King K. Rool in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

King K. Rool in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct seemed to be over, but at the end there was still, in our opinion, super cool ‘one-more-thing’.

One more … King


In the end, Nintendo announced with the above trailer that King K. Rool will be present in the game as a playable character. Our live response to King Dedede was just worth gold and then the best man … ehh crocodile still made his debut. Priceless Nintendo Price-less!

It remained a short presentation of this Donkey Kong series character but it became clear that King K. Rool can fire cannonballs, use his crown as boomerang, and he seems to have several other distinctive moves.

We also briefly saw a fragment with Crocodile Isle, the home of King K. Rool on the Nintendo 64 and we saw King K. Rool in action in the boxing ring, where he is no stranger as well.

Super closing of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate directly!