Crying Suns Last Orders Update – Exciting Additions

Crying Suns Last Orders Update – Exciting Additions


The Crying Suns Last Orders update introduces a wealth of new content, gameplay features, and improvements that will elevate your gaming experience to new heights.

We delve into the major additions, including the introduction of two new character factions: Prag Mah and Phalanx. We’ll explore the unlockable battleships, Horus Class and Kronos Class, as well as the unique officers associated with each faction. Additionally, we’ll discuss the highly anticipated release date of Molly Medusa: Queen of Spit, which adds another layer of excitement to the game.

Crying Suns Last Orders Update

The Last Orders update for Crying Suns marks a significant milestone in the game’s evolution, introducing an array of exciting additions that expand the universe and enhance gameplay. With the introduction of the Prag Mah and Phalanx factions, players can expect fresh challenges and compelling narratives. Let’s delve into the captivating content awaiting exploration.

New Content and Features

Unveiling the Horus Class Battleship

Prepare to command the formidable Horus Class battleship, a marvel of engineering and power. This battleship boasts advanced technologies and devastating weaponry, capable of turning the tide of any encounter. Its presence on the battlefield demands attention, offering both defensive resilience and offensive prowess. With strategic deployment and skilled maneuvering, the Horus Class battleship becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Meet the Formidable Officers

The Last Orders update introduces officers hailing from the Prag Mah and Phalanx factions, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table. These officers embody the ethos of their respective factions, with distinct abilities that can tip the scales of victory in your favor. From the relentless imperial judges of the Prag Mah to the lethal mercenary warriors of the Phalanx, these officers add depth and complexity to the gameplay experience.

Exciting Events and Gameplay Additions

Prepare for a wealth of new events, meticulously crafted to immerse players in the rich lore of Crying Suns. Engage in gripping encounters that challenge your decision-making, uncovering hidden secrets and unlocking valuable rewards. Whether it’s negotiating with formidable adversaries or unraveling the mysteries of unexplored sectors, the Last Orders update presents captivating gameplay additions that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Molly Medusa: Queen of Spit Release Date

The Last Orders update also brings exciting news for fans eagerly awaiting the release of Molly Medusa: Queen of Spit. Mark your calendars and brace yourself for the adrenaline-pumping adventure that awaits. This highly anticipated expansion adds new dimensions to the Crying Suns universe, offering captivating stories, unique challenges, and unforgettable characters. The release date of Molly Medusa: Queen of Spit marks a milestone that players should eagerly anticipate.

Weapons and Squadrons

Introducing the Rewinder

The arsenal of Crying Suns expands with the addition of the Rewinder, a weapon that harnesses the manipulation of time itself. With the Rewinder, you gain the power to rewind enemy actions, effectively nullifying their advances and gaining a tactical advantage. Whether you’re evading devastating attacks or repositioning your forces strategically, the Rewinder opens up new avenues for outmaneuvering your opponents.

Exploring the Bomber and Aurora Squadrons

The Last Orders update introduces two squadrons, the Bomber and the Aurora, each with their unique roles and capabilities. The Bomber squadron specializes in devastating bombing runs, capable of decimating enemy defenses and crippling their ships. On the other hand, the Aurora squadron excels in precision strikes, disrupting enemy systems and rendering their strategies ineffective. With these squadrons under your command, victory will be within reach.

Unveiling the Vanguard Squadron Ability

Lead your squadrons to glory with the Vanguard ability, a powerful strategic tool that amplifies their effectiveness. The Vanguard ability enables a squadron to coordinate and synchronize attacks with other squadrons

in a synergistic manner. By strategically deploying the Vanguard squadron alongside other squadrons, you can unleash devastating combined assaults, overwhelming your adversaries and turning the tides of battle in your favor. The Vanguard ability adds a layer of depth and coordination to your squadron tactics, allowing for intricate and strategic gameplay.

