Exploring the Latest Catan Console Edition Update: New Characters, Features, and Fixes

Exploring the Latest Catan Console Edition Update: New Characters, Features, and Fixes


The latest update for Catan Console Edition brings a host of exciting new features, improvements, and fixes that significantly enhance the overall gaming experience. One of the most notable additions is the support for 5-6 players in the same game, allowing for more inclusive and dynamic multiplayer sessions. This update also introduces five new playable characters: The Shepherd, The Farmer, The Ore Miner, The Brick Maker, and The Woodsman. Each character brings unique abilities and strategies to the game, adding depth and variety to gameplay. In addition to these new features, the update includes several important changes and fixes.

The credits list and reward images have been updated, providing a refreshed look. The game board will now be randomized between sessions, as intended, ensuring a unique experience each time you play. Various platform-specific improvements have been made, particularly for Nintendo Switch and Xbox consoles, addressing issues like blurry images and network handling. This update also fixes numerous bugs that previously affected gameplay. From ensuring all valid settlement locations are selectable to fixing issues with the Barbarians in Cities & Knights mode, these fixes make for a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. With detailed patch notes, this update not only improves the game’s functionality but also enhances the overall player experience.

Catan Console Edition – Latest Update

The latest update for Catan Console Edition introduces a range of new features, improvements, and fixes designed to enhance the gaming experience for all players. This comprehensive update is particularly noteworthy for its inclusion of support for 5-6 players in the same game, a feature that many fans have eagerly anticipated. Additionally, the update brings five new playable characters, each with unique abilities that add depth and strategic variety to the game. Alongside these new features, the update includes a series of changes and fixes aimed at improving overall gameplay and addressing specific issues reported by the community. In this detailed overview, we will explore each aspect of the update, highlighting the new features, changes, and fixes that make this one of the most significant updates to Catan Console Edition to date.

New Features in the Update

One of the most exciting additions in this update is the support for 5-6 players in the same game. This feature expands the multiplayer capabilities of Catan Console Edition, allowing for larger and more dynamic games. With the ability to include more players, the game offers a richer and more engaging experience, encouraging strategic alliances and competitive play. This update is particularly beneficial for groups of friends or family members who want to enjoy the game together, providing a more inclusive and social gaming experience.

Introduction of New Playable Characters

The update also introduces five new playable characters, each bringing unique abilities and strategies to the game. These new characters include The Shepherd, The Farmer, The Ore Miner, The Brick Maker, and The Woodsman. Each character adds a new dimension to gameplay, encouraging players to explore different strategies and approaches. Let’s take a closer look at each of these characters and their special abilities.

The Shepherd

The Shepherd is a character that excels in gathering and managing sheep resources. With abilities that allow for increased sheep production and more efficient trading of sheep, The Shepherd can quickly become a powerful player in the game. This character’s unique skills make them a valuable asset, especially in scenarios where sheep resources are scarce.

The Farmer

The Farmer focuses on grain production, making them an essential character for players who prioritize resource management and trading. With abilities that boost grain production and improve trade deals involving grain, The Farmer can help players secure a steady supply of resources and build strong settlements. This character’s strengths lie in their ability to support a sustainable and prosperous game strategy.

The Ore Miner

The Ore Miner specializes in gathering ore resources, providing players with the means to build and upgrade cities. With abilities that enhance ore production and trading, The Ore Miner can quickly accumulate the resources needed for significant advancements. This character is particularly useful in games where ore is a critical resource for development and expansion .

The Brick Maker

The Brick Maker is adept at producing bricks, a vital resource for building roads and settlements. With abilities that increase brick production and improve trade deals involving bricks, The Brick Maker can help players expand their territories more efficiently. This character’s skills are especially valuable in games where rapid expansion is a key strategy.

The Woodsman

The Woodsman focuses on wood production, making them an important character for players looking to build and expand their settlements. With abilities that boost wood production and enhance trade deals involving wood, The Woodsman can provide the necessary resources for constructing roads and buildings. This character’s strengths lie in their ability to support a balanced and resource-rich game strategy.

Changes Implemented

The update includes changes to the credits list, reflecting the latest contributions and acknowledgments. This update ensures that all contributors are properly recognized for their work on the game. The updated credits list provides a comprehensive view of the team behind Catan Console Edition, highlighting their efforts in bringing this update to life.

