Pokémon Unite Version Update: Detailed Patch Notes and Balance Changes

Pokémon Unite Version Update: Detailed Patch Notes and Balance Changes


The latest update for Pokémon Unite, version, brings significant balance adjustments to various Pokémon, including Tyranitar, Delphox, Mew, Blastoise, Gyarados, Glaceon, Metagross, Cramorant, Decidueye, and Blissey. The update focuses on enhancing gameplay by tweaking stats, abilities, and cooldowns to ensure a more balanced and competitive environment. Key changes include increased defense and special defense for Tyranitar, reduced damage output for Mew and Blastoise, and strengthened effects for Decidueye and Blissey. The update also addresses several bugs and text fixes to improve overall game performance. 

We delve into the specifics of each adjustment, explores the implications for gameplay and strategy, and provides tips for players to adapt effectively. With insights into community reactions and a detailed analysis of the patch notes, we aim to equip players with the knowledge they need to navigate the new landscape of Pokémon Unite.

Pokémon Unite Version Update Overview

The Pokémon Unite version update is a substantial patch focusing on balance adjustments for several Pokémon. This update aims to fine-tune the gameplay experience by modifying the stats, abilities, and cooldowns of key characters. Players can expect enhanced competitive play and new strategies as they adapt to these changes.

Pokémon Unite, the popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, has rolled out its version update. This latest patch brings a host of balance adjustments aimed at improving the overall gameplay experience. Key Pokémon like Tyranitar, Delphox, Mew, Blastoise, and others have undergone significant changes. The update also includes bug fixes and text corrections to enhance game performance.

Bug Fixes and Text Fixes

In addition to balance changes, the version update addresses several bugs and text issues. These fixes aim to resolve inconsistencies and improve the user experience. By tackling these technical aspects, the developers ensure a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience for all players.

Balance Adjustments Overview

The heart of the update lies in its balance adjustments. A variety of Pokémon have had their stats, abilities, and cooldowns modified to create a more balanced and competitive environment. Let’s dive into the specifics of these changes.

  • Tyranitar Adjustments
    • Tyranitar has received notable buffs in this update, making it a more formidable force on the battlefield.
    • Increased Stats
      • Tyranitar’s defense, special defense, and HP have all been increased. These stat boosts enhance Tyranitar’s survivability, allowing it to withstand more damage and remain in fights longer.
    • Sand Tomb Changes
      • The effects of Sand Tomb on opposing Pokémon have been strengthened. Additionally, the duration of these effects has been increased, and the cooldown has been adjusted. These changes make Sand Tomb a more effective control tool in battles.
    • Stone Edge Changes
      • The time needed for Stone Edge to activate has been shortened. This adjustment allows Tyranitar to execute this move more quickly, increasing its effectiveness in combat situations.
  • Delphox Adjustments
    • Delphox has undergone several nerfs to balance its impact on the game.
    • Fire Spin Changes
      • The duration of Fire Spin’s effects on opposing Pokémon has been decreased, and the cooldown has been lengthened. These changes reduce Delphox’s ability to control the battlefield with this move.
    • Fire Blast Changes
      • The cooldown of Fire Blast has been lengthened, and the damage dealt to opposing Pokémon has been decreased. These adjustments make Fire Blast less devastating, requiring Delphox players to be more strategic in its use.
  • Mew Adjustments
    • Mew has been nerfed to balance its powerful presence in battles.
    • Stat Decreases
      • Mew’s special attack (Sp. Atk) has been decreased. This reduction in offensive power makes Mew less overwhelming in combat.
    • Mystical Mirage Changes
      • The damage dealt by Mystical Mirage, Mew’s Unite Move, has been decreased. This adjustment ensures that Mew’s ultimate ability is less overpowering.
  • Blastoise Adjustments
    • Blastoise has received several nerfs to balance its defensive capabilities.
    • Hydro Pump Changes
      • The damage dealt by Hydro Pump has been decreased, and the duration of its effects on opposing Pokémon has been shortened. These changes reduce Blastoise’s crowd control potential.
    • Water Spout Changes
      • The damage dealt by Water Spout has been decreased. This adjustment makes Water Spout less effective in dealing area damage.
    • Water Gun Changes
    • The damage dealt by Water Gun has been decreased. This change further balances Blastoise’s early-game presence.
  • Gyarados Adjustments
    • Gyarados has received a notable adjustment to its Unite Move.
    • Dragon Current Cooldown
      • The cooldown of Dragon Current has been lengthened. This change requires Gyarados players to be more strategic in using their Unite Move, as it will not be available as frequently.
  • Glaceon Adjustments
    • Glaceon’s abilities have been nerfed to balance its performance.
    • Ice Shard Changes
      • The effects of Ice Shard on the user have been weakened. This adjustment reduces Glaceon’s self-sustainability during battles.
    • Icicle Spear Changes
      • The damage dealt by Icicle Spear has been decreased. This change makes Glaceon’s offensive capabilities less overwhelming.
  • Metagross Adjustments
    • Metagross has received several buffs to enhance its combat effectiveness.
    • Gyro Ball Changes
      • The damage dealt by Gyro Ball has been increased. This buff makes Gyro Ball a more potent attack option for Metagross.
    • Zen Headbutt Changes
      • The damage dealt by Zen Headbutt has been increased. This change enhances Metagross’s ability to deal significant damage in battles.
    • Compute and Crush Changes
      • The damage dealt by Compute and Crush, Metagross’s Unite Move, has been increased. This buff makes Metagross’s ultimate ability more impactful.
  • Cramorant Adjustments
    • Cramorant has received adjustments to enhance its combat capabilities.
    • Dive Cooldown Reduction
      • The cooldown of Dive has been reduced. This change allows Cramorant to use this mobility move more frequently, increasing its versatility in battles.
    • Hurricane Changes
      • The damage dealt by Hurricane has been increased. This adjustment makes Hurricane a more powerful offensive tool.
  • Decidueye Adjustments
    • Decidueye has received buffs to strengthen its impact in battles.
    • Leaf Storm Changes
      • The effects of Leaf Storm on opposing Pokémon have been strengthened, and the damage dealt has been increased. Additionally, the cooldown has been lengthened. These changes make Leaf Storm a more powerful but less frequently usable move.
    • Razor Leaf Changes
      • The cooldown of Razor Leaf has been reduced. This adjustment allows Decidueye to use Razor Leaf more often, enhancing its sustained damage output.
  • Blissey Adjustments
    • Blissey has received buffs to strengthen its support capabilities.
    • Helping Hand Strengthening
      • The effects of Helping Hand on the user have been strengthened. This change makes Helping Hand a more effective support ability.
    • Safeguard Shield Strengthening
      • The shield effect of Safeguard has been strengthened. This adjustment enhances Blissey’s ability to protect allies in battles.