Expedition Intel Broker

Understanding the Intel Broker Feature

One of the notable additions in the Last Orders update is the Expedition Intel Broker. This feature grants players access to valuable information and insights during their expeditions. By utilizing the Intel Broker, you can gather intel about the expedition, including enemy strengths, hidden resources, and potential hazards. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions, strategically plan your routes, and optimize your resource allocation.

Unlocking and Utilizing the Intel Broker

To access the Intel Broker feature, players need to upgrade their expeditions to level 2 or 3. Once unlocked, the Intel Broker becomes a valuable asset in your expedition endeavors. Interacting with the Intel Broker allows you to acquire specific intel tailored to the expedition at hand. This information empowers you to navigate uncharted territories with confidence, maximizing your chances of success and minimizing potential risks.

Enhancing Expedition Strategies with Officer Skills

The Intel Broker feature synergizes with the diverse range of officer skills available in Crying Suns. These skills can further enhance your expedition strategies. For example, officers with enhanced scouting abilities can complement the Intel Broker by revealing additional hidden resources or unexplored paths. Likewise, officers skilled in resource negotiation can leverage the acquired intel to optimize resource allocation, ensuring maximum efficiency during expeditions.

Gameplay Updates and Balancing

Discovering New Achievements

The Last Orders update introduces a host of new achievements, tied to the new factions and officers. These achievements provide additional challenges and objectives for players to conquer, further enriching the gameplay experience. Whether it’s completing specific tasks aligned with the Prag Mah or Phalanx factions or showcasing your mastery of the new officers’ abilities, these achievements add an extra layer of accomplishment to your playthrough.

Improved Mechanics for Seamless Gameplay

The Last Orders update brings several refined mechanics to enhance the overall gameplay experience. One notable change is the simultaneous shield activation, where all shields on a battleship activate at once when damage is incurred. This adjustment streamlines the combat flow and adds a layer of tactical decision-making. Additionally, squadron abilities have been balanced to ensure a fair and engaging gameplay experience, encouraging players to strategize and make the most of their squadron compositions.

Balancing Adjustments for Fair Challenges

The developers have diligently fine-tuned various aspects of the game to ensure balanced and challenging gameplay. Weapon and squadron performances have undergone adjustments to maintain equilibrium and promote diverse playstyles. Shield mechanics and ability charge rates have also been balanced to provide a fair and immersive experience for players across different skill levels. These balancing adjustments aim to create an engaging gameplay environment where strategic decision-making and adaptability are key to success.

Interface, Graphics, and Sounds

Evaluating Expedition Evaluation and Projection

The Last Orders update brings enhancements to the expedition evaluation and projection systems, allowing for more accurate assessment of potential outcomes. These improvements empower players to make informed decisions when charting their expedition routes and allocating resources. With a clearer understanding of the risks and rewards associated with each path, players can optimize their choices and embark on expeditions with confidence.

Exploring Static Tutorials for Quick References

To assist both new and seasoned players, static tutorials have been implemented in the Last Orders update. These tutorials provide accessible and concise explanations of key gameplay mechanics, ensuring that players have a quick and convenient reference whenever needed. Whether

you need a refresher on combat strategies, resource management, or officer abilities, the static tutorials are readily available to help you navigate the complexities of the game and make informed decisions.

Streamlined Interface Improvements

The interface has undergone refinements to enhance clarity and understanding. Visual cues and intuitive design elements have been implemented to provide a more seamless and immersive experience. From expedition planning to battleship upgrades, the streamlined interface ensures that essential information is easily accessible, allowing players to focus on the strategic aspects of the game without unnecessary distractions.

Notable Updates to Visual Elements

The Last Orders update pays attention to the visual aspects of the game, with notable updates to the main menu logo and various visual elements throughout. The updated main menu logo reflects the theme and atmosphere of the Last Orders update, immersing players into the captivating world of Crying Suns right from the start. Visual improvements, such as enhanced artwork, animations, and visual effects, contribute to a more polished and visually captivating gaming experience.

Story and Events

Resolving Dialog Inconsistencies and Typos

The Last Orders update addresses issues related to dialog inconsistencies and typographical errors based on valuable player feedback. The developers have meticulously combed through the game’s dialogue to ensure a more immersive and coherent storytelling experience. By ironing out these inconsistencies and errors, players can now enjoy a smoother narrative flow that enhances their engagement with the game’s characters and plot.

Engaging Q&A Events Between Idaho and Kaliban

The Last Orders update introduces dynamic Q&A events between Idaho and Kaliban, deepening the storytelling aspect of the game. These events provide an opportunity for players to delve into thought-provoking discussions and gain further insights into the characters’ motivations and the game’s overarching narrative. Engaging in these Q&A events adds layers of depth and immersion to the Crying Suns universe, enabling players to forge stronger connections with the game’s rich lore.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Addressing Major Bug Fixes

The Last Orders update brings significant bug fixes to address gameplay issues and enhance stability. These fixes target major bugs that may have affected the overall gaming experience. By diligently addressing these issues, the developers ensure a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay environment for all players, providing a seamless journey through the vast expanses of Crying Suns.

Implementing Improvements Based on Player Feedback

The developers value the feedback provided by the player community and have incorporated improvements based on these valuable insights. The Last Orders update reflects the collaborative effort between the developers and the players, with adjustments made to enhance the overall gameplay experience. These improvements touch upon various aspects, ranging from user interface enhancements to balancing tweaks, ensuring that the game continues to evolve and cater to the preferences and needs of the players.


In conclusion, the Last Orders update for Crying Suns brings a wealth of new content, gameplay features, and improvements that elevate the gaming experience to new heights. With the introduction of the Prag Mah and Phalanx factions, the unveiling of powerful battleships, the addition of new weapons and squadrons, and the implementation of the Intel Broker feature, players can expect exciting challenges and opportunities for strategic decision-making. The gameplay updates, interface enhancements, and visual improvements contribute to a more immersive and polished experience. Moreover, the bug fixes and adjustments based on player feedback demonstrate the developers’ commitment to delivering a seamless and enjoyable gameplay journey. Prepare to embark on an adventure like never before as you explore the captivating universe of Crying Suns in the Last Orders update.

  • Q1: How can I unlock the new battleships introduced in the Last Orders update?
    • A: The Horus Class battleship isunlocked by reaching a specific milestone in the game after Chapter 3, while the Kronos Class battleship becomes available after progressing to Chapter 4. Engage in challenging battles and navigate the captivating storyline to earn the right to command these powerful vessels.
  • Q2: What benefits does the Intel Broker offer during expeditions?
    • A: The Intel Broker provides valuable information about the expedition, such as enemy strengths, hidden resources, and potential hazards. By utilizing the Intel Broker, you gain insights that can help you make informed decisions, strategize your route, and optimize your resource allocation. This valuable intel increases your chances of success and resource acquisition during expeditions.
  • Q3: Are the new factions and officers balanced in terms of gameplay?
    • A: Yes, the developers have taken great care to ensure that the new factions and officers are balanced, providing fair and engaging gameplay for all players. Each faction and officer brings unique abilities and perspectives to the table, encouraging diverse playstyles and strategies. Whether you align yourself with the relentless imperial judges of the Prag Mah or the deadly mercenary warriors of the Phalanx, you’ll find an exciting and balanced gameplay experience.
  • Q4: Will the Last Orders update affect my saved progress in the game?
    • A: The Last Orders update is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing save files. You can continue your journey with the new content and features without any interruptions or loss of progress. However, it is always recommended to back up your save files before updating to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Q5: How often does the game receive updates and new content?
    • A: The developers of Crying Suns are dedicated to providing regular updates and new content to enhance the gaming experience. They actively listen to player feedback, identify areas for improvement, and introduce updates accordingly. By consistently expanding the game’s universe and refining gameplay mechanics, they ensure that players have a dynamic and engaging experience with ongoing updates.