Masahiro Sakurai’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Journey

Masahiro Sakurai’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Journey


We delve into the captivating journey of Masahiro Sakurai, the brilliant mind behind Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Sakurai’s recounting of the game’s creation takes us from the initial proposal to the challenges posed by COVID-19, all while exploring his thoughts about the future of the beloved series. Join us as we uncover the intricate details of fighter selection, the impact of Bayonetta’s reveal, and the game development process itself. Sakurai’s personal insights provide a unique perspective on the making of this iconic game.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Journey

Masahiro Sakurai, the renowned creator of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, invites us on a journey through the development of this iconic game. In this article, we’ll explore his insights and experiences, starting from the initial proposal for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


Sakurai’s journey begins with a proposal that would shape the future of the Super Smash Bros. series. Shortly after the reveal of Bayonetta in the previous installment, he envisioned a game that would bring together every fighter from the franchise’s history. This ambitious proposal laid the foundation for what would become Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Fighter Selection Process

One of the most intriguing aspects of the game’s development is the fighter selection process. Sakurai’s meticulous approach and criteria for choosing each fighter added depth and variety to the roster. Dive into the details of how beloved characters like Ridley and King K. Rool made their way into the game.

COVID-19 Challenges

The development of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate faced unexpected challenges with the outbreak of COVID-19. Sakurai reflects on how the pandemic impacted the development process, leading to delays and adjustments. Despite these hurdles, the team persevered to deliver a remarkable game.

Sakurai’s Personal Insights

Sakurai’s personal insights and anecdotes provide a unique perspective on the creation of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. His dedication to the project and his passion for delivering an exceptional gaming experience shine through in every aspect of the game’s development.

The reveal of Bayonetta in the previous Super Smash Bros. installment had a significant impact on the development of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Sakurai discusses how this reveal influenced the direction of the game and the inclusion of new characters.

Game Development Process

Delve into the intricacies of the game development process itself. From character design and move sets to balancing and playtesting, Sakurai’s attention to detail and commitment to delivering a polished product are evident throughout.

Vision for the Future

As we near the conclusion of this journey, Sakurai shares his thoughts about the future of the Super Smash Bros. series. What can fans expect in the years to come? Sakurai’s vision hints at exciting possibilities for the beloved franchise.


Masahiro Sakurai’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate journey is a testament to creativity, dedication, and the enduring appeal of the series. His insights into fighter selection, the impact of COVID-19, and the game development process provide a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the making of this iconic game.

  • 1. What inspired Masahiro Sakurai to create Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?
    • Sakurai was inspired by the desire to bring together every fighter from the franchise’s history after the reveal of Bayonetta in the previous installment.
  • 2. How did COVID-19 impact the development of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?
    • The pandemic led to delays and adjustments in the development process, posing unexpected challenges for the team.
  • 3. What criteria did Sakurai use for fighter selection in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?
    • Sakurai used a meticulous approach and specific criteria to choose each fighter, ensuring a diverse and exciting roster.
  • 4. How did the reveal of Bayonetta influence the game’s direction?
    • The reveal of Bayonetta had a significant impact on the game’s direction, influencing the inclusion of new characters and shaping the overall vision.
  • 5. What does the future hold for the Super Smash Bros. series according to Sakurai?
    • Sakurai’s vision hints at exciting possibilities for the future of the series, leaving fans eager to see what’s next.