Monopoly for Nintendo Switch

Monopoly for Nintendo Switch

Late October “the mother of all boardgames” Monopoly released for the Nintendo Switch. In addition, a trailer followed.



Game boards come to life and you have the ability to customize game rules as desired.

We have Monopoly for Nintendo Switch lying around but sadly we have not had any real time to spend on it yet because, our platform, our day-to-day job and ehhh Super Mario Odyssey. We actually did not even find the time to pop in the Nintendo Switch yet.

To us it seems like an utter joy to have Monopoly for Nintendo Switch available. It’s especially handy so you always and everywhere, because yes ehh Nintendo Switch,  can play the board game digital. Something which of course brings a huge amount of possibilities with it.

Do you like to play Monopoly? Then now play it digitally and wherever you want with your Nintendo Switch!