More Haunted Chocolatier details

More Haunted Chocolatier details

ConcernedApe, the developer behind the hit country-life RPG, Stardew Valley talked a little more about his new title, Haunted Chocolatier.

He has clearly noted that he doesn’t want to reveal all just yet, instead he is keeping his cards close to his chest for players to discover the magical world and all it’s wonderful inhabitants. He finished off  by saying that he won’t release Haunted Chocolatier until he is completely satisfied that it provides the player with a rich gameplay experience.


So the release of Haunted Chocolatier might still be quite some time off, as we know ConcernedApe cares a lot for detail.

Some insight into the status of Haunted Chocolatier

If you followed Stardew’s development, you might know that I like to keep my cards close to my chest. I prefer to leave many things to be discovered by players.

I think it’s more fun that way. I want to surprise and delight people. But if they already know everything in the game, that takes a certain element out of the final experience. 

The bottom line, is that I won’t rest, or release this game, until I am personally satisfied that it’s very fun and compelling, in every aspect. If it never gets there, I’ll just never release it.

But don’t worry, I have 100% faith that I’ll get it there. Everything is on the right track so far, I have the complete vision for the game in my head, and it’s just a matter of “grinding it out”, which is what I’m doing every day!