Minecraft Legends Update 1.17.28951: Faster Matchmaking and Enhanced Gameplay Experience

Minecraft Legends Update 1.17.28951: Faster Matchmaking and Enhanced Gameplay Experience


Discover the latest Minecraft Legends update for Nintendo Switch, version 1.17.28951. This update brings exciting improvements to matchmaking, performance, and stability, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience. With reduced matchmaking timers and the ability to invite friends to join your team, getting into the action is faster and more convenient than ever.

The update also addresses various crashes, enhancing the game’s stability. Nintendo Switch players will also benefit from improved input latency, resulting in better responsiveness. Additionally, the update includes localization enhancements, with improvements to text wrapping and translations for Arabic, Hebrew, and Japanese languages. Experience the enhanced gameplay and download the Minecraft Legends update on your Nintendo Switch console today.

Minecraft Legends Update 1.17.28951

The world of Minecraft Legends continues to evolve, and the latest update, version 1.17.28951, is here to deliver a host of exciting improvements. In this article, we’ll explore the notable enhancements, ranging from matchmaking and performance to stability and localization. Get ready to experience a more seamless and engaging gameplay experience on your Nintendo Switch.

Matchmaking Improvements

In this update, Minecraft Legends introduces several improvements to the matchmaking system. One of the standout features is the ability to invite friends to join your team before finding other players in matchmaking. This means you can gather your squad and strategize together, ensuring a coordinated approach in every game.

Additionally, the update brings a significant reduction in the timer to start a matchmaking game. Instead of waiting for 60 seconds, matches now begin within 10 seconds once at least six players have joined a public lobby. This change significantly reduces the waiting time and allows players to jump into the action more quickly.

Performance and Stability Fixes

To enhance the overall gameplay experience, the Minecraft Legends update addresses various performance and stability issues. The developers have diligently worked on resolving crashes that could occur during gameplay, ensuring a smoother and uninterrupted session. Whether you’re embarking on a thrilling adventure or engaging in intense battles, you can now immerse yourself in the game without the fear of unexpected disruptions.

Furthermore, the update fixes a crash that could occur when launching the game, providing a seamless start-up experience. Another crash, which previously occurred when starting the Campaign mode, has also been resolved. Players can now enjoy the captivating single-player journey without any hindrances.

A particularly noteworthy fix in this update addresses a crash that could occur when mobs were directed by a player while attacking the Nether Beacon Base. This improvement ensures a stable and enjoyable gameplay experience, allowing you to focus on strategic decisions and immersive battles.

The Minecraft Legends update also tackles an issue where piglins would spawn from piglin launcher crates before the crate hit the ground. This fix brings better balance and fairness to the gameplay, creating a more realistic and engaging environment.

Moreover, the update eliminates an audio spam issue caused by magma cubes colliding with units. Now, you can fully appreciate the rich sound design and audio experience without any disruptive audio glitches.

Nintendo Switch Performance Enhancements

The Minecraft Legends update introduces a range of performance enhancements specifically tailored for the Nintendo Switch platform. One of the notable improvements is reduced input latency, ensuring that your actions and commands are registered with increased precision and responsiveness. Whether you’re building intricate structures or engaging in intense combat, the enhanced input responsiveness will heighten your gameplay satisfaction.

Additionally, the update brings several optimizations that contribute to a smoother overall gameplay experience. From improved frame rates to enhanced graphics rendering, you’ll notice a significant boost in visual fluidity and gameplay performance. This optimization also extends to the loading times, particularly around piglin bases. Now, exploring the game world and embarking on new adventures will be seamless and immersive.

Furthermore, the update addresses a crash issue that occurred when loading into co-op Campaign mode. This fix ensures that cooperative play is smooth and uninterrupted, allowing you to team up with friends and tackle challenges together without any technical hindrances.

Localization Enhancements

The Minecraft Legends update pays attention to the diverse global community of players by introducing notable localization enhancements. For Arabic and Hebrew languages, the developers have made improvements to text wrapping, ensuring better readability and alignment of text elements. This enhancement guarantees that players who prefer these languages can fully immerse themselves in the game’s interface and dialogues.

In the Japanese version of Minecraft Legends, the update addresses several translation issues. It resolves the translation of “Orange Team” on various screens, ensuring accurate and coherent terminology. Additionally, the translation of “Log” in the Versus Mode lobby has been corrected, providing a more seamless and understandable user interface. The update also ensures the accurate translation of “Beak’s Eye View” on the post-game screen, eliminating any potential confusion.

Moreover, the unnecessary text “~007E” has been removed from the Private Match description, further enhancing the clarity and quality of the Japanese localization. These localization improvements emphasize the developers’ commitment to providing an inclusive and engaging experience for players around the world.

Downloading the Minecraft Legends Update

The Minecraft Legends update, version 1.17.28951, is available for all Nintendo Switch players. To download and install the update, follow these simple steps:

Ensure that your Nintendo Switch console is connected to the internet.

From the home screen, navigate to the Minecraft Legends game icon.

Highlight the game icon and press the “+” button on your Joy-Con controller or the A button on your Pro Controller.

Select the “Software Update” option from the menu that appears.

Choose the “Via the Internet” option to search for available updates.

If the update is available, follow the prompts to begin the download and installation process.

Wait for the update to complete, and once finished, you’re ready to dive back into the exciting world of Minecraft Legends with all the latest improvements.


In conclusion, the Minecraft Legends update (version 1.17.28951) for Nintendo Switch brings a range of enhancements that elevate the gameplay experience. The improved matchmaking system allows you to team up with friends and start games faster than ever before. With performance and stability fixes, you can enjoy uninterrupted gameplay, free from crashes and glitches. Nintendo Switch players will also benefit from enhanced performance, reduced input latency, and optimized graphics rendering, resulting in a smoother and more visually captivating experience. The localization enhancements ensure that players around the world can fully engage with the game in their preferred languages. Don’t miss out on the exciting improvements—download the Minecraft Legends update on your Nintendo Switch console and embark on new adventures today.

  • Q1: Can I invite my friends to join my team in Minecraft Legends?
    • A1: Yes, with the latest Minecraft Legends update, you can invite your friends to join your team before finding other players in matchmaking. This feature promotes better coordination and teamwork, enhancing your overall gameplay experience.
  • Q2: How long does it take to start a matchmaking game in Minecraft Legends?
    • A2: The timer to start a matchmaking game has been significantly reduced in the latest update. Once at least six players have joined a public lobby, matches now start within 10 seconds, ensuring you can jump right into the action without lengthy waiting times.
  • Q3: Have the crashes and stability issues in Minecraft Legends been fixed?
    • A3: Absolutely! The developers have diligently worked on resolving various crashes that could occur during gameplay. With the latest update, you can enjoy a smoother and uninterrupted gaming experience, free from unexpected disruptions.
  • Q4: Does the Minecraft Legends update improve performance on the Nintendo Switch?
    • A4: Yes, the update includes performance enhancements specifically designed for the Nintendo Switch platform. It reduces input latency, resulting in improved responsiveness and precision. Additionally, optimizations have been made to enhance frame rates, graphics rendering, and world loading speed, ensuring a smoother and more immersive gameplay experience.
  • Q5: Has the localization been improved in Minecraft Legends?
    • A5: Yes, the latest update brings notable localization enhancements. Text wrapping improvements have been made for Arabic and Hebrew languages, ensuring better readability and alignment of text elements. In the Japanese version, several translation issues have been addressed, providing a more accurate and coherent user interface.