Mysteries in Botany Manor: An Exploration-Puzzle Adventure

Mysteries in Botany Manor: An Exploration-Puzzle Adventure


Botany Manor invites players to immerse themselves in a 19th-century English manor as retired botanist Arabella Greene. The game features a blend of exploration and puzzle-solving, with intricate plant-growing challenges scattered throughout the estate. As players navigate the manor’s rooms and gardens, they uncover clues about Arabella’s life and scientific career. With a relaxing atmosphere and engaging gameplay, Botany Manor promises a captivating experience for players seeking adventure and discovery.

Welcome to Botany Manor

Welcome to Botany Manor, a captivating exploration-puzzle game that takes players on a journey through the corridors of history. Developed by Whitethorn Games and Balloon Studios, this unique title offers a delightful blend of historical intrigue and botanical challenges.


Immerse yourself in the world of Botany Manor with the captivating launch trailer. Witness the beauty of the historical English manor and prepare to embark on an unforgettable adventure.

Setting: 19th Century England

Set in the picturesque landscapes of 19th-century England, Botany Manor transports players to a time of great scientific discovery. The lush countryside, dotted with sprawling manor houses, serves as the backdrop for this immersive adventure.

Protagonist: Arabella Greene

Meet Arabella Greene, the retired botanist at the heart of Botany Manor. As players assume the role of Arabella, they delve into her fascinating life and career, uncovering the challenges she faced as a woman navigating the world of science in the 19th century.

In Botany Manor, players embark on an exploration-filled journey through the sprawling estate. The game’s core mechanics revolve around solving puzzles through the cultivation of various plants, each with its own unique habitat requirements.

Exploring the Manor and Grounds

The heart of Botany Manor lies in its meticulously crafted environment. Players are invited to explore every nook and cranny of the historical English manor, from its grand halls to its tranquil gardens.

Plant-Growing Puzzles

As players progress through Botany Manor, they encounter a variety of plant-growing puzzles. From finding seeds to potting them and nurturing the seedlings, players must use their botanical knowledge to solve these challenges.

In addition to plant-growing puzzles, Botany Manor features a wide array of interactive environmental elements. Players can interact with items scattered throughout the manor, uncovering clues and unraveling the mysteries hidden within its walls.

Uncovering Clues and Solving Mysteries

To progress in Botany Manor, players must gather information by inspecting clues such as botanical posters, newspapers, letters, paintings, and postcards. Every detail matters, and players must use their deductive skills to uncover Arabella’s story.

Arabella’s Story

Room by room, players learn more about Arabella’s life and career, gaining insight into the challenges she faced as a woman in the scientific community. Through exploration and puzzle-solving, players unravel the mysteries of Botany Manor and discover the true essence of Arabella’s legacy.

Botany Manor is now available for purchase on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Join Arabella Greene on her journey through history and experience the thrill of exploration and discovery.


Botany Manor offers a unique blend of historical exploration and botanical puzzle-solving, inviting players to unravel the mysteries of a 19th-century English manor. With its captivating storyline and immersive gameplay, the game promises hours of enjoyment for players of all ages.

  • What platforms is Botany Manor available on?
    • Botany Manor is currently available on the Nintendo Switch.
  • Can you provide more information about the gameplay mechanics?
    • Players explore the manor and its grounds, solving puzzles through plant cultivation and interactive exploration.
  • Is Botany Manor suitable for casual players?
    • Yes, Botany Manor offers a relaxing environment and intuitive gameplay suitable for players of all skill levels.
  • How long does it take to complete Botany Manor?
    • The game’s length varies depending on individual play styles, but it offers a substantial gameplay experience with multiple hours of content.
  • Does Botany Manor feature any replay value?
    • Yes, players can revisit the manor to uncover hidden secrets and explore different puzzle-solving approaches.