F-Zero 99’s Latest Update Brings Private Lobbies and Secret Tracks

F-Zero 99’s Latest Update Brings Private Lobbies and Secret Tracks


Nintendo’s F-Zero 99 receives a thrilling update, propelling players into a new realm of excitement. Version 1.2.0 brings the ability to create Private Lobbies and introduces enigmatic Secret Tracks. We diveinto these updates, exploring their significance and detailing their gameplay. We’ll also uncover the mystery behind four Secret Tracks, providing tips and strategies to conquer them. Exclusive benefits await NintendoSwitchOnline members, making this update a must-try. Get ready to rev up your engines and experience the heart-pounding action of F-Zero 99 like never before.

Private Lobbies: Racing with Friends

We delve into the world of Private Lobbies in F-Zero 99. Creating and joining Private Lobbies opens up a new dimension of gameplay, allowing you to race against friends and customize your gaming experience.

Creating a Private Lobby is a breeze. Simply navigate to the multiplayer menu and select Create Private Lobby. You can set various parameters, including track selection, race settings, and the number of participants. Invite your friends, and you’re ready to compete in exhilarating races on your terms.

Customization options are abundant, enabling you to tailor races to your preferences. Choose from a variety of tracks, set unique challenges, and experiment with different race formats. Private Lobbies encourage creativity and friendly competition, making each race a memorable experience.

Furthermore, Private Lobbies offer gameplay benefits, such as increased rewards and exclusive challenges. Compete against your friends and rise through the ranks together. With Private Lobbies, F-Zero 99 becomes a social and competitive platform that enhances your gaming experience.

Secret Tracks: Unraveling the Mystery

F-Zero 99’s update introduces players to the enigmatic world of Secret Tracks. These hidden gems provide a fresh challenge and an element of surprise to the game. Let’s dive into the intrigue surrounding these tracks and how to discover them.

The Secret Tracks in F-Zero 99 are shrouded in mystery. While their names remain undisclosed, players have been hunting for clues within the game’s rich environment. Nintendo has teased the existence of four Secret Tracks, each with its unique characteristics and challenges.

To embark on the journey of discovering these tracks, players must pay close attention to in-game hints and datamined information. Be on the lookout for cryptic messages or visual clues that may lead you to their locations. The thrill of uncovering these secrets adds a layer of excitement to F-Zero 99 gameplay, and conquering them is a true test of skill.

Stay tuned for our detailed guides on each Secret Track, where we’ll provide strategies and tips to help you navigate the treacherous terrain and emerge victorious.

Version 1.2.0: Beyond the Tracks

We explore other changes and improvements brought by the Version 1.2.0 update. While the Secret Tracks and Private Lobbies steal the spotlight, there’s more to discover in this exciting release.

Nintendo has been actively listening to player feedback, and this update addresses various quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes. The user interface has been refined, making navigation smoother and more intuitive. Additionally, balancing adjustments have been made to ensure a fair and competitive gaming experience.

Players can also expect new cosmetics, skins, and customization options to make their F-Zero 99 racing experience even more personalized and engaging. The update aims to enhance every aspect of the game, ensuring that players can enjoy it to the fullest.


As we conclude our exploration of F-Zero 99’s latest update, it’s evident that the game continues to evolve and provide thrilling experiences for players. Private Lobbies offer a new dimension of competition, while the Secret Tracks bring an element of mystery and challenge. Version 1.2.0 enhances the overall gaming experience, and exclusive benefits for NintendoSwitchOnline members make it even more enticing.

Stay tuned for our upcoming guides, where we’ll delve into each Secret Track and offer strategies for success. F-Zero 99 remains a vibrant and dynamic racing game, and this update is a testament to Nintendo’s commitment to keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting.

  • 1. How do I create a Private Lobby in F-Zero 99?
    • To create a Private Lobby, navigate to the multiplayer menu and select Create Private Lobby. From there, you can customize various settings and invite friends to join your private race.
  • 2. Are there any benefits to participating in Private Lobbies?
    • Yes, Private Lobbies offer gameplay benefits such as increased rewards and exclusive challenges. They also allow you to customize races to your liking.
  • 3. How can I discover the Secret Tracks in F-Zero 99?
    • Discovering the Secret Tracks requires careful observation of in-game hints and clues. Keep an eye out for any cryptic messages or visual cues that may lead you to these hidden tracks.
  • 4. Are there rewards for completing the Secret Tracks?
    • While specific rewards may vary, conquering the Secret Tracks often leads to unique in-game items, achievements, or other bonuses that enhance your gaming experience.
  • 5. What are the exclusive benefits for NintendoSwitchOnline members in F-Zero 99?
    • NintendoSwitchOnline members can enjoy exclusive content, early access, or in-game rewards that enhance their F-Zero 99 gameplay. These benefits may vary with each update.