Dicefolk: Tactical Roguelike Adventure

Dicefolk: Tactical Roguelike Adventure


Dicefolk is making its highly anticipated debut on Nintendo Switch, bringing its unique blend of tactical roguelike gameplay to a new audience.

Developed by Leap Game Studios and Tiny Ghoul, and published by Good Shepherd Entertainment, Dicefolk offers players an immersive experience filled with dice-based combat and monster recruiting mechanics. Players assume the role of Alea, a brave hero, on a quest to stop the sorcerer Salem and his army of Chimeras from destroying humanity. With over 100 creatures and items to collect, the strategic possibilities in Dicefolk feel endless. Dive into this vibrant world, where every decision matters, and embark on a thrilling adventure like no other.

A Tactical Roguelike Adventure

Dicefolk is set to make waves on the Nintendo Switch platform, introducing players to its captivating blend of tactical gameplay and roguelike elements. As announced by Good Shepherd Entertainment and developers Leap Game Studios and Tiny Ghoul, the game’s release on the Switch later in 2024 promises to deliver an engaging experience to gamers of all levels.


Gameplay Mechanics

Dice-based Combat

Dicefolk revolutionizes combat with its unique dice-based mechanics. Players must strategically choose which dice faces to activate, considering the abilities they unlock and their order of activation. This tactical approach adds depth to each encounter, turning dice into powerful tools for success in battle.

Monster Recruiting

One of Dicefolk’s standout features is its monster recruiting system. As a Chimera Summoner, players have the opportunity to befriend and recruit a diverse array of creatures to join their team. Cultivating connections with these formidable companions is crucial for success on the battlefield.

Strategic Turn-Based Gameplay

At the heart of Dicefolk lies its strategic turn-based gameplay. Players not only control their own team’s actions but also influence the turns of adversaries. This unique mechanic elevates the level of strategy, requiring players to anticipate and adapt to their opponents’ moves.

Storyline and Characters

Alea, the Dicefolk Hero

Players step into the shoes of Alea, a young hero with the power to befriend Chimeras using the magic of her dice. Alea’s journey is one of bravery and determination as she sets out to thwart the plans of the malevolent sorcerer Salem.

Salem, the Sorcerer Antagonist

Salem poses a significant threat to humanity, commanding an army of magical beasts known as Chimeras to carry out his nefarious deeds. As the primary antagonist, Salem’s machinations drive the overarching narrative of Dicefolk, challenging players at every turn.

Chimera Creatures

The world of Dicefolk is teeming with a diverse array of Chimeras, each possessing unique abilities and traits. From fierce dragons to cunning specters, players will encounter a myriad of formidable foes and potential allies on their journey.

Exploring Strategic Possibilities

With over 100 creatures and items to collect, Dicefolk offers endless possibilities for team customization. Players must carefully consider their team composition, leveraging the strengths of their Chimeras to overcome challenges.

Abilities and Tactics

Mastering the abilities and tactics of each Chimera is essential for success in Dicefolk. Whether unleashing devastating attacks or providing crucial support, understanding each creature’s role in combat is key to victory.

Expansion and Future Updates

Looking ahead, Dicefolk promises ongoing support and updates in 2024. Players can expect new content, features, and challenges to further enrich their gaming experience and keep the adventure fresh.

As Dicefolk expands its universe, community engagement will play a vital role in shaping its future. Developers Leap Game Studios and Tiny Ghoul are committed to listening to player feedback and incorporating community-driven ideas into the game’s development.


In conclusion, Dicefolk’s arrival on the Nintendo Switch heralds an exciting new chapter for fans of tactical roguelike adventures. With its innovative gameplay mechanics, immersive storyline, and vibrant cast of characters, Dicefolk offers an unforgettable gaming experience. Prepare to embark on a journey filled with strategic challenges, epic battles, and the thrill of adventure. The fate of humanity rests in your hands—are you ready to roll the dice?

  • 1. What makes Dicefolk different from other tactical roguelike games?
    • Dicefolk sets itself apart with its unique blend of dice-based combat and monster recruiting mechanics. The ability to control both your team and your adversaries adds a new layer of strategy to every encounter, creating dynamic and engaging gameplay.
  • 2. Can players customize their team in Dicefolk?
    • Absolutely! With over 100 creatures and items to collect, players have ample opportunity to customize their team to suit their playstyle. From powerful dragons to elusive specters, the possibilities are endless.
  • 3. How does the dice-based combat system work in Dicefolk?
    • In Dicefolk, combat revolves around strategically choosing which dice faces to activate. These faces correspond to different abilities, each with its own strengths and effects. By carefully selecting and sequencing dice, players can unleash devastating attacks and outmaneuver their opponents.
  • 4. Is Dicefolk suitable for players new to the genre?
    • While Dicefolk offers deep strategic gameplay, it’s also accessible to players new to the genre. The game features tutorials and intuitive mechanics that gradually introduce players to its core concepts, ensuring an enjoyable experience for gamers of all skill levels.
  • 5. Are there plans for additional content updates after the Switch release of Dicefolk?
    • Yes! Developers Leap Game Studios and Tiny Ghoul are committed to supporting Dicefolk with regular updates and new content. Players can look forward to exciting new features, challenges, and expansions that will continue to expand the game’s universe and keep the adventure fresh.