Enhanced Reward Images

The reward images for the ‘Defender of Catan’ achievement have been updated to provide a more visually appealing experience. These enhanced images offer clearer and more detailed graphics, making the rewards more satisfying to achieve. The update ensures that players receive the recognition they deserve with improved visual representations of their accomplishments.

Gameplay Improvements

One of the key gameplay improvements in this update is the randomization of the game board between sessions. This feature ensures that each game provides a unique experience, preventing players from encountering the same board layout in consecutive sessions. The randomized game board encourages players to adapt their strategies and explore new approaches with each game, adding variety and replayability.

Valid Settlement Locations

The update addresses an issue where not all valid settlement locations were selectable after playing a game with Cities & Knights enabled. This fix ensures that players can place settlements in all valid locations, providing a fair and consistent gameplay experience. The improvement allows for greater strategic flexibility and prevents players from being disadvantaged by limited settlement options.

Barbarian Attack Fixes

The update also includes fixes related to the Barbarian attack phase in Cities & Knights mode. Previously, players could encounter issues where Barbarians were active at the start of a new game after quitting the previous session during the Barbarian attack phase. This fix ensures that Barbarians are no longer active at the beginning of a new game, providing a more balanced and enjoyable experience for players.

Improved Network Handling

Network handling has been improved, particularly in scenarios where players experience network loss while in the main menu. This enhancement ensures a smoother and more stable experience when navigating the game’s online features. The update reduces disruptions caused by network issues, allowing players to focus on their gameplay without interruptions.

Platform-Specific Fixes

Several enhancements have been made specifically for Nintendo Switch players. The update addresses issues with blurry images for base game characters, ensuring that all graphics are displayed clearly and crisply. Additionally, the handling of local multiplayer games has been improved, with users now being correctly remapped when loading a game. These fixes enhance the overall visual and functional experience for Nintendo Switch players, making the game more enjoyable and accessible.

Xbox Console Adjustments

For Xbox console players, the update includes adjustments to the ‘AddUser’ option in online games, which has been disabled to prevent issues. This change ensures a smoother online multiplayer experience by eliminating a feature that previously caused disruptions. The update also improves the handling of game invites and rejoining sessions, making it easier for players to connect and play with friends.

Detailed Patch Notes

The detailed patch notes provide a comprehensive overview of all the changes and fixes included in the update. From new features like support for 5-6 players and new characters to specific gameplay improvements and platform-specific fixes, the patch notes cover everything players need to know about the update. These notes serve as a valuable resource for players looking to understand the full extent of the update’s impact on the game.

Impact on Player Experience

The latest update for Catan Console Edition significantly enhances the player experience by introducing new features, improving gameplay, and fixing various issues. The support for 5-6 players allows for larger and more dynamic games, fostering a more inclusive and social gaming environment. The introduction of new playable characters adds depth and variety to the game, encouraging players to explore different strategies and approaches. Additionally, the various gameplay improvements and platform-specific fixes address common issues reported by the community, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. The update’s focus on enhancing both the visual and functional aspects of the game demonstrates the developers’ commitment to providing a high-quality and engaging experience for all players.

Strategies for Playing with New Characters

To make the most of the new playable characters in Catan Console Edition, players should consider the unique abilities and strengths of each character. The Shepherd, for example, excels in sheep production and trading, making them a valuable asset in scenarios where sheep resources are limited. Players should focus on maximizing sheep production and leveraging trade deals to secure other resources. The Farmer’s strength lies in grain production, making them ideal for players who prioritize resource management and trading. By boosting grain production and improving trade deals involving grain, The Farmer can help players build strong settlements and maintain a steady supply of resources. The Ore Miner, with their focus on ore production, is essential for players looking to build and upgrade cities quickly.

Enhancing ore production and trading can provide the necessary resources for significant advancements, making the Ore Miner a critical character in games where ore is a key resource. The Brick Maker’s abilities in brick production and trading are vital for players aiming to expand their territories. By increasing brick production and improving trade deals involving bricks, The Brick Maker can help players build roads and settlements more efficiently. The Woodsman’s focus on wood production makes them an important character for players looking to construct roads and buildings. By boosting wood production and enhancing trade deals involving wood, The Woodsman can provide the resources needed for a balanced and resource-rich game strategy.

Multiplayer Dynamics with 5-6 Players

With the new update supporting 5-6 players in Catan Console Edition, multiplayer dynamics become more complex and strategic. Larger games require players to form alliances, negotiate trades, and adapt their strategies to accommodate the increased competition. The inclusion of more players also introduces new challenges, as resources become more scarce and the competition for settlements intensifies. To succeed in a 5-6 player game, players should focus on effective communication and collaboration with other players.

Building strong alliances can provide a strategic advantage, while being flexible and adaptable in trading can help secure the resources needed for growth and expansion. Additionally, players should pay close attention to the actions of their opponents, anticipating their moves and adjusting their strategies accordingly. The larger player base also encourages a more social and interactive gaming experience, making each game unique and engaging. By embracing the new multiplayer dynamics, players can enjoy a richer and more varied gameplay experience in Catan Console Edition.

Common Post-Update Issues and Solutions

While the latest update for Catan Console Edition brings numerous improvements and fixes, players may still encounter some common issues. One such issue is the occasional difficulty in connecting to online multiplayer games. To resolve this, players should ensure their internet connection is stable and restart the game if necessary. If problems persist, checking for any additional updates or patches may help address connectivity issues. Another common issue is the misalignment of local multiplayer users on Nintendo Switch consoles. To resolve this, players should ensure that all controllers are correctly connected and properly mapped before starting a game.

If the problem continues, restarting the console and reloading the game may help resolve the issue. Some players may experience visual glitches or performance issues on specific platforms. To mitigate these problems, adjusting the game settings to lower graphics quality or resolution can improve performance. Additionally, ensuring that the console or device is updated to the latest firmware version can help resolve compatibility issues. For any other issues, players are encouraged to consult the game’s official support resources or community forums for assistance. By addressing common post-update issues, players can enjoy a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience in Catan Console Edition.


The latest update for Catan Console Edition brings a wealth of new features, enhancements, and fixes that significantly enrich the overall gaming experience. The inclusion of support for 5-6 players marks a major improvement in multiplayer dynamics, allowing for larger and more engaging games. The introduction of five new playable characters—The Shepherd, The Farmer, The Ore Miner, The Brick Maker, and The Woodsman—adds depth and strategic variety, encouraging players to explore new tactics and approaches. Additionally, the update addresses numerous gameplay and platform-specific issues, ensuring smoother and more enjoyable sessions.

With the randomization of the game board and enhancements to visual elements like the reward images, the update ensures that each game feels fresh and visually appealing. Platform-specific fixes for Nintendo Switch and Xbox consoles further refine the experience, addressing issues that previously hindered gameplay. Overall, this update solidifies Catan Console Edition as a top-tier strategy game, providing players with an immersive, dynamic, and enjoyable gaming experience. Whether you are a long-time fan or new to the world of Catan, this update offers something valuable for everyone, making it the perfect time to dive back into the game.

  • 1. What is the main highlight of the latest Catan Console Edition update?
    • The main highlight of the latest Catan Console Edition update is the support for 5-6 players in the same game. This feature allows for larger multiplayer sessions, enhancing the social and strategic aspects of the game.
  • 2. Who are the new playable characters introduced in the update?
    • The update introduces five new playable characters: The Shepherd, The Farmer, The Ore Miner, The Brick Maker, and The Woodsman. Each character has unique abilities that add new strategic dimensions to the game.
  • 3. What changes have been made to the reward images in the update?
    • The reward images for the ‘Defender of Catan’ achievement have been enhanced to provide a clearer and more visually appealing representation. These improved visuals make the achievements more satisfying for players.
  • 4. How does the update improve the gameplay experience on Nintendo Switch and Xbox consoles?
    • The update includes several platform-specific fixes for Nintendo Switch and Xbox consoles. These improvements address issues like blurry images, network handling, and various gameplay bugs, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience.
  • 5. What are some of the major bug fixes included in the update?
    • Major bug fixes in the update include randomization of the game board between sessions, ensuring all valid settlement locations are selectable, fixing issues with the Barbarians in Cities & Knights mode, and improving network handling. These fixes enhance the overall stability and playability of the game.