Exploring The Last Faith: An Unholy Alliance of Metroidvania and Soulslike

Exploring The Last Faith: An Unholy Alliance of Metroidvania and Soulslike


We delve into the captivating world of The Last Faith, a game that defies conventions by merging the metroidvania and soulslike genres. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the game’s unique features, including merciless combat, a diverse arsenal, nonlinear exploration through stunning pixel art, and the enigmatic journey of its protagonist, Eryk. We also uncover the intriguing narrative, intertwined with ancient religions and divinities, offering players a truly immersive experience. Join us as we dissect the elements that make The Last Faith a must-play title.

An Unholy Alliance of Metroidvania and Soulslike

The gaming world has witnessed countless adventures, but few are as intriguing as The Last Faith. With its recent launch on various platforms, including the Nintendo Switch, it has become a focal point of curiosity for gamers seeking a challenging and immersive experience. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore The Last Faith, a game that stands out as an unholy alliance of metroidvania and soulslike genres.

The Last Faith: A Unique Blend

The Last Faith defies categorization, blending the best elements of metroidvania and soulslike gameplay. It doesn’t hold your hand; it challenges you to survive in an unforgiving world. The synergy between these genres creates an experience that is both brutal and empowering. The Last Faith is a testament to the evolution of gaming, offering players something fresh and exciting.


Merciless and Precise Combat

One of the standout features of The Last Faith is its combat system. Unlike many games, it doesn’t pull punches. Instead, it pushes you to be precise and ruthless. The range of custom executions at your disposal allows for creative and satisfying combat encounters. Whether you prefer close-quarters melee combat or taking down foes from a distance, The Last Faith has you covered.

Arsenal of Destruction

Choice is a defining feature of The Last Faith. You’re not limited to a single playstyle. Instead, you can tailor your approach with a formidable arsenal of melee weapons, arcane spells, and long-range firearms. This level of customization empowers you to carve a path through the game that suits your preferences. Experimentation is encouraged, and your choices matter.

Nonlinear Exploration

The Last Faith thrives on nonlinear exploration, setting it apart from linear, story-driven games. As you navigate its intricate world, you’ll encounter stunning pixel art that captures the essence of a gothic landscape. Explore snow-dusted mountains, moonlit castles, and hidden secrets as you forge your own path. The game rewards curiosity, and each discovery feels genuinely satisfying.

Eryk’s Mysterious Journey

At the heart of The Last Faith is Eryk, a protagonist whose past remains shrouded in mystery. As you step into his shoes, you’ll quickly realize that time is of the essence. Eryk’s mind and conscience are deteriorating, driving him on a quest for salvation. His journey is cursed, intertwining with ancient religions and divine forces. Brace yourself for a narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The Last Faith’s storyline is a complex web of intrigue, drawing players into the world of ancient religions and divinities. As you progress, you’ll find yourself entangled in a narrative that explores faith, corruption, and the consequences of one’s actions. The game’s depth is a testament to the thought put into its storytelling.

A Visual Feast

Pixel art has a unique charm, and The Last Faith capitalizes on it. The game’s gothic landscape is a visual feast, immersing you in a world filled with dark beauty. From the serene snow-dusted mountains to the hauntingly lit castles bathed in moonlight, every environment feels meticulously crafted. The artistry enhances the overall atmosphere, making it an essential part of the gaming experience.


In conclusion, The Last Faith is a game that defies expectations and offers a fresh take on the metroidvania and soulslike genres. With its merciless combat, diverse arsenal, nonlinear exploration, and rich narrative, it provides an immersive experience that will captivate gamers. Eryk’s journey and encounters with ancient religions add depth to the storyline, while the stunning pixel art creates a visually enchanting world. The Last Faith is a testament to the evolution of gaming, and it’s a must-play for those seeking a challenging and engaging adventure.

  • 1. What platforms is The Last Faith available on?
    • The Last Faith is available on various platforms, including the Nintendo Switch.
  • 2. Can I choose my playstyle in The Last Faith?
    • Absolutely! The game offers a range of customization options, allowing you to tailor your approach with various weapons and abilities.
  • 3. Is The Last Faith’s world open for exploration?
    • Yes, The Last Faith features nonlinear exploration, encouraging players to discover hidden secrets and forge their own path.
  • 4. What makes The Last Faith’s storyline intriguing?
    • The game’s narrative delves into ancient religions and divinities, offering a complex and thought-provoking storyline.
  • 5. How does The Last Faith utilize pixel art in its design?
    • The game’s pixel art creates a visually stunning gothic landscape, enhancing the overall atmosphere and immersing players in its dark beauty.