Impact on Gameplay and Strategy

The balance adjustments in version have significant implications for gameplay and strategy in Pokémon Unite. Players will need to adapt to the changes in their favorite Pokémon, rethinking their approaches to battles. For instance, Tyranitar’s increased durability will make it a more formidable frontliner, while Mew and Blastoise players will need to adjust to their reduced damage output.

Community Reactions

The Pokémon Unite community has had mixed reactions to the version update. Some players welcome the balance changes, appreciating the effort to create a more competitive and fair environment. Others are frustrated by the nerfs to their favorite Pokémon. Overall, the community is actively discussing and debating the impact of these changes on the game’s meta.

Tips for Adapting to the Update

Adapting to the update requires players to stay informed and flexible. Here are some tips to help you adjust:

– Stay Updated: Regularly check official patch notes and community forums for insights and strategies.

– Experiment with Builds: Try different item and move combinations to find the best fit for the updated Pokémon.

– Watch Pros: Observe high-level play to see how top players are adapting to the changes.

– Communicate with Team: Coordinate with your team to develop new strategies and make the most of the updated Pokémon.

– Practice: Spend time in practice mode to get a feel for the changes and adjust your playstyle accordingly.


The Pokémon Unite version update brings a host of balance adjustments aimed at creating a more competitive and enjoyable gameplay experience. By understanding and adapting to these changes, players can continue to thrive in the ever-evolving world of Pokémon Unite.

  • 1. What are the main changes in the Pokémon Unite version update?
    • The main changes include balance adjustments to various Pokémon, bug fixes, and text corrections. Key Pokémon affected include Tyranitar, Delphox, Mew, Blastoise, Gyarados, Glaceon, Metagross, Cramorant, Decidueye, and Blissey.
  • 2. How has Tyranitar been changed in the update?
    • Tyranitar’s defense, special defense, and HP have been increased. Additionally, the effects of Sand Tomb on opposing Pokémon have been strengthened, and the time needed for Stone Edge to activate has been shortened.
  • 3. What nerfs have been applied to Mew in the latest update?
    • Mew’s special attack (Sp. Atk) has been decreased, and the damage dealt by its Unite Move, Mystical Mirage, has been reduced.
  • 4. What buffs has Metagross received in the update?
    • Metagross’s Gyro Ball, Zen Headbutt, and Unite Move (Compute and Crush) have all had their damage increased, making Metagross a more formidable attacker.
  • 5. How can players adapt to the balance changes in Pokémon Unite version
    • Players can adapt by staying updated on patch notes, experimenting with new builds, observing professional play, communicating with their team, and practicing to adjust their playstyle to the new changes.