

Craft magical toys, explore hidden secrets, and confront challenging puzzles as you immerse yourself in Clem’s hand-drawn art style and captivating gameplay. Discover the unique blend of puzzles and exploration that defines the Puzzlevania genre, and choose your fate in a tale of manipulation, pride, forgiveness, and redemption.

Overview of Clem

Clem is a mesmerizing puzzlevania adventure that takes players on a journey through dark, mysterious landscapes. Developed by Mango Protocol in collaboration with Iceberg Interactive, Clem offers a unique gameplay experience that blends intricate puzzles with immersive exploration. Set in a world shrouded in mystery, players must unravel the secrets of their surroundings while confronting their own inner demons.


Introduction to Puzzlevania Genre

Puzzlevania is a genre that combines elements of traditional puzzle-solving with the atmospheric exploration of classic metroidvania games. In Clem, players will find themselves immersed in a world filled with challenging puzzles, hidden secrets, and captivating storytelling. As they progress through the game, they will uncover new areas, unlock special abilities, and confront powerful adversaries in their quest for answers.

Gameplay Mechanics

Puzzle and Exploration Blend

At the heart of Clem’s gameplay is the seamless integration of puzzle-solving and exploration. Players will need to use their wits and cunning to navigate through a series of interconnected environments, solving puzzles, and uncovering hidden secrets along the way. With each puzzle solved, new areas will be unlocked, revealing more of the game’s richly detailed world.

Crafting Magical Toys

One of the unique features of Clem is the ability to craft magical toys, which can be used to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles. By collecting various materials scattered throughout the game world, players can create a wide range of toys with different abilities and properties. Whether it’s summoning creatures, manipulating objects, or altering the environment itself, the possibilities are endless.

Unraveling the Dark Narrative

As players progress through Clem, they will uncover fragments of a dark and mysterious narrative, piecing together the truth behind the enigmatic world they find themselves in. Through cryptic notes, haunting imagery, and atmospheric storytelling, the game invites players to delve deeper into its shadowy depths, confronting their fears and uncertainties along the way.

Visual Elements

Hand-drawn Art Style

One of the most striking aspects of Clem is its hand-drawn art style, which imbues the game with a sense of beauty and authenticity. Every character, creature, and environment is lovingly rendered in exquisite detail, bringing the world of Clem to life in vivid color and texture. From the eerie corridors of a forgotten mansion to the lush landscapes of a hidden garden, each location is a work of art in its own right.

2D Graphics with 3D Navigation

While Clem features 2D graphics, its gameplay offers a surprising degree of depth and immersion thanks to its 3D environmental navigation. Players will find themselves exploring vast, multi-layered environments filled with hidden passageways, secret chambers, and unexpected twists and turns. With every step they take, they’ll uncover new mysteries and uncover new challenges, keeping them engaged and enthralled from start to finish.

Challenges and Puzzles

Diverse and Intricate Puzzles

From fiendishly clever riddles to mind-bending logic puzzles, Clem offers a wide variety of challenges to test players’ skills and ingenuity. Each puzzle is carefully crafted to provide a satisfying balance of difficulty and reward, encouraging players to think creatively and experiment with different solutions. Whether it’s deciphering ancient glyphs, manipulating complex machinery, or navigating treacherous traps, there’s never a dull moment in Clem’s world of puzzles.

Hidden Secrets and Challenges

In addition to its main storyline, Clem is filled with hidden secrets and challenges for players to discover and explore. From hidden rooms and secret passages to hidden collectibles and unlockable rewards, there’s always something new to uncover around every corner. Whether it’s finding a hidden treasure, solving a cryptic puzzle, or unlocking a secret area, the game rewards curiosity and exploration at every turn.

Storyline and Narrative

Dark Themes and Emotional Depth

Beneath Clem’s charming exterior lies a dark and emotionally resonant narrative that explores themes of loss, redemption, and the nature of existence. As players delve deeper into the game’s story, they’ll encounter a cast of compelling characters, each with their own struggles and motivations. From the tragic backstory of the protagonist to the sinister machinations of the game’s villains, Clem’s narrative is as gripping as it is thought-provoking.

Player Choices and Consequences

One of the most intriguing aspects of Clem is its emphasis on player choice and consequence, allowing players to shape the outcome of the story through their actions and decisions. Whether it’s choosing to help or hinder a fellow character, deciding whether to trust or betray a friend, or determining the fate of an entire world, every choice has far-reaching consequences that ripple throughout the game. With multiple endings and branching storylines, Clem offers a wealth of replay value for players seeking to explore every possible outcome.

Development and Collaboration

Iceberg Interactive and Mango Protocol

Clem is the result of a collaboration between Mango Protocol, an independent game development studio based in Spain, and Iceberg Interactive, a renowned publisher of indie games. Together, they have brought Clem to life with a level of polish and professionalism that belies its indie roots. From its captivating art style to its immersive gameplay mechanics, Clem is a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity in the world of indie gaming.

Design and Art Direction

One of the key strengths of Clem is its exceptional design and art direction, which combine to create a visually stunning and thematically rich gaming experience. From its meticulously crafted environments to its evocative character designs, every aspect of the game has been lovingly crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and intrigue. Whether it’s the haunting beauty of a moonlit forest or the eerie atmosphere of a forgotten ruin, Clem’s world is a feast for the senses that will linger in players’ minds long after they’ve finished playing.

Reception and Reviews

Critical Acclaim and Player Feedback

Since its release, Clem has garnered widespread critical acclaim and enthusiastic praise from players and critics alike. Its engaging gameplay, captivating narrative, and stunning visuals have earned it accolades from some of the most respected voices in the gaming industry. From its innovative puzzle mechanics to its emotionally resonant storytelling, Clem has struck a chord with players of all ages and backgrounds, cementing its status as a modern classic in the indie gaming scene.

Impact on Gaming Community

In addition to its critical acclaim, Clem has also had a significant impact on the gaming community, inspiring a new generation of developers and players alike. Its unique blend of puzzle-solving, exploration, and narrative depth has sparked discussions and debates among fans, leading to a renewed interest in the Puzzlevania genre as a whole. With its innovative gameplay mechanics and richly detailed world, Clem has left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape, setting a new standard for excellence in indie gaming.


In conclusion, Clem is a triumph of creativity, innovation, and storytelling that deserves to be experienced by gamers everywhere. With its unique blend of puzzles, exploration, and narrative depth, it offers a gaming experience unlike any other, challenging players to think, explore, and feel in ways they never thought possible. Whether you’re a fan of puzzle games, narrative adventures, or just looking for something new and exciting to play, Clem is sure to captivate and inspire you from beginning to end.

  • 1. What platforms is Clem available on?
    • Clem is currently available on the Nintendo Switch platform.
  • 2. Is Clem suitable for all ages?
    • While Clem does contain some dark themes and challenging puzzles, it is generally suitable for players of all ages.
  • 3. How long does it take to complete Clem?
    • The length of time it takes to complete Clem will vary depending on individual play styles and skill levels, but most players can expect to spend around 10-15 hours on their first playthrough.
  • 4. Are there multiple endings in Clem?
    • Yes, Clem features multiple endings and branching storylines based on the choices players make throughout the game.
  • 5. Can I replay Clem to experience different outcomes?
    • Absolutely! Clem offers a wealth of replay value, with multiple endings and branching storylines that encourage players to explore every possible outcome.