ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni – Version 1.0.6 – Exciting Enhancements

ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni – Version 1.0.6 – Exciting Enhancements


The ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni has received an eagerly awaited update in the form of version 1.0.6. This update brings a range of improvements and adjustments to the gameplay experience. From bug fixes to enhanced features, players can expect a more polished and enjoyable journey as they navigate the world of ONI. In this article, we will explore the various changes introduced in the update, such as improved camera settings, enhanced spirit hunting mechanics, adjustments to Kuron’s appearances, reduced activation time for special moves, improved mushroom restoration, price reductions for certain items, and text size adjustments.

Join us as we delve into the details of the ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni version 1.0.6 update and discover how these enhancements will elevate your gaming experience.

ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni – Version 1.0.6

In the ever-evolving world of gaming, updates play a crucial role in keeping players engaged and excited. With the release of version 1.0.6 for ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni, players are in for a treat. This update introduces several improvements that aim to enhance the overall gameplay experience. Let’s take a closer look at the key changes that await players in this latest version.

Bug Fixes:

Bug fixes are an essential part of any update, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience. The development team has diligently addressed minor bugs to eliminate any glitches or issues that might have been present in the previous version. These fixes contribute to a more stable and polished gameplay experience, allowing players to immerse themselves fully in the world of ONI.

Gameplay Adjustments:

The version 1.0.6 update brings a range of gameplay adjustments, refining various aspects of the game to provide a more engaging and immersive experience. These adjustments include improvements to camera distance and view settings in top-down view trials, enhancing the player’s visibility and control. Players can now enjoy a better perspective as they navigate through challenging levels and encounters.

Camera Distance and View Settings:

One of the notable gameplay adjustments in version 1.0.6 is the improvement of camera distance and view settings. In Trials 4 and 35 (Wave 3), the camera distance has been adjusted to provide a better view of the surroundings, allowing players to strategize and make informed decisions. Additionally, in Trials 9, 10, 27, and 35 (Wave 4), the camera settings have been changed to normal view, offering a different perspective that adds variety to the gameplay experience.

Enhancements for Spirit Hunting:

A significant aspect of ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni revolves around spirit hunting, which has been further enhanced in the version 1.0.6 update. Players will now have a more immersive spirit hunting experience with the addition of new features and indicators. When a spirit is nearby, Kazemaru’s dialogue bubble will appear, alerting players to the presence of a spirit. This enhancement adds a layer of excitement and anticipation to the gameplay, as players can now actively seek out and capture spirits more effectively.

To streamline the spirit delivery process, the sequence when delivering a spirit to a Jizo has been shortened. Jizo’s dialogue after the second delivery has been skipped, allowing players to proceed more swiftly. This adjustment not only saves time but also maintains the game’s pacing, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable gameplay flow.

Furthermore, to assist players in locating important elements during spirit hunting, two new icons have been introduced. An icon now marks the location of stone monuments from a distance, making it easier for players to navigate the game world and uncover hidden secrets. Additionally, an icon indicates the location of Jizo when holding a spirit, aiding players in their quest to deliver spirits efficiently.

Kuron’s Appearance Adjustments:

Kuron, a key character in ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni, now appears with adjusted spawn rates. This change ensures a balanced and varied gameplay experience, preventing Kuron’s appearances from becoming too predictable or too rare. Players will encounter Kuron at opportune moments, adding an element of surprise and challenge to their journey.

Reduced Special Move Activation Time:

Executing special moves is a thrilling aspect of ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni, and the version 1.0.6 update aims to make it even more accessible and engaging. The amount of time required to activate a special move has been reduced, allowing players to unleash powerful attacks more frequently. This adjustment adds a dynamic element to battles, empowering players to strategize and make use of their unique abilities with greater ease.

Improved Mushroom Restoration:

In the world of ONI, mushrooms play a vital role in restoring health and sustaining the player’s journey. With the version 1.0.6 update, the time required for an acquired Mushroom to restore health has been reduced. This adjustment ensures a more efficient healing process, enabling players to recover and continue their quest without unnecessary delays. The improved mushroom restoration mechanics contribute to a smoother and more seamless gameplay experience.

Price Reductions for Items:

ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni introduces a vibrant in-game economy where players can purchase various items to aid them on their journey. In the version 1.0.6 update, two items have undergone price reductions to make them more accessible to players. The price of Kibidango has been reduced from 10 Mushrooms to 5 Mushrooms, while the price of Onigiri has been halved from 20 Mushrooms to 10 Mushrooms. These adjustments provide players with more affordable options to replenish their resources and enhance their gameplay strategies.

Text Size Adjustment:

Clear and legible text is crucial for an immersive gaming experience, and the version 1.0.6 update addresses this by adjusting the font size of text displayed on the field and in the Diary menu screen. The modified text size ensures optimal readability, allowing players to engage with the game’s narrative and instructions effortlessly. Whether exploring the vast landscapes or navigating through menus, players can now enjoy a visually pleasing and user-friendly interface.

With the ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni version 1.0.6 update, players can dive into an enhanced gameplay experience, thanks to a multitude of adjustments and improvements. From bug fixes to refined mechanics, the update aims to provide a more polished and engaging journey through the mystical world of ONI.


The ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni version 1.0.6 update brings a wealth of improvements and enhancements that elevate the gameplay experience. From bug fixes to gameplay adjustments, players can expect a more refined and enjoyable journey through the world of ONI. The improved camera distance and view settings, along with spirit hunting enhancements, add depth and immersion to the gameplay. The adjustments made to Kuron’s appearance rate and indicators ensure surprises and challenges along the way. Reduced activation time for special moves and improved mushroom restoration mechanics empower players to unleash their abilities and recover swiftly. Moreover, the price reductions for certain items and the adjustment to text size contribute to a more accessible and visually appealing experience. With these updates, ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni continues to captivate players and solidify its position as a thrilling and engaging game.

  • Q1: How can I download the ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni version 1.0.6 update?
    • A1: To download the update, simply access the respective platform’s store or marketplace and search for ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni. Follow the prompts to download and install the latest version.
  • Q2: Are the bug fixes comprehensive in the version 1.0.6 update?
    • A2: While the update addresses several minor bugs, it’s important to note that developers continually work to improve the game’s performance. Future updates may address additional issues as they arise.
  • Q3: How do the adjustments to camera distance and view settings improve gameplay?
    • A3: The adjustments provide players with a better perspective and control, enhancing their ability to navigate trials and engage in battles. The improved camera settings contribute to a more immersive and strategic experience.
  • Q4: Can you elaborate on the spirit hunting enhancements introduced in the update?
    • A4: Spirit hunting enhancements include the appearance of Kazemaru’s dialogue bubble when a spirit is nearby, indicating their presence. Additionally, the shortened sequence when delivering a spirit to a Jizo streamlines the process, saving time and maintaining the game’s pacing.
  • Q5: Will the reduced activation time for special moves significantly impact gameplay?
    • A5: The reduced activation time allows players to execute special moves more frequently, adding excitement and tactical opportunities to battles. It empowers players to utilize their abilities strategically and engage in more dynamic combat encounters.