Pokemon Scarlet And Violet – Teal Mask DLC Bug: Impacts and Insights

Pokemon Scarlet And Violet – Teal Mask DLC Bug: Impacts and Insights


Recently, Pokemon Scarlet And Violet’s Teal Mask DLC has been under scrutiny due to a perplexing bug that hampers gameplay. While this DLC promised enhanced experiences, a flaw in the game’s internal system restricts tracking of defeated non-story trainers, maxing at 300.

Despite the intrigue of the Teal Mask DLC, this cap was inadvertently exceeded. Players discovered, to their dismay, that battles beyond this count were forgotten, especially affecting interactions with the prominent Ogre Clan, integral to a prized side quest. Notable Pokemon dataminers have illuminated the issue, garnering significant community reactions. While some gamers strategize to skirt around this glitch, others eagerly await a remedial patch, hopeful that an expanded trainer record storage can restore equilibrium. We delve deep into the intricacies of this bug, its impact, community reactions, and potential workarounds, while casting a hopeful eye on future solutions.

The Recent Issue with Pokemon Scarlet And Violet’s Teal Mask DLC

The world of Pokemon has always been dynamic, promising gamers both thrill and challenge. The Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet was no exception, introducing a range of new features and challenges. However, with the new comes the unforeseen. 

Background of the Teal Mask DLC

The Teal Mask DLC, an eagerly anticipated update, offered players a fresh perspective on the Pokemon world. With new terrains to explore and trainers to battle, the expansion seemed to be everything a fan could dream of. But dreams sometimes come with unforeseen consequences.

Overview of the Discovered Bug

As players delved deeper into the new universe, they began to notice anomalies. Victories against certain trainers weren’t being acknowledged. This issue, initially dismissed as an isolated event, soon emerged as a persistent problem, notably with the DLC’s non-story trainers.

Impact on Players’ Gameplay

The joy of overcoming a formidable opponent is immense, but imagine defeating a strong adversary and then being told it never happened. That’s precisely the heart of the glitch. When players confronted and defeated members of the Kitakami Ogre Clan, the game failed to record these triumphs, rendering their efforts moot.

Delving Deeper: How the Bug Works

To truly grasp the gravity of the issue, we must understand the game’s internal mechanics.

Internal Trainer Tracking Mechanism

Every battle, every victory is tracked by an internal system, a silent referee ensuring players get due credit. However, this referee has its limits. The system was designed to track up to 300 non-story trainer victories. While sufficient initially, the Teal Mask DLC’s introduction unknowingly exceeded this cap.

The Role of the Ogre Clan in the Issue

Central to the Teal Mask DLC narrative, the Ogre Clan trainers became inadvertent victims of this system cap. Despite being non-story trainers, their pivotal role in a coveted side quest made their “invisibility” to the game’s tracker a significant pain point.

Community Discoveries and Reactions

The community wasn’t silent about this. Leading dataminers and regular gamers alike took to platforms to discuss, dissect, and demand solutions. Dataminers, the unsung heroes of the gaming community, were among the first to spot and highlight the issue, offering invaluable insights into the bug’s mechanics and potential fixes.

Player Feedback and Reports

From disappointed rants to hopeful workarounds, the community’s response was a mix of frustration and optimism. Players shared their experiences, validating the bug’s widespread nature and its impact on gameplay.

Possible Workarounds for Players

While waiting for an official fix, players aren’t passive. Some savvy gamers offer strategies to sidestep the glitch. Conserving the number of trainers one engages with before confronting the Ogre Clan is one such method, ensuring victories are recorded. Additionally, players are encouraged to keep regular save points, allowing for gameplay rollbacks if needed.

Tips for Engaging with the Ogre Clan

Engage with the Clan members judiciously, prioritizing them over other non-story trainers to ensure all victories are accounted for.

Hope isn’t lost.

As the community rallies, there’s optimism that developers will introduce a fix soon.

Increasing Trainer Record Storage

The most evident solution lies in expanding the tracking system’s capacity. This enhancement would not only rectify the current bug but safeguard against future issues.

While no official statement has been made, there’s an undercurrent of hope. The developers, known for their commitment to player experience, are likely to release a patch soon.

While we expect an imminent patch to fix the current bug, this incident has also sparked discussions on the game’s future. With an engaged community and responsive developers, future updates may just be more rigorous, ensuring such issues remain a thing of the past.


The Teal Mask DLC bug in Pokemon Scarlet And Violet brought to light the delicate balance between innovation and functionality. While the bug is a hiccup in an otherwise stellar game, it serves as a reminder that progress, while exciting, can come with challenges. Yet, with a robust community and dedicated developers, the future looks promising.

  • What is the primary issue with the Teal Mask DLC?
    • The DLC has a bug wherein the game fails to track victories against non-story trainers beyond the 300th mark.
  • How does this affect the gameplay?
    • Players find themselves unable to complete certain side quests, notably the one involving the Kitakami Ogre Clan, as their victories aren’t recognized.
  • Who highlighted this issue?
    • The problem was prominently highlighted by Pokemon dataminers and was further validated by numerous player reports.
  • Are there any workarounds available for players?
    •  Yes, some strategies include prioritizing battles with the Ogre Clan and conserving the number of non-story trainers one engages with.
  • Has there been any response from the game developers?
    • As of now, there’s no official statement, but the gaming community is optimistic about an upcoming patch to rectify the issue.