Nookazon – Trade items with other Animal Crossing: New Horizons players

Nookazon – Trade items with other Animal Crossing: New Horizons players

Animal Crossing: New Horizons player Daniel Luu launched a website called Nookazon, a marketplace that lets players buy and sell items in the game.

Similar to Amazon, Nookazon allows you to put up buy and sell listings for just about any item you’re looking for. Of course, trades have to be done with in-game items or bells.

How Nookazon works

1. Begin by signing up for a new account

Make sure you are okay with having people direct message you on Discord when you list your items on the site. You may receive a direct message immediately after you post your listing.

2. Fill out your profile information

Set clear rules as to when you are available to trade and how you would like to trade. Mark yourself as online when you are available for trades.

3. Search for the item you want to sell through Nookazon

4. Click the “Add Listing” button

5. Fill out the listing information of the item you are selling

If the item is the recipe for the DIY, click the “DIY Recipe” box. If you are looking to trade for other items, search for the item(s) you want to trade for. When you are done click “Add Listing”

6. Check your profile and make sure it shows up under “Listings”

The listing should be there. Now you have to wait for someone to message you about your listing.

7. Someone wants to purchase your listing!

8. Proceed to sell the item

9. You’ve sold the item! Now what?

Once the item you listed is sold, click the “Mark Sold” button. Your listing will be deleted from your profile which will also prevent people from asking if it is still available!

Visit Nookazon here;