Hogwarts Legacy: A Digital Foundry Technical Analysis

Hogwarts Legacy: A Digital Foundry Technical Analysis


We delve into the technical aspects of Hogwarts Legacy on the Nintendo Switch. Digital Foundry‘s insights provide a closer look at frame rates, resolution, and graphics adjustments made to adapt this magical world to the portable console. From graphical changes and lighting adjustments to texture quality impacts and performance comparisons, we explore every facet of the Switch version’s transformation. Whether you’re a Potterhead or a gaming enthusiast, this analysis will give you a deeper understanding of how the wizarding world fares on the Nintendo Switch.

A Digital Foundry Technical Analysis

The magical world of Hogwarts has made its way onto the Nintendo Switch, and fans are eager to experience the enchanting adventures it offers. However, with the Switch’s hardware limitations compared to more powerful platforms, questions arise about how well Hogwarts Legacy performs on this portable console. In this technical analysis, we’ll break down the key aspects of the Switch version, including graphics, lighting, textures, performance, and more.

Graphical Changes on Switch

One of the most noticeable differences in the Switch version of Hogwarts Legacyis the graphical changes. To optimize performance on the less powerful hardware, some visual elements have been scaled back. The game retains its magical charm, but players will observe a reduction in graphical fidelity compared to other platforms.


Lighting Adjustments

The lighting in Hogwarts Legacy has undergone significant adjustments for the Switch version. Real-time lighting, which adds depth and realism to the game’s environments, has been removed from many indoor spaces. Ambient occlusion lighting, which provides shading and depth to objects, has also been simplified.

Texture Quality Impact

Texture quality is a crucial aspect of any game’s visual appeal. On the Switch, Hogwarts Legacy had to make compromises. Texture quality takes a hit, resulting in textures that may appear less sharp and detailed compared to higher-end platforms.

Indoor Spaces and Lighting

Exploring the interior areas of Hogwarts and its surroundings on the Switch may reveal the absence of many small details that enrich the experience. Real-time lighting and intricate details have been scaled back to maintain a playable frame rate.

Asset Quality Comparison

The Switch version of the game utilizes altered or reduced-quality assets to fit within the hardware’s constraints. While the core experience remains intact, sharp-eyed players may notice differences in the quality of certain in-game assets. Texture quality on the Nintendo Switch tends to be lower than on more powerful platforms. This compromise ensures smoother performance but results in textures that may appear less detailed when examined closely.

Impact on Little Details

Hogwarts is known for its attention to detail, but on the Switch, some of these little details may be missing or less pronounced. Keep an eye out for subtle differences in the environment and character models. High-quality motion blur, which adds a sense of motion and realism to the game, has been removed on the Switch. Spells no longer cast dynamic lights, affecting the immersive nature of magical battles.

The density of foliage in the game has been decreased on the Switch. While this may not significantly impact gameplay, it does affect the lushness of the wizarding world’s flora. Shadow quality has been scaled back on the Switch. While shadows are still present, they may lack the depth and fidelity found in versions designed for more powerful hardware.

The draw distance, which determines how far objects and landscapes are visible, has been pulled in on the Switch. This may result in objects and scenery appearing at shorter distances than on other platforms.

To maintain performance, NPC animations update at lower rates when distant from the player’s character. This optimization may affect the overall visual fluidity of the game.

Water, a fundamental element in the wizarding world, has also been altered for the Switch version. Players will notice changes in water effects and reflections, which may be less intricate than on more robust platforms.

Loading Screens

Unlike other versions, the Switch version introduces some loading screens, such as when entering Hogsmeade Village. These loading screens are a necessary trade-off for the hardware’s capabilities. When docked, Hogwarts Legacy on the Switch typically runs at 720p resolution but can drop to 540p in demanding scenes. In portable mode, the resolution is usually around 576p but can dip to 360p at its worst. Anti-aliasing, which smooths out jagged edges, is notably absent.

Frame Rate Targets

The target frame rate for Hogwarts Legacy on the Switch is 30 frames per second (FPS). However, players may experience frame rates in the mid-20s for extended periods. Additionally, the game may stutter as it loads new data.

Performance Analysis:

Surprisingly, the frame rate is essentially the same in both docked and portable modes, maintaining a consistent experience. However, the occasional dip in frame rate can affect gameplay fluidity.


In conclusion, Hogwarts Legacyon the Nintendo Switch offers an admirable adaptation of the magical world but with some sacrifices in graphical fidelity and performance. Players can still enjoy the enchanting journey through Hogwarts, albeit with a few compromises to ensure a playable experience on the portable console.

  • 1. Is Hogwarts Legacy on the Nintendo Switch worth playing despite the graphical compromises?
    • Absolutely! While there are visual differences, the core magic and adventure of Hogwarts are still intact, making it a worthwhile experience for fans.
  • 2. Does the Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy offer any unique features or content?
    • The Switch version focuses on providing a consistent gameplay experience, so it doesn’t introduce exclusive content or features.
  • 3. Are the frame rate drops in Hogwarts Legacy on the Switch significant enough to affect gameplay enjoyment?
    •  While frame rate drops can occur, they typically do not severely impact gameplay and are manageable for most players.
  • 4. Does the Switch version support any special Nintendo Switch features, like touchscreen controls or motion controls?
    • Hogwarts Legacy on the Switch primarily utilizes traditional controls, and it doesn’t incorporate special Switch features like touchscreen or motion controls.
  • 5. How does Hogwarts Legacy on the Switch compare to other platforms in terms of performance and visuals?
    • While the Switch version makes graphical compromises, it offers a playable and enjoyable experience that captures the magic of Hogwarts, albeit at a lower visual fidelity compared to more powerful platforms.