Noobs Want to Live: Roguelike Chaos

Noobs Want to Live: Roguelike Chaos


Noobs Want to Live, the fast-paced roguelike game, is set to release on the Nintendo Switch on January 18, 2024. Developed by Lightning Games, this game offers a unique gaming experience with a diverse cast of characters and an extensive skill system. Players can create powerful synergies by combining skills and enjoy battles filled with mayhem and chaos. The game’s distinctive cardboard cutout characters add to the fun, and players can even evolve poultry creatures with a hundred skills. Gold spending and talent points provide opportunities for customization and progression. Get ready to dive into the world of Noobs Want to Live and unleash your inner hero on the Nintendo Switch.

Roguelike Chaos

Lightning Games has announced an exciting addition to the Nintendo Switch gaming lineup, and it’s bound to create a storm of excitement. Noobs Want to Live, a fast-paced roguelike, is making its debut on the Nintendo Switch on January 18, 2024. This game, previously available on the PC platform, is now ready to bring its unique blend of chaos and creativity to a wider audience.


Game Features

Noobs Want to Live is not your typical gaming experience. It’s a fast-paced roguelike that promises to keep players on their toes. Each playthrough is a new opportunity to craft a unique and powerful character, making it a game of strategy, creativity, and skill.

Switch players are in for a treat, as Noobs Want to Live will include all the updates previously enjoyed by PC gamers. This ensures that Switch players will have access to the latest content and improvements, making for an even more engaging gaming experience.

The game boasts a diverse and colorful cast of characters, each with their own set of unique abilities and personalities. Whether you’re a fan of sword-wielding heroes, fireball-tossing maidens, mechanically adept summoners, or even a master of bacon, there’s a character to suit your style. These characters are not just warriors; they are finely crafted cardboard cutout characters that add a touch of whimsy to the game’s battles.

Skills and Synergies

Skills are at the heart of Noobs Want to Live. Players have access to a vast pool of skills, each with its own distinct characteristics and effects. This diversity allows for countless combinations, ensuring that no two playthroughs are the same.

The true magic of the game lies in skill synergies. Players can strategically combine skills to create devastating combinations. It’s not just about using skills; it’s about using them in the right sequence to maximize their impact.

Peachville, the game’s setting, is a place where 1+1 doesn’t equal 2; it’s more like 4.5! Players will discover unexpected and powerful synergies that turn the tide of battle in their favor. The thrill of uncovering new synergies adds an exciting layer to the gameplay.

Cardboard Cutout Characters

Noobs Want to Live stands out with its unique visual style. The characters are portrayed as finely crafted cardboard cutouts, giving the game a playful and distinctive look. This choice adds to the overall fun and charm of the game. These characters aren’t just for show; they actively participate in battles, each with their own set of skills and abilities. Watching them in action is not only entertaining but also an essential part of the gameplay experience.

While each character in the game is unique, a few deserve special mention. From the sword master hero to the fireball-tossing maiden and the master of bacon, there’s a character to suit every player’s taste. These characters bring their own flavor to the game and add depth to the gameplay.

Monster Battles

Noobs Want to Live is all about action-packed battles against a variety of monsters and foes. The game doesn’t hold back on the mayhem, offering players a thrilling and challenging experience with every encounter.

Players have a wide array of abilities at their disposal, from launching fireballs to creating black holes. These abilities are not only visually impressive but also key to survival in Peachville. The battles in Noobs Want to Live are not just about defeating monsters; they are about having fun while doing so. The unique character designs and abilities make every battle a memorable experience.

Poultry Creatures and Evolution

Poultry creatures add an element of surprise and humor to the game. Players will encounter rabbits, ducks, and other strange and interesting poultry. These creatures come with a hundred skills, offering endless possibilities for evolution and customization.

These poultry creatures aren’t your average farm animals. They possess a wide range of skills, some of which involve armed evolution. This means that as players progress, these creatures can become even more formidable allies in battles.

Treatment suppression is a unique feature that adds complexity to the game. Players must strategize and make choices to suppress treatments effectively, further enhancing the depth of gameplay.

Skill Selection and Gold Spending

Gold is a valuable resource in Noobs Want to Live, and players can use it strategically. One of the ways to spend gold is by rerolling skill selections, allowing for flexibility in adapting to different challenges. Skill choices can significantly impact a player’s success in the game. Whether it’s choosing offensive skills for a more aggressive approach or defensive skills for survivability, every decision matters.

Creating the perfect skill combination is an art in itself. Players can experiment with different combinations to find the synergy that best suits their playstyle and objectives.

Meta-Progression with Talent Points

Talent points serve as a form of meta-progression in Noobs Want to Live. They provide long-term benefits and allow players to fine-tune their characters as they progress. As players accumulate talent points, subsequent runs become more manageable. This progression system rewards dedication and encourages players to continue honing their skills.

Long-term progression is the key to becoming a true hero in Peachville. Players can look forward to enhanced abilities, more powerful characters, and a deeper understanding of the game’s mechanics.


In conclusion, Noobs Want to Live offers a refreshing and action-packed gaming experience for Nintendo Switch players. With its diverse cast of characters, extensive skill system, and the thrill of discovering synergies, it promises hours of entertainment. The game’s unique visual style and humorous cardboard cutout characters add to its charm. As you face off against monsters, create powerful characters, and evolve poultry creatures, you’ll find that every run in Peachville is a new adventure waiting to happen. Get ready to embark on this exciting journey when Noobs Want to Live launches on the Nintendo Switch.

  • Q1: When will Noobs Want to Live be available on Nintendo Switch?
    • A1: Noobs Want to Live is set to release on the Nintendo Switch on January 18, 2024.
  • Q2: What makes the game unique?
    • A2: The game features a diverse cast of characters, an extensive skill system, and the ability to create powerful synergies between skills, offering a distinctive and engaging gaming experience.
  • Q3: Can you tell us more about the cardboard cutout characters?
    • A3: The game’s characters have a unique visual style, adding a fun and charming element to the battles. Each character has its own abilities and personalities, making them memorable.
  • Q4: How does skill selection work in the game?
    • A4: Players can spend gold to reroll their skill selections, allowing for customization and strategy in choosing the right combination of skills for their playstyle.
  • Q5: What are talent points, and how do they affect gameplay?
    • A5: Talent points provide a form of meta-progression, making runs easier as players progress. They offer long-term benefits and opportunities for character growth.