Eastward’s Octopia DLC: A Quirky Adventure in a Parallel World

Eastward’s Octopia DLC: A Quirky Adventure in a Parallel World


The recently launched Octopia DLC for Eastward takes players on a charming journey to a parallel world, where Sam and John embrace a new life as farmers. This article explores the DLC’s features, gameplay, and the unique farming experience it offers, all set in the quirky and pixel-perfect world of Eastward.

Eastward’s Octopia DLC

Indie gaming enthusiasts were in for a treat when Eastward graced the Nintendo Switch as a Game Trial. This captivating adventure game offered a glimpse into a world filled with charm, quirkiness, and heartwarming moments. And now, the excitement continues with the release of the Octopia DLC, adding a whole new dimension to the Eastward experience.

Overview of Eastward Game Trial on Nintendo Switch

Before we dive into the depths of Octopia, let’s take a moment to revisit the magic that is Eastward. The game initially gained attention as a Nintendo Switch Game Trial, allowing players to explore its captivating world before committing to the full experience. Eastward enchanted players with its beautiful pixel art, memorable characters, and a story that tugs at the heartstrings.


Introduction to Octopia DLC

Octopia, the eagerly awaited downloadable content for Eastward, propels players into a parallel world filled with delightful surprises. This standalone adventure expands upon the foundation of Eastward, introducing new gameplay elements and an intriguing storyline.

Octopia DLC Release Date Announcement

The gaming community had been eagerly awaiting news of Octopia’s release date, and the day finally arrived. Fans of Eastward can now immerse themselves in this fresh adventure by downloading the DLC from the Nintendo eShop for just $6.

Features and Gameplay of Octopia DLC

Octopia doesn’t merely add a few extra hours of gameplay; it presents an entirely new world for players to explore. In this parallel universe, Sam and John embark on a new chapter as farmers, tending to the land, raising livestock, and crafting heartwarming meals for their peculiar yet endearing friends.

Exploring the Parallel World in Octopia

The central theme of Octopia is the concept of parallel worlds. As players dive into this alternate dimension, they’ll encounter a village nestled in the mountainside, a tranquil setting where life takes a different turn. This parallel world promises a peaceful and heartwarming atmosphere, providing a unique contrast to the adventures in the main game.

Sam and John’s Farming Adventures

In Octopia, players step into the shoes of Sam and John as they take on the role of farmers. This significant gameplay shift adds depth and variety to the Eastward experience. Players can till the soil, care for livestock, and whip up delicious meals to share with their newfound friends.

Preparing Heartwarming Meals

Cooking enthusiasts will find themselves immersed in the culinary delights of Octopia. The game offers a range of recipes to master, each contributing to the sense of community and camaraderie that Eastward is known for. Preparing these heartwarming meals adds a layer of immersion and connection with the game world.

Meeting Familiar Yet Different Friends

While Octopia introduces players to a new cast of characters, some familiar faces from the main game make appearances as well. It’s a delightful blend of the known and the unknown, allowing players to forge new relationships while cherishing the bonds they’ve already formed.

The Quirky Charm of Octopia

One of the enduring qualities of Eastward is its quirkiness and charm, and Octopia doesn’t disappoint. The pixel-perfect visuals, catchy soundtrack, and endearing dialogue all contribute to creating an atmosphere that’s both nostalgic and refreshingly unique.

How to Purchase Octopia DLC on Nintendo eShop

Getting your hands on the Octopia DLC is a breeze. Simply head to the Nintendo eShop, search for Eastward, and find the DLC section. You can purchase and download it directly to your Nintendo Switch console, ensuring that your journey to the parallel world begins promptly.

As players dive into Octopia and explore its unique farming mechanics and parallel world, the gaming community is buzzing with excitement. Reviews and feedback have been pouring in, with players praising the DLC for its creativity and the sense of wonder it brings to the Eastward universe.


In conclusion, the Octopia DLC for Eastward is a must-have for fans of this indie gem. It not only expands the gameplay but also immerses players in a parallel world filled with heartwarming moments. Whether you’re a seasoned Eastward adventurer or a newcomer, Octopia promises an unforgettable journey.

  • 1. Is the Octopia DLC a standalone adventure, or do I need to own Eastward to play it?
    • Octopia is indeed a standalone adventure, meaning you can enjoy it without owning the base game, Eastward.
  • 2. How much does the Octopia DLC cost, and where can I purchase it?
    • The Octopia DLC is priced at just $6 and can be conveniently purchased and downloaded from the Nintendo eShop.
  • 3. What platforms is the Octopia DLC available on, apart from the Nintendo Switch?
    • Currently, Octopia DLC is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.
  • 4. Can I expect any additional updates or content for Eastward in the future?
    • While the developers haven’t announced specific plans, they have a history of supporting the game with updates and DLC, so stay tuned for more surprises.
  • 5. How long is the gameplay experience in Octopia, and what are some of the unique features it offers?
    • Octopia offers several hours of gameplay, with the focus on farming, cooking, and exploring a parallel world. It adds a fresh perspective to the Eastward universe.