Nintendo Treehouse shares early version Jump Up, Super Star!

Nintendo Treehouse shares early version Jump Up, Super Star!

Last E3 was the first time we heared Super Mario Odyssey’s theme song “Jump Up, Super Star!. This song quickly turned into a hit among Mario fans and was then used in almost every trailer.

Nintendo Treehouse has released an earlier version of Jump Up, Super Star!. The team started around last January to translate the lyrics. When the music was as good as finished.


There is still a lot left if you ask us!

But this demo was sent to Nintendo of Japan for approval. According to Nintendo, there were too many Mario references in this first version. Nintendo had the notion that Jump Up, Super Star! should be a fun and enthusiastic jazz song that had to be liked by everyone, even if you know nothing more about Mario.

Table of Contents (TOC)


However, a Mario fan would be able to recognize the references in the song. Furthermore, this theme song should be as catchy as possible, so that people who speak English in a lesser degree could also sing it.

After the lyrics went  back and forth a few more times, the translation was finished for the song that we now know as Jump Up, Super Star !

Final version


What is your opinion on the final version of Jump Up, Super Star! and the demo?