Delivering Excellence: Takemoto Hayato’s Role in Nintendo 64 Controller Development

Delivering Excellence: Takemoto Hayato’s Role in Nintendo 64 Controller Development


This content delves into the intriguing journey of Takemoto Hayato, a vital member of Nintendo’s technical development department, during the creation of the Nintendo 64 controller for Nintendo Switch Online. It highlights his role in project management, risk anticipation, and the challenges faced in delivering the product by the release date.

The certification process and the art of information control are explored, showcasing the meticulous planning required to keep surprises intact for customers. The article emphasizes cross-departmental coordination, communication strategies, and how customer satisfaction was achieved despite the hurdles. It also touches upon Nintendo’s swift response to FCC rumors, confirming N64 games and introducing SEGA Genesis to the platform. Join us on this journey through the intricate world of product development and the dedication that goes into delivering gaming excellence.

NSO – Nintendo 64 Controller Development

In the ever-evolving world of gaming, the Nintendo 64 controller holds a special place in the hearts of many. But have you ever wondered about the minds behind its resurrection for Nintendo Switch Online? Takemoto Hayato, a key figure in Nintendo’s technical development department, embarked on an extraordinary journey to bring this iconic controller back to life. This article delves into his role, the challenges faced, and the strategies employed in delivering gaming excellence.

Role of Takemoto Hayato in Product Development

As a project manager in Nintendo’s technical development department, Takemoto Hayato’s responsibilities are far-reaching. He’s the mastermind behind organizing hardware development projects, confirming progress, and overseeing operations until the product’s release. His job revolves around project management, but it goes beyond mere supervision. It’s about anticipating risks and having countermeasures ready.

Nintendo 64 Controller Project

The mission was clear: deliver the Nintendo 64 controller to customers’ hands when Nintendo 64 – Nintendo Switch Online became available. With the motto, Nothing beats playing Nintendo 64 games with this, the team embarked on development with passion and determination.

Certification Process

Certification became a significant obstacle on the path to delivering the product by the release date. Different countries have their own regulations concerning voltage limits, and certification is essential to ensure compliance and facilitate customs clearance. However, leaking information about certification before the official announcement could undermine the excitement for customers.

Coordination and Information Control

Precise calendar management and meticulous information control were necessary to prevent unintended situations. Takemoto Hayato took the lead in coordinating various departments and people across different countries. Effective communication was key, adjusting his language to ensure everyone understood the intricate details of the project.

Customer Satisfaction

The real reward came when customers began posting about receiving their Nintendo 64 controllers on social media. The challenges faced and the adjustments made were all validated by the satisfaction of Nintendo’s dedicated fans. Just a week after FCC rumors surfaced, Nintendo made a strategic move, confirming N64 games and introducing SEGA Genesis to the platform, ensuring that gamers had even more to look forward to.


Takemoto Hayato’s journey in bringing the Nintendo 64 controller back to life showcases the dedication and meticulous planning required in the world of gaming hardware development. The challenges were significant, but the end result brought joy to countless gamers.

  • 1. How did Takemoto Hayato’s role differ from traditional project management?
    • Takemoto Hayato’s role extended beyond traditional project management as he focused on risk anticipation and countermeasures, ensuring a smoother development process.
  • 2. Why was information control crucial during the certification process?
    • Information control was vital to prevent leaking information about certification, which could have affected the customer experience and excitement.
  • 3. How did Takemoto Hayato coordinate various departments for this project?
    • Takemoto Hayato’s coordination involved effective communication and adjusting his language to ensure clear understanding among team members from different backgrounds.
  • 4. What was the significance of customer satisfaction in this project?
    • Customer satisfaction validated the challenges faced and adjustments made during the development process, making it all worthwhile.
  • 5. How did Nintendo respond to the FCC rumors about N64 games?
    • Nintendo strategically confirmed the arrival of N64 games and introduced SEGA Genesis to offer gamers even more exciting